4.14 Boxes (original) (raw)

4.14 Boxes🔗

+Boxes in The Racket Guide introduces boxes.

A box is like a single-element vector, normally used as minimal mutable storage.

A box can be mutable orimmutable. When an immutable box is provided to a procedure like set-box!, theexn:fail:contract exception is raised. Box constants generated by the default reader (see Reading Strings) are immutable. Use immutable? to check whether a box is immutable.

A literal or printed box starts with #&. See Reading Boxes for information on reading boxes and Printing Boxes for information on printing boxes.

Returns #t if v is a box, #f otherwise.

See also immutable-box? and mutable-box?.

Returns a new mutable box that contains v.

Returns a new immutable box that contains v.

Returns the content of box.

For any v, (unbox (box v)) and (unbox (box-immutable v)) returns v.

Sets the content of box to v.

Like unbox and set-box!, but constrained to work on boxes that are not impersonators.

Added in version of package base.

Atomically updates the contents of box to new, provided that box currently contains a value that is eq? toold, and returns #t in that case. If boxdoes not contain old, then the result is #f.

If no other threads or futures attempt to accessbox, the operation is equivalent to

(and (eq? old (unbox box)) (set-box! box new) #t)

except that box-cas! can spuriously fail on some platforms. That is, with low probability, the result can be #f with the value in box left unchanged, even if box containsold.

When Racket is compiled with support for futures,box-cas! is guaranteed to use a hardware compare and set operation. Uses of box-cas! can be performed safely in afuture (i.e., allowing the future thunk to continue in parallel). See also Machine Memory Order.