Occult Theocrasy (original) (raw)

Occult Theocrasy




THIS BOOK makes no claim to literary merit. It is simply a work of research and documentation, giving evidence and facts which I trust will help the reader in drawing his own conclusions. In the course of my researches as an international political investigator into the causes of social unrest, I have probed the depths of infamy which now surrounds, not ours only, but also the next generation, whose right to lead a decent life should be as good as was ours. As a woman of the world I have witnessed things the existence of which I did not suspect and I have realised that, due to my "protected" position in life, they should never have been expected to have come to my knowledge. Let me tell every woman, how evermuch "protected", whether Dairymaid or Duchess, that the safeguards which she imagines to be thrown around herself are but a mirage of the past. Her own and her children’s future are at the mercy of those "forces" the activities of which it has been my business for the last ten years, to follow as one of a group of investigators. Today, most of the good people are afraid to be good. They strive to be broadminded and tolerant! It is fashionable to be tolerant but mostly tolerant of evil -- and this new code has reached the proportions of demanding intolerance of good. The wall of resistance to evil has thus been broken down and no longer affords protection to those who, persecuted by evil doers, stand in need of it. Worse still there are cases wherein virtuous people’s good name is relentlessly "filched from them", but no effort will be made by the presumed good people to rally to their defence. Happy are they if they themselves can discover the cause of their ruin, material or moral, either partial or total. In offering this book to the public, I have endeavoured to expose some of the means and methods used by a secret world, one might almost say an underworld, to penetrate dominate and, destroy not only the so-called upper classes, but also the better portion of all classes. There are those who feel confident that if they refrain from joining any society or group and avoid entanglements no harm can befall them. To such, let me say that situations can be, and are, created for innocent dupes every day and wrecked homes are the direct result. Neither fortune nor a blameless life led, as it were, in an island of strict virtue in the midst of a tumultuous sea of evil, spells security. Irrefutable evidence of a particular example of underworld tyranny has come into my possession. The victim’s guilt was her reluctance to step from virtue into the mire of evil which surrounded her. Moreover she was intolerant of evil and sought to oppose and destroy it. The case of her persecution at the hands of her foes is complete. She belonged to what is termed Society as did also some of the other actors in this bewildering drama. The world, social, financial legal and, shall we say also, the underworld, leaving to this word its generally accepted literal meaning, knows them. So many Jekylls and Hydes stalk about unsuspectingly in our midst ! From such an example I have been led to the conclusion that, among others, three factors can help one from being completely destroyed by the combined forces of that "underworld" : a flawless life, independent means and real friends, all three of which must be backed by a fearless determination to fight evil on all points of the Masonic compass. In these days when apparently vice triumphs and virtue must be penalized, it may be well for all of us to fight the undertow by which our children may be dragged under and must of necessity perish. Vice rings and secret societies form but one vortex into which youth is drawn and destroyed whilst the "good people", because of their ignorance, look on helplessly in despair. It is for their instruction that this book has been written. Its compilation has taken several years and, had it not been for the generous efforts of one of my friends, Mme de Shishmareff and of several other persons, I would never have been able to complete the task which I set out to accomplish. What must concern us all now is the protection of decency or, in other words — Equal rights — for such as are not vice adepts. This book is not complete. It will never be complete, but for the present it must remain as a study of the root conditions which have led to present day subversive upheavals and the overthrow of the principles of Christian civilization.

I. The Religion of the Secret
II . The Meaning of Occultism
III . Brahminism
IV . Mazdeism (Zoroastrianism), Jainism
V . Confucianism and Taoism
VI . Egyptian Esoterism
VII . Judaism, The Pharisees
VIII . Orpheism and the Pagan Mysteries
IX . The Druids
X . Christianity
XI . Manicheism
XII . Witchcraft
XIII . The Gnostics (The Heretics)
XIV . Lamaism
XV . The Yezidees (Devil Worshipers)
XVI . Orthodox Islam
XVII . Unorthodox Islam, the Ishmailites, The Lodge of Cairo
XVIII . The Druses
XIX . The Assassins
XX . The Knights Templar
XXI . Knights of Malta
XXII . The Rosicrucians
XXIII . Cathares, Albigenses, Waldenses
XXIV . The Moravians or The Order of Religious Freemasons, etc.
XXV . The Anabaptists
XXVI . Grand Lodge of England
XXVII . The Gospel of Revolution
XXVIII . The Preparation
XXIX . General Pepe and "The One Big Union"
XXX . Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazini
XXXI . Practical Politics
XXXII . Adriano Lemmi
XXXIII . The Interlocking Directorate


XXXIV . — 1520 The Illuminati of Spain
XXXV . — 1541 The Order of the Jesuits
XXXVI . — 1562 The Defenders (Roman Catholic)


XXXVII . — 1641 Ancient Order of Hibernians (Roman Catholic)
XXXVIII . — 1638 Jansenism
XXXIX . — 1688 Camisards of the Cevennes


XL . — 1721 Rite of Swedenborg or Illuminati of Stockholm
XLI . — 1725 Supreme Conseil and Grand Orient de France
XLII . — 1731 The Conulsionaries of St. Medard
XLIII . — 1750 The Royal Order of Scotland
XLIV . — 1751 The Strict Observance
XLV . — 1754 The Martinist Order
XLVI . — 1760 The Illuminati of Avignon
XLVII . — 1761 Antient and Accepted Scottish Rite (American), Antient and Accepted Rite (England)
XLVIII . — 1763 The Order of the Mopse
XLIX . — 1766 The Rite of Zinnedorf
L . — 1773 The Philaletes (Chercheurs de la Verite)
LI . — 1776 The Illuminati of Bavaria
LII . — 1786 The Tugendbund
LIII . — 1786 The Jacobins
LIV . — 1790 The Knights Templar of America
LV . — 1791 The United Irishmen
LVI . — 1795 The Orange Society (Protestant and Masonic)
LVII . — 1798 The Philadelphians (The Olympians)
LVIII . — 1799 The Scottish Philosophic Rite


LIX . — 1804 Modern Knights Templar, England
LX . — 1804 Modern Knights Templar, France
LXI . Modern Knights Templar, Sweden
LXII . — 1805 The Rite if Mizraim
LXIII . — 1805 The Ribbon Society (Roman Catholic)
LXIV . — 1808 The Cerneau Rite (A. & A. Scottish Rite)
LXV . — 1809 Carbonarism (Alta Vendita)
LXVI . — 1810 The Manchester Unity of Oddfellows, England
LXVII . — 1814 The Hetairia of Greece (Etherists)
LXVIII . — 1815 The Hung Society of China
LXIX . — 1815 The Rite of Memphis
LXX . — 1816 The Calderari
LXXI . — 1820 French Carbonarism
LXXII . — 1822 Modern Knights Templar, Poland
LXXIII . — 1825 The St. Patrick Boys
LXXIV . — 1830 Brahmo Somaj
LXXV . — 1830 The Mormons
LXXVI . — 1843 The Independent Order of B'nai B'rith (Jewish Masonry)
LXXVII . — 1843 Young Ireland
LXXVIII . — 1844 The Bahai Movement
LXXIX . — 1844 The Independent Order of Oddfellows (I.O.O.F.) (American)
LXXX . — 1848 Modern Spiritism
LXXXI . — 1850 The Eastern Star
LXXXII . — 1857 The Irish Republican Brotherhood (The Fenians)
LXXXIII . — 1858 Phoenix Society of Skibbereen
LXXXIV . — 1860 L'Alliance Israélite Universelle
LXXXV . — 1860 The International (First and Second)
LXXXVI . — 1865 The Ku-Klux Klan
LXXXVII . — 1866 Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia
LXXXVIII . — 1869 The Clan-na-Gael (V.C.)
LXXXIX . — 1869 The Nihilists
XC . — 1871 The Cryptic Rite
XCI . — 1872 The Sat Bhai of Prague
XCII . — 1872 Ancient and Primitive Rite, Rite of Memphis (England)
XCIII . — 1872 The Anarchists
XCIV . — 1874 Ancient and Archaeological Order of Druids
XCV . — 1875 The Theosophical Society
XCVI . — 1876 Primitive and Original Phremasons, Swedenborgian Rite
XCVII . — 1879 The National Land League
XCVIII . — 1879 Russellites or International Bible Students
XCIX . — 1881 The Invincibles
C . — 1882 Société Théosophique d'Orient et d'Occident
CI . — 1882 Grand Lamaistic Order of Light (Fratres Lucis)
CII . — 1882 The ahmadiyyah Sect
CIII . — 1882 Co-Masonry
CIV . — 1882 Knights of Columbus
CV . — 1883 Christian Science
CVI . — 1883 The Fabian Society
CVII . — 1884 Gaelic Athletic Association
CVIII . — 1884 Hermetic Society
CIX . — 1888 Order of The Golden Dawn in the Outer
CX . — 1895 Modern Illuminism, Ancient Order of Oriental Templars (Ordo Templi Orientis) (To Ov)
CXI . — 1895 Theosophical Society of America
CXII . — 1896 Irish Socialist Republican Party


CXIII . — 1900 The Young Turk Movement
CXIV . — 1901 The Amsterdam International
CXV . — 1903 Stella Matutina
CXVI . — 1905 Sinn Fein
CXVII . — 1908 The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Masonry (Female Lodges)
CXVIII . — 1908 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
CXIX . — 1910 Sufism (Occidental)
CXX . — 1911 Narodna Odbrana
CXXI . — 1913 The Anthroposophical society
CXXII . — 1915 Friends of Irish Freedom
CXXIII . — 1915 The Knights of the Ku-Klux Klan
CXXIV . — 1917 Sinn Fein in America
CXXV . — 1919 The Third International (Communist)
CXXVI . — 1919 The Fascisti
CXXVII . — 1920 American Prohibition and the Anti-Saloon League
CXXVIII . — 1920 The American Civil Liberties Union
CXXIX . — 1920 The V.V.V. (Vereinigung Vergewaltigter Voelker)
CXXX . — 1920 Juvenile Freemasonry
CXXXI . — 1920 The League of Nations
CXXXII . — 1920 Tenri Kenjukai
CXXXIII . — 1928 Buchmanism
CXXXIV . — 1928 The Rackets
CXXXV . — 1930 The New History Society
CXXXVI . — 1930 The Youth Peace Federation
CXXXVII . — 1930 The International Bank
I . Manifesto of the O.T.O.
II . Extract from the Charter for Royal Order of Scotland in U.S.A.
III . Masonic and Pagan Symbolism
IV . Photographic Reproductions of Documents interesting to Freemasonry, etc., following p.
Appendix III is culled from various sources including Domenico Margiotta’s reprint of the several Albert Pike hoaxes perpetrated by Léo Taxil, and much symbol interpretation by Eliphas Levi. Appendix IV contains 48 pages compiled by Brigadier-General R. B. D. Blakeney of a collection of letters and warrants concerning Theodore Reuss, Aleister Crowley, William Wynn Westcott and John Yarker. It also includes a fold-out facsimile of Crowley’s certificate of appointment by Reuss as National Grand Master of the O.T.O. in 1906. This is interesting material for the student of the Golden Dawn and the O.T.O. but is of no practical relevence to a study of regular Freemasonry.The index is noteworthy for placing a hexagram, "The Seal of Solomon, indicating a Jew, Hebrew, or Israelite" in front of the names of purported Jews; three dots forming a pyramid in front of the names of purported freemasons "subsequent to 1717"; and a figure of six dots in front of the names of "a Member of the Martinist Order". François-Émile Babeuf, Helen Blavatsky, Lord Byron, Maurice Joly, Honoré Mirabeau, Robespierre, Charles Taze Russell, Emanuel Swedenborg, and perhaps others, are incorrectly identified as freemasons, while identifying Éliphas Lévi and Aleister Crowley as freemasons is merely disingenuous; as is listing William Morgan as a Captain and a freemason. Listing both an "Albert George Mackey" and a "Gallatin Mackey" is representative of Miller’s lack of research: see Albert Gallatin Mackey.

Occult Theocrasy, Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), d. 1933. "Achevé d'imprimer le 4 septembre 1933 par F. Paillart a Abbeville (France)" [from inside back cover of vol. ii of 22 cm ed. at John E. Robbins Library, Brandon University.] (F. Paillart , éditeur - BP 324 - 80100 Abbeville Tél. : - Fax : - Email : imp.paillart@wanadoo.fr). 2v : front. (ports.) illus., facsims. (1 fold.) ; 23 cm. "Published posthumously for private circulation only." Published under the auspices of the International league for historical research. Reprint by Hawthorne, Cal[if.], Christian Book Club of America [1968] 2 v. (741 p.) in 1. illus. 22 cm. LCCN: 68004740. Reprint by Omni publications, HB, [1980?]. <:www.jrbooksonline.com/DOCs/Out_of_Step.doc>^