Импрессионизм в сети. Мэри Кассат в музеях. (original) (raw)

Мэри Кассат

Картины М.Кассат

в музеях и художественных галереях

Accademia Carrara, Bergamo, Italy (in Italian) Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art, Missouri Mother Looking Down, Embracing Both Her Children, 1905-08**Art Institute of Chicago** The Child's Bath, 1893
Arthur Ross Gallery at the University of Pennsylvania Woman with a Pearl Necklace in a Loge, 1879

Butler Institute of American Art, Ohio Agatha and Her Child, 1891**Bilbao Fine Arts Museum, Spain** Woman seated with a child in her arms, ca.1890**Birmingham Museum of Art, Alabama** Portrait of an Elderly Lady in a Bonnet**Canajoharie Library and Art GalleryCarnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania** In the Omnibus, 1891**Chrysler Museum, VirginiaCincinnati Art Museum, Ohio** Mother and Child, ca.1889**Cincinnati Art Museum, Ohio** Mother and Child (detail)Clark Art Institute, Massachusetts Offering the Panale to the Bullfighter, 1873**Clark Art Institute, Massachusetts** Woman with Baby, pastel, ca.1902**Cleveland Museum of Art, OhioCorcoran Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.** Young Girl at a Window, ca.1883**Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.** The Letter**Dayton Art Institute, Ohio** Portrait of a Woman, 1872**Detroit Institute of Arts, MichiganE.G. Buhrle Collection, Zurich** Mother and Child, 1893**Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco** 7 works online**Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art at the University of Oklahoma** Sara in a Dark Bonnet Tied under her Chin**Frick Art and Historical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania** The Young Girls, ca.1885**Grand Rapids Museum of Art, MichiganHarvard University Art Museums, MassachusettsHill-Stead Museum, Connecticut** Sara Handing a Toy to the Baby, ca.1901**Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C.** 4 works online**Hunter Museum of American Art, Tennessee** Baby Bill in Cap and Shift, Held by His Nurse, ca.1890**Joconde Database of French Museum Collections (in French) Joslyn Art Museum, NebraskaLos Angeles County Museum of Art** Mother About to Wash Her Sleepy Child, 1880**Maryland State ArchivesMcNay Art Museum, TexasMeadows Museum of Art at Centenary College, Louisiana** The Visitor**Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester, New York** Young Mother, Daughter, and Baby
Mandolin Player

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City Portrait of the Artist, 1878**Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City** The Cup of Tea, ca.1879

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City 24 works online

Musee d'Art Americain Giverny, FranceMusee des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux (in French) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Mary Cassatt: Modern Woman**Museum of Fine Arts, Boston** Afternoon Tea Party, 1891**Museum of Fine Arts, Boston** Ellen Mary in a White Coat, ca.1896**Museum of Fine Arts, Boston** In the Loge**Museum of Fine Arts Collection Database, Boston** Many works online**Museum of Fine Arts, Houston** Susan Comforting the Baby, ca.1881**Museum of Fine Arts, Houston** Children in the Garden (The Nurse), 1878

Museum of the Rhode Island School of Design Simone in a Large Plumed Hat (image 18)Museum of the Rhode Island School of Design Under the Horse Chestnut Tree (image 15)National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.

National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa Many engravings**National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington D.C.National Portrait Gallery, Washington D.C.** Self-portrait, watercolor, ca.1880**New Orleans Museum of Art, Louisiana** Mother and Child in the Conservatory, 1906**Oglethorpe University Museum, Georgia** Looking Into The Hand Mirror**Portland Art Museum, Oregon** Louise Feeding Her Child, 1899**Portland Art Museum, Oregon** The Omnibus**Portland Museum of Art, Maine** Helene is Restless, ca.1890**San Diego Museum of Art, California** Simone in a Blue Bonnet (No. 1)Smith College Museum of Art, Massachusetts The Fitting, 1891**Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington D.C.Speed Art Museum, Kentucky** L'Enfant (The Child), 1905**Sweet Briar College Art Gallery, VirginiaTerra Museum of American Art, Chicago** Maternal Caress, drypoint, 1890-91**The Mitchell Museum and Cedarhurst Sculpture Park, Illinois** Jeune Femme Allaitant Son Enfant, ca.1906**The Newark Museum, New Jersey** Jenny Cassatt with her son, Gardner, ca.1882**Virginia Museum of Fine Arts** Baby Reaching for an Apple, 1893**Worcester Art Museum, MassachusettsWorcester Art Museum, Massachusetts** The Letter, 1890-91



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