About Me: Site Info: Logos (original) (raw)


The pictures are photos from Chi Phat, a charming village in the Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia. The village is traditionally a rice producing community, and does not have running water or grid electricity. More recently, NGOs have come to the village, helping the inhabitants to create a sustainable tourism industry - Community Based Ecotourism (CBET). You can take trips by hiking, mountain bike or motor bike, with a guide to show you the way, and the option of camping. I spent a few days in the village in April 2009, including some of the Cambodian new year celebrations, and I was touched by the warmth and openness of the people. more...

All the way from 1999 to 2009, the site had some dubious hand-drawn logos. They were mostly awful - I'm no artist - although the rave logo wasn't bad. Still, having any logos helped the visual feel of the site. In 2009 I decided it was time for the logos to be replaced. Photos seemed an obvious option, but I was on the road travelling, where could I photograph things like an office or a data centre? In my next stop at Chi Phat, I decided to improvise, and I like the results. The photos feel more personal and interesting than emotionless pictures of people in an office.


This made me smile - a shack house with a satellite dish. I saw a few of these in fact. I guess the reality is that a shack house is quite adequate for this climate, and a satellite dish is considerably cheaper than a new house.

About Me

From the mountain bike trip. I definitely wanted an action photo rather than a profile.


Sunset over the Cardamom mountains. Enough to make anyone ponder our existence! This was a tough choice - I considered a waterfall as well, but the sunset won in the end.


My guide on the mountain bike trip. The picture doesn't capture the security element of cryptography, but hey, it's emotive.


On the track to the waterfall, someone (a land owner presumably) charges motor bikes for access. He secures the track with this post and a rope.


One of the CBET workers, with my laptop. It's just a posed photo unfortunately, IT knowledge is not common in this village. Although an NGO in Phnom Penh is providing IT training for disadvantaged students.

Web Apps

This is Chiva, another CBET worker. Holding a globe would have worked better, but I couldn't find one. I did consider a spider's web - we saw some impressive ones - but you can't really see the web on photos.


A bridge we saw on the hiking trip. This is purely a metaphor, for consultancy helping people build bridges. I'm pretty certain this particular bridge was built with local knowledge and no outside support.