exactView 10, ? (EV 10, ?) (original) (raw)

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exactView 10 (EV 10) [ESA]

exactView 10 and TBD (EV 10 and TBD) are microsatellites for AIS ship tracking operated by exactEarth. They are developed in cooperation with ESA.

They will form part of the exactEarth (COM DEV) AIS constellation to monitor ship movements through busy shipping channels and harbours and to provide information on global shipping movements.

In July 2014 LuxSpace signed a contract with ESA at Farnborough Air Show, UK for the manufacturing of two micro satellites. The contract is established as a private public partnership, where the final customer � exactEarth of Canada � will make significant investments aside ESA and the participating European companies. The total volume for the two satellites is in the order of 30 M�.

The two satellites will be launched in 2018 and 2019 respectively. They will have a weight of approximately 100 kg and will provide very high quality AIS data for vessel detection.

Nation: Canada
Type / Application: Traffic monitoring
Operator: exactEarth / COM DEV
Contractors: LuxSpace
Equipment: AIS-receiver
Propulsion: None
Power: Solar cells, batteries
Mass: ~100 kg
Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
exactView 10 (EV 10) - 2018 cancelled ?
exactView ? (EV ?) - 2019 cancelled ?

Further exactView missions:

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