Insat 2A, 2B (original) (raw)

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Insat 2A [ISRO]

Insat-2A and Insat-2B of the Insat-2 series of satellites built by ISRO, are multi-purpose satellites for telecommunication, television broadcasting and meteriological services.

They carries seventeen transponders - 12 operating in the normal C-band freequency and 6 in the lower extend C-band. Seven of the normal C-band transponders have wide beam coverage and the remaining have zonal coverages.

For meteorology, they feature a Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) with 2 km resolution in visible band and 8 km resolution and water vapour band. Charge Coupled Device (CCD) camera operating in visible, near infrared and shortwave infrared band with 1 km resolution.

Nation: India
Type / Application: Communication / Meteorology
Operator: Insat
Contractors: ISRO
Equipment: 12 C-band transponders, 6 ext. C-band transponders, 2 S-band transponders, 1 Data relay transponder, 1 SAR transponder, VHRR
Configuration: Insat-2/-3 Bus
Propulsion: LAM
Power: Deployable solar array, batteries
Mass: 1906 kg
Orbit: GEO
Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
Insat 2A 1992-041A 09.07.1992 Ko ELA-2 Ariane-44L H10 with Eutelsat-2 F4
Insat 2B 1993-048B 22.07.1993 Ko ELA-2 Ariane-44L H10+ with Hispasat 1B

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