TransAtlantic Fan Fund Free Ebooks (original) (raw)

Selected TAFF reports and other fannish memorabilia in ebook form. Hover over or click any title for more information. Click a Choose Ebook Format button to select your preferred format, then Download your choices. If you enjoy these ebooks and would like to show appreciation, donations to TAFF are always welcome! Any queries? See the Frequently Asked Questions page.

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Anonymous (mostly) – The Astral Leauge Dossier (the infamous Leauge and JLAS flyers)

Frank Arnold – The Frank Arnold Papers (collected nonfiction edited by Rob Hansen)

James Bacon – WorldConNomicon (2004 TAFF trip report)

Ron Bennett – Colonial Excursion (1958 TAFF trip report)

Ron Bennett (editor) – The Complete Skyrack (All 96 issues 1959-1971)

Eric Bentcliffe – Epitaff (1960 TAFF trip report)

John Berry – The Goon Omnibus (Goon Defective Agency fanfiction)

Claire Brialey and Mark Plummer (editors) – A TAFF Guide to Beer (in celebration of the 2019 eastbound TAFF race)

John Brosnan and Leroy Kettle – The Dirty Movie Book (no-holds-barred cinematic humour)

John Brosnan – You Only Live Once (collected fan writing)

Algis Budrys – A Budrys Miscellany: Occasional Writing 1960-2000 (uncollected material)

H. Ken Bulmer – TAFF Tales (1955 TAFF trip report)

Charles Burbee – The Incompleat Burbee (1958 Festschrift of his fanwriting)

Charles Burbee – The Incompleat Burbee Volume 2 (1996 Festschrift of his fanwriting)

John Carnell (original editor) – New Worlds Profiles (collected mini-biographies and personal opinions of New Worlds contributors, 1952-1963)

Terry Carr – Fandom Harvest (some of his best fanwriting)

Terry Carr – Fandom Harvest II (a great deal more of his best fanwriting)

Graham Charnock (editor) – Running Amok in the Fun Factory (UK convention reports)

A. Vincent Clarke – Ex-Inchmery Fan Diary (1960 confessional)

A. Vincent Clarke – A Vince Clarke Treasury (collected fan writing)

John Coxon – Best. Trip. Ever. (2011 TAFF trip report)

Ron Ellik – The Squirrel's Tale (1962 TAFF trip report)

Chris Evans (editor) – Conspiracy Theories (1987 symposium)

R. Lionel Fanthorpe – Down the Badger Hole (showcase with bibliography by Debbie Cross)

Don Ford – TAFF Baedeker (1960 TAFF trip report)

Chris Garcia – Rockets Across the Waters (2008 TAFF trip report)

Jeanne Gomoll – TAFForensic Report (1987 TAFF Trip Report)

Rob Hansen (editor) – 1957: The First UK Worldcon (fan history)

Rob Hansen (editor) – 1965: The Second UK Worldcon (fan history)

Rob Hansen – American Trips (post-TAFF US trip reports 1986-2012)

Rob Hansen (editor) – Beyond Fandom: Fans, Culture & Politics in the 20th Century (fan history/biography)

Rob Hansen (editor) – Bixelstrasse: The SF Fan Community of 1940s Los Angeles (fan history)

Rob Hansen (editor) – British SF Conventions: Volume 1 1937-1951 (reports and contemporary reactions with commentary)

Rob Hansen (editor) – British SF Conventions: Volume 2 1952-1957 (reports and contemporary reactions with commentary)

Rob Hansen (editor) – Challenging Moskowitz (fan reactions to The Immortal Storm)

Rob Hansen (editor) – Faan Fiction 1930-2020: an exploration (UK-based anthology/critique)

Rob Hansen (editor) – Generation Femizine (the rise of female UK fandom)

Rob Hansen (editor) – Homefront: Fandom in the UK 1939-1945 (wartime reportage)

Rob Hansen – On the TAFF Trail (1984 TAFF trip report)

Rob Hansen – The Reaffirmation (“pseudo-sequel” to The Enchanted Duplicator)

Rob Hansen and Vince Clarke (editors) – THEN Again: A UK Fanhistory Reader (as told by the history makers)

Chuck Harris – Creative Random Harris (Fanwriting from 1952 to the 1990s)

“Harry Hurstmonceaux and Cyril Faversham” – The Complete Harrison (Exploits of Sir William Makepeace Harrison)

Rob Jackson (editor) – Tyne Capsule (Gannetfandom fanthology first published 2015)

Leroy Kettle – True Rat: The Beast of Leroy Kettle (his best fanwriting)

Francis T. Laney – Ah! Sweet Idiocy! (1948 memoir and polemic about Los Angeles SF Society)

Francis T. Laney – Ah! Sweet Laney! (2007 selection of his best fanwriting)

David Langford (editor) – Ansible First Series 1979-1987 (issues 1-50)

David Langford (editor) – Ansible Second Series 1991-2000 (issues 51-161)

David Langford (editor) – Ansible Second Series 2001-2010 (issues 162-281)

David Langford (editor) – Ansible Second Series 2011-2020 (issues 282-401)

David Langford – Don't Try This At Home (Langford convention reports 1976-2014)

David Langford (editor) – TAFF Trip Report Anthology (unfinished reports)

David Langford – The TransAtlantic Hearing Aid (1980 TAFF trip report)

David Langford – Work for Hire (Contributions to old genre reference books etc)

David Langford (editor) – Wrath of the Fanglord (1998 personal fanthology)

Ethel Lindsay – The Lindsay Report (1962 TAFF trip report)

Robert A. Madle – A Fake Fan in London (1975 TAFF trip report)

Sue Mason – Into the Wide Purple Yonger (2000 TAFF trip report)

Archie Mercer – The Meadows of Fantasy (humorous novel of fandom from 1965)

Len and June Moffatt – The Moffatt House Abroad (1973 TAFF report)

Jacq Monahan – Same Planet Different World (2012 TAFF Report)

Jim Mowatt – Wherever I Lay My Hat! (2013 TAFF report)

Vincent Omniaveritas (editor) – The Complete Cheap Truth (Bruce Sterling's 1980s "samizdat" fanzine)

Ella Parker – The Compact Ella Parker (selected fanwriting 1958-1964)

Ella Parker – The Harpy Stateside (1961 US trip report)

Greg Pickersgill – Can't Get Off the Island (selected fanwriting 1970-2005)

Charles Platt (editor) – The Complete Patchin Review (controversial 1981-1985 critical journal)

Anna Raftery – Cuttlefish and Cake (2016 TAFF trip report with MP3)

Peter Roberts et al (editors) – The Complete Checkpoint (all 111 issues 1969-1979)

Peter Roberts – New Routes in America (1977 TAFF trip report)

Bob Shaw – The Full Glass Bushel (all the Hyphen articles)

Bob Shaw – The Serious Scientific Talks (as delivered at many conventions)

Bob Shaw – Slow Pint Glass (miscellaneous fanwriting 1951-1996)

D.R. Smith – The Road to Fame (early UK fan fiction from the 1940s)

Kevin Smith – Nothing: A TAFF Trip to America, 1982 (published on the author's website)

Stephanie A. Smith and Jeanne Gomoll (editors) – Remembering Vonda (memories of Vonda N. McIntyre)

Bill (William F.) Temple – Temple at the Bar (Fanzine writing)

Jim Theis – The Eye of Argon (1970 fanfiction “classic”)

Arthur Thomson (Atom) – Atom Abroad (1964 TAFF trip report)

Suzanne Tompkins – Jerry’s Suzle’s 2005 TAFF Trip Report (2005 report written with Jerry Kaufman)

Martin Tudor – Have Bag, Will Travel (1996 TAFF trip report)

Tobes Valois – Tobes TAFF Ting (2002 TAFF trip report)

Harry Warner Jr – All Our Yesterdays: The Fanzine Columns (first collected 1991 by Chuck Connor)

D. West – Deliverance (his second major fanwriting collection)

D. West – Fanzines in Theory and in Practice (major fanwriting collection)

Walt Willis and James White – Beyond the Enchanted Duplicator (sequel to The Enchanted Duplicator)

Walt Willis and Bob Shaw – The Enchanted Duplicator (1954 fanfiction classic)

Walt Willis – Fanorama (Nebula columns on fandom)

Walt Willis – The Harp at Chicon (1952 trip report classic, short version)

Walt Willis – The Harp in England (All his reports on British conventions)

Walt Willis – The Harp Remembered (Early, autobiographical, miscellaneous and newly collected writing)

Walt Willis – The Harp Stateside (1952 trip report classic, revised and much expanded)

Walt Willis – The Harp That Once or Twice (The famous 1951-1969 fanzine column)

Walt Willis (editor) – Hyphen 37 (the famous 1987 revival issue)

Walt Willis – I Remember Me and Other Narratives (Articles and essays from Mimosa 1998-2000)

Walt Willis – Willis Discovers America (collected shorter fan fiction)

Walt and Madeleine Willis – TAWF Times Two (1962 Tenth Anniversary Willis Fund trip reports)

Walt Willis – The Willis Papers (fanzine articles 1948-1959)