The gnunet textual domain (original) (raw)

This page is about the translation of the messages for the gnunet textual domain. More information about the package can be found here:

Topic URL
GNU page
Project site

If you've found a translation mistake in one of the messages of gnunet, please report it to the email address that is given on the relevant language page.

The maintainer does not require any special papers prior to accepting translations.

The current template for this domain is gnunet-0.10.1.pot.

The following URL may help translators that need a finer context in order to make their translation. Be aware that the indicated package could be just a pre-release, and might not even compile:

The following table lists (under Version) all the PO files that are available for this domain:

Language Code Package version Last translator Translated
Chinese (simplified) zh_CN 0.8.1 Wylmer Wang 262 / 1048
0.9.0pre3 Wylmer Wang 55 / 998
0.9.2 Wylmer Wang 50 / 1192
0.9.5a Wylmer Wang 39 / 1385
0.10.1 Wylmer Wang 37 / 1799
French fr 0.10.1 Stéphane Aulery 112 / 1799
German de 0.7.1c Nils Durner 342 / 999
0.7.2 Nils Durner 280 / 944
0.7.3 Nils Durner 498 / 1062
0.8.0a Nils Durner 356 / 1029
0.8.1 Nils Durner 346 / 1048
0.9.0pre3 Nils Durner 66 / 998
0.9.2 Nils Durner 61 / 1192
0.9.5a Nils Durner 60 / 1385
0.10.1 Mario Blättermann 251 / 1799
Italian it 0.10.1 Sebastiano Pistore 83 / 1799
Serbian sr 0.10.1 Мирослав Николић 1799 / 1799
Spanish es 0.8.0pre1 Miguel Angel Arruga 316 / 818
0.8.0a Miguel Angel Arruga 300 / 1029
0.8.1 Miguel Angel Arruga 292 / 1048
0.9.0pre3 Miguel Angel Arruga 64 / 998
0.9.2 Miguel Angel Arruga 57 / 1192
0.9.5a Miguel Ángel Arruga Vivas 1385 / 1385
0.10.1 Miguel Ángel Arruga Vivas 1799 / 1799
Swedish sv 0.7.0b Daniel Nylander 454 / 754
0.7.1c Daniel Nylander 290 / 999
0.7.2 Daniel Nylander 257 / 944
0.7.3 Daniel Nylander 272 / 1062
0.8.0a Daniel Nylander 214 / 1029
0.8.1 Daniel Nylander 206 / 1048
0.9.0pre3 Daniel Nylander 49 / 998
0.9.2 Daniel Nylander 44 / 1192
0.9.5a Daniel Nylander 43 / 1385
0.10.1 Daniel Nylander 41 / 1799
Vietnamese vi 0.7.1c Phan Vinh Thinh 327 / 999
0.7.2 Phan Vinh Thinh 271 / 944
0.7.3 Clytie Siddall 1062 / 1062
0.8.0pre1 Clytie Siddall 818 / 818
0.8.0a Clytie Siddall 1029 / 1029
0.8.1 Clytie Siddall 1048 / 1048
0.9.0pre3 Clytie Siddall 132 / 998
0.9.2 Clytie Siddall 121 / 1192
0.9.5a Clytie Siddall 94 / 1385
0.10.1 Clytie Siddall 90 / 1799