Visitors' messages 2002 - (original) (raw)

Note that the Jan.-2002 messages start at the bottom of this page.

Dec. 27-2002

Frome: Nadette Peterson

Gripsholm passenger ship

We were told that my husband's great-grandparents came from Sweden on the Gripsholm into the port of Boston, Massachussetts in 1902; I don't seem to find an oceanliner with this name till 1925; any idea? They came from Bastanas/Linneryd, Sweden
Thanks a million.

Dec. 19

From: James Cormack

D/S Jupiter

What an amazing web site. Most interesting.
Was the JUPITER involved at all in the 1914/1919 war? I understand that a ship called JUPITER was in a convoy that left Brest on April 3rd 1918. The leading ship in that convoy, the USS LONG BEACH ran aground during thick fog at Penmarch, just south of Brest. The JUPITER also touched the rocks but managed to extract herself without overmuch damage. The JUPITER like the USS LONG BEACH had a French military pilot aboard.
(My interest is primarily with the USS LONG Beach as she was built as the YARROWDALE in England in 1892. My great-uncle was Master for some years of the YARROWDALE.).

Dec. 9

From: Siri

Hi, I have the same name as you
You know, I've discovered that Siri means beautiful in Norweigen. Siri means Gold in my language in India. Isn't that cool? Can you guess what my language is. E-mail me back. I live in Texas, America

Dec. 9

From: Molly

Norwegian immagrints to the us after 1866

I am not sure what this website is about but i typed in familys from Norway move to America and this came up. I'am doing a report on Norwegian and sweadish immagrints to the U.S. after 1865, and i am having some difficlulty find info on it my family is sweadish so we had lots of resources on the sweadish but norwegian immagration is quite difficult. If you could help me find info or if you know anything about why the norwegian came to america and what it was like for them ect... i whould be ver appreacheative and i will give you credit in my term paper for any information you may have thank you so much!

I quick look around my Genealogy Links page ought to bring some answers.

Dec. 7

From: Laurie Wright


I am looking for the M/V GANJA, from what i can gather it is still afloat, could you help me locate her as i am going to Southa America soon and if the ship is still in one piece i hope that i can aquire it, if not one of her sister ships (if any). I seem to remember that when i last talked to Leif Erickson that he had five ships and he sold them all about 1973.

Thank you for your page it has helped a lot.

My mom sailed on a ship named Ganja which became Punta Lobos of Panama from 1973. Registered in Uruguay from 1980. Kuna I of Panama 1983, I know nothing about her further fate. A picture can be found on my page Aase's ships.

Nov. 28

From: Arthur G. Olsen

Notraskip shiplist

I was just wondering why I couldn't find two ships I was on during the war, Torshavn and Torsstrand. I found the others though, Villanger, Heranger and Varegg. Very interesting website. I take my hat off.

These ships are spelt Thorshavn and Thorstrand and can be found among the ships that start with Th.

Nov. 28

From: Danny

A warm felt thanks,

I've been trying to research the movment of my Great Uncle's Ship SS Warlaby for about 1 year now. My family was always under the impression that the ship was sunk in the Barents sea as part of the PQ Russian Convoy's,
So it was to my dismay that after going through one search engine then another, I was led to your fabulous website which puts a whole new light on the subject. In fact the ship was part of the SL Convoys.
As most of the family around at the time have past away , there has never been much talk of him, He was 18yrs and a deck boy and i feel that his name should be remembered in a way that is just.
Your site has helped me on that long start
Many Thanks

Danny Lawrence

Warlaby is mentioned under Borgestad on my page Ships starting with B


Nov. 27

From: Wendy Briscoe

Yet again, my reply came back to me as undeliverable - in this case it says there is no such account. I have to stress again, there is no point in my spending my time trying to help, if I don't have a correct E-mail address to send my reply to!

Norwegian merchant navy

I am trying to trace a uncle of mine. He was a captain in the Norwegian merchant navy and he was called Odd Andreassen. Any ideas on how to trace him? Probably served around the 50's and 60's

kind regards
Wendy Briscoe

Nov. 27

From: Annie Fowler

MV Vibran

Congratulations on your marvellous web-site, through your detailed ship lists and links, I have been able to piece together information about my late grandfather, Arthur Baker.

He was an RNR Skipper, and was lost aboard Vibran 24th September 1942. Nortraship archives have very kindly sent me a photocopy of the crew and passenger list, which I would be only too pleased to send on to you.

Thanks for creating such a valuable source of information.

Vibran can be found on my page Ships starting with V. I tried to contact Annie to get the list in question, but never heard from her again.

Nov. 27





I have kept Frank's E-mail address in my files, if anyone should like to contact him.

Nov. 27

From: N Nichols

HMS Bath

Jeg leter etter opplysninger om Crew av HMS Bath (Hopewell DD-181). Jeg liker opplysninger om Crew medlemer

Hopewell overførte til British som del av den 50 destroyer handel i 1940. Hun ombenevnte HMS Bath på October 2, 1940 og tjent Royal Norwegian Navy til hun var torpedoed og sunket på August 19, 1941. Slått i maskinromet, skipet sank om tre minutter, bryting i to fra torpedo slag. Bare 42 av henne 128 medlemsmannskap overlevd.

Hopewell was transferred to the British as part of the 50 destroyer deal in 1940. She was renamed HMS Bath on October 2, 1940 and served the Royal Navy and the Royal Norwegian Navy until she was torpedoed and sunk on August 19, 1941. Struck in the engine room, the ship sank in three minutes, breaking in two from the torpedo hit. Only 42 of her 128 member crew survived.

For info, there's a list of Bath casualties on my Survivors/Casualties page.

Nov. 26

From: Jennifer

My great grandfather, Tomas Boge and my grandfather (including the crew and their family) was on the Haugland. They saved many lives! I have been researching this project for 4 years now. I have all the books. It is so exciting that you know all of the names! I wonder, how did you find this information?
The only mystery there is I wonder, is how the Blia sunk with 41 people. No one knows if the storm did it or the Gestapo. I found a web page online stating that the Blia was carrying cargo and sunk because it was overloaded. I would like to know who was on the ship and if they ever found any remnants. I know they found a bottle. A man wrote, "Please tell my family I love them, we are sinking" So sad.

I had to order the books from Norway. My mom had a difficult time translating them from Norwegian, so a pastor was kind enough to help me. Please email me with any data.

List of those who were on board Blia can be found on my Survivors/Fatalities page and names for Haugland can be found on here.

Nov. 25

From: Ross Thomas

MT Norsol

I've just found my father's (Gwilym Lindsey Thomas of Wales) photo album that covers his time as a radio officer on the Norsol during WW2. I would like to find out some more about the ship and any help would be very welcome. Thanks very much.

Info on Norsol can be found on my page Ships starting with N.

Nov. 18

From: Alan Shard

Empire Alonzo
I was a DMS on this ex whale factory ship from Boston to the Clyde in August 1942.

Do you have any details including pics please.

Thank you

Alan Shard
British MN survivor

I do not think there was an Empire Alonso (could it have been N. T. Nielsen Alonso on my N page?) suggested my Ship Forum, The Empire Ships website ( and various sites that have ship pictures for sale.

Nov. 11

From: Eric Olsen

Aksel Remøe

Is this man still alive?

I was reading about his statement of the Bonneville.

I wonder if he has any stories of my grandfather Alfred Harry Thorleif Olsen, 2nd Styrmann when it was torpedoed.

What does Styrmann mean in norwegian?

Eric Olsen

Aksel Remøe (who is still going strong) is the one who sent me the maritime statements. (The Styrmann is the Mate/navigator). I have since put Eric in touch with him.


Nov. 10

From: Conrad Backmo

SS Marie Bakke

Near or at the end of WW2 the Marie Bakke was in North Vancouver B.C. CANADA at Burrard Shipyard for a major refit. I was 9 or 10 years old at the time.
The North Shore Lutheran Church which was probably 95% Norwegian was headed by Pastor Matt Allen (this is the english spelling as I do not have a Norsk keyboard). In North Vancouver there was at that time a Seamans Mission which was situated a short distance from the shipyard. The pastor was the Lutheran minister to the mission. He arranged for special nights for the sailors at the church to come and meet the locals over coffee and good old Norwegian home baked goods. Many of the "boys" (as that's all they were) would attend. My parents addopted two young fellows for those weeks that they were in drydock. These lads were still in their teens and had some really great stories to tell. My mother used to call them her twins. As I remember one was named Olaf and I cannot remember the other or their last names. My mother passed away 10 years ago and with her went the names.
The boys took me onto the ship several times much to my great pleasure.
I was looking through some Norwegian web sites and came across this one and it brought back a flood of good memories of days gone by. When I visited the Marie Bakke it seemed to me to be as big as the Queen Mary as it sat in drydock. The interior was small and crowded. As I recall the mess deck was a couple of long tables with wooden benches. The accomidations were small and crowded. The condions were not that great as compared by todays standards. I have a cousin who came to port on the Hoegh Mariner and what a difference between ships. The mess deck is just like a nice resturant and it seems every sailor has his own cabin.
To close I just had to share my thought of those days of old when all those young Norwegian boys became men before they should have. As to the length of time the Marie Bakke was in port must have been 2 to 3 months as best as I can recall.

Nov. 4

From: Don Hargrove

Norwegian ships

A most interesting site and most enjoyable. I hope you enjoy it as much as we who read it do.

My question is: Where would I go to find info on the Norwegian ship Jolani which sunk in the North Sea in 1916? Mange takk. Don

I suggested a posting to my Ship Forum.

Nov. 2

From: Laurie Wright

M/S Ganja
I nearly fainted when i saw the picture, I worked on board the Ganja in 1971 as a deckhand, she was a wonderful ship. I also worked on board the Agnita Billner from Billner Bolagen Sweden. The Ganja was a happy ship we never had any problems, although I wish I could find some of the crew, the oil tanker was different, we lost two men in an accident but I will wait until you contact me.

Laurie is talking about one of the ships my mother worked on Laurie posted a message on my Find Old Shipmates forum.

Nov. 1

From: David S. Gotaas

Find relatives in Norway
One of my uncles, Sigurd Gotaas, who was born around 1863, was killed in World War I while fighting with the French Legian. I believce his wife, a French lady, lived in Oslo. They probably had three children, all girls. I think the girls were born in 1892, 1894, and 1899 or 1900. Can you give me the name and address (possibly the phone number) of the large central cemetery in Oslo where my cousins may be buried. I assume the cousins are dead.


David S. Gotaas
Rockford, Illinois 61114

I live in the US, and could not help with this question. I suggested a posting to the Norwegian National Archives genealogy forum.

Nov. 1

From: Dr. Nathan M. Greenfield


I am writing a book on the Battle of the St. Lawrence; during WWII U-boats entered Canada's largest river and sank 23 ships, including one Norwegian freighter, SS Inger Elizabeth, which is listed on this website.

I am looking for crew lists and, with any luck, a survivor of the sinking to interview.

I would appreciate any help you could give me.

Dr. Nathan M. Greenfield

For crew lists I directed Nathan to the addresses at the end of the "front page" of my Ship Lists (archives and museum in Norway, where records are kept). For finding surviving crew members I suggested a posting to the Norway During WW II forum, my own Find Old Shipmates forum, as well as placing ads in some major Norwegian newspapers.

Nov. 1:

From: Jo Lynne Herrick

M/S Castleville Kapt. Haraldsen

I have a what I think is a step stool that reads- M/S CASTLEVILLE KAPT. HARALDSEN. I was wondering if you had any idea what year this was from and if the ship was used as a cruise ship or merchant. I have read the information that you have presently. I cannot find anything about Kapt. Haraldsen. I'll appreciate anything you could help me with.

Thank you

Jo Lynne

I cannot help with this (suggested a posting to my Ship Forum for info on the ship itself).

Oct. 31

From: Phil Magnan

Nortraship contact at Riksarkivet

I have been unable to contact Anne Hagstom at Riksarkivet. Do you have another contact and e-mail address? I'm seeking information on a specific Nortraship (D/S Christian Michelsen, a US built Liberty ship), including ship's roster and brief operations in 1943.
Thank you

Riksarkivet's E-mail address is, Christian Michelsen is also listed on my website.

Oct. 30

From: William H Jones

I have completed a brief history of all the vessels I sailed on. I have photos of all except the "SJØBRIS" Owned by Bendixon and chartered on the Australian coast in the 40's Is there anyone out there that could supply me with a photo?


W H Jones.

The Maritime Museum in Oslo might have a picture of this vessel.

Oct. 24

From: Prof Bernard de Neumann

I have quite a lot on U-69, and particularly her cruise of May to July 1941. Her skipper Jost Metzler wrote a book about U-69 called "The Laughing Cow" - "Die Lachende Kuh", and another book about U-69's war cruise referred to above was "Seerohr Sudwahrts". At the time U-69 made the longest voyage made by a type VIIC, and travelled further west and further south than any other U-boat previously. Metzler thus demonstrated the feasibility of operating U-boats for long periods away from base, by refuelling, re-ammunitioning, and revictualling them from supply ships.

This is probably in response to a previous guestbook message about this U-boat (further down on this page).

Oct. 20

From: Peter Olav Strand

M/S Vinni
I just wanted to let you know that I believe the man (boy, he was only 17) sitting on the ground with what appears to be a coconut in front of his face is my father Andreas Strand who is alive and currently residing in Westchester, New York he is now 79 years old and is currently planning a trip back TO Norway to visit with his sister who is 86 or 87 I am not sure. He is doing well considering his age etc. he continued to sail on ships and tugboats in New York harbor after the war and I also seemed to recognise some other names from the Vinni on the list which I will confirm with my father soon .

thank you again
Peter Olav Strand

See Vinni's Story I offered to put Peter in touch with others who had relatives on this ship, but didn't hear from him again.

Oct. 19

From: Prof Bernard de Neumann

Norwegian Mercantile Marine Casualties

I am trying to collect together statistics for the various states involved of the numbers of merchant vessels lost or damaged, and personnel, killed, missing, imprisoned in WW2. Do you have such data for Norway that you could share with me please? Thank you.

I'm still gathering data on North and West African camps.

Best, Bernard de Neumann

I don't have the accurate data (though do have SOME on my Statistics & Misc. page), I suggested Statistisk Sentralbyrå in Norway.

Oct. 19

From: Borchert, Tom


Good day,
Need all information regarding U-69 and one of its crewmembers Edgar Eisenbarth. Would appreaciate if I could get more infos.

I directed Tom to

Oct. 17

From: Jim Bennett

Ship and Captain
Anyone Know of late Captain William Jacobosen Skipper of ship named Vorma from Oslo Norway Was at Halifax February 1930. I realize that the time span is almost impossible but just maybe someone out there could pass this on to his children or grand children. This information is very important and could be very rewarding to all involved.
Thanking you in advance
Jim Bennett

Suggested a posting to my Find Old Shipmates forum.

Oct. 15

From: Stan Pike

M/S Lidvard NS
I just finished reading the English version of the remarkable book "Flight From Dakar". The book is the story of the exploits of M/S Lidvard NS and its wartime escape from Vichy Dakar. The book was written by Eiliv Odde Hauge and Vera Hartmann. I was wondering if anyone knew what happened to the ship and crew when it rejoined the allied war effort after escaping from its 14 month internment. Did they survive the war and what is the name of the movie that was made about the story?
Thank you, Stan Pike

The name of the movie was the same as the title of the Norwegian book, "Flukten fra Dakar" (see my page Sources / Books for info on where to find a copy in both languages). A posting to my Ship Forum gave an immedate reply to Stan's question on whether she survived the war. Lidvard can be found on my page Ships starting with L.

Oct. 15

From: Tony Leone ( author: Archangelo Leone )

1945 in Oslo
Our Coast Guard LST ( Landing ship, tanks )transported elements of the 99th Infantry Battalion made up of 2nd and 3rd generation Norwegians who were to be stationed in the Oslo-Drammen area. At the time, it was estimated that 375,00 Germans were still running around fully armed. We were there to insure repatriation of the Germans into Sweden. Many of the 99th's instructors were officers of the Royal Norwegian Army and wore a sholder patch with a Viking ship depicted on it. During my brief stay in Oslo, I had the good fortune to meet an ex-member of the US Merchant Marine who was operating a puppet show in the center of the city and also a night club next door. I still have the ticket to the puppet show, believe it or not! I also sat down with a German Port Security officer who treated me to the first cold beer in years. I was amazed to find the little children of Oslo so polite. By the way, more than 50 of your ladies returned home as brides of the guys from the 99th. Incidently, the 99th left Le Havre, France on the 30th of May 1945, arrived in Drammen, Norway on the 4th of June 1945 then Oslo on the 5th of June 1945. On the 15th of October, the unit left for the USA, arriving in Boston, Mass. on the 1st of November 1945. The Norwegian outfit had fought in the Normandy campaign, the North France campaign, the Rhine campaign and the Ardenne-Alsace campaign. 52 had been killed in combat and 207 wounded. 6 were lost in action. They earned 15 Silver Stars, 20 Bronze Stars and 305 Purple Hearts for suffering wounds in action. Perhaps you know of someone who knew these splendid Norwegian troops while they were stationed in Oslo from 5 June to 15 October 1945? Also would like to learn the identity of the officer as he was no die-hard Nazi but an educated man who had relatives who fought in the Battle of Jutland during the first World War. Is the American University still on the hill in Oslo? I loved the children of Oslo. Is it possible to obtain a map of Oslo during WWII?
A lot to ask but I have so little time left to complete the books I want to write. Cheers. signed, 77 year-old body with a young mind, Tony "Archangelo" Leone

Oct. 13

From: Bill Greathead

D/S Hauken
My father Mr. Hector Sloly served on this ship while she was in service of the Royal Navy during the war.
She was based at Kingston, Jamaica & patrolled the waters off Jamaica. He remembers that the ships harpoon was kept in the forecastle throughout his stay aboard.
If anyone has more information, please contact me.

D/S Hauken can be found on my page Ships Starting with H - that's all the info I myself have.

Oct. 11

From: Jack Myers

Hi I have just found your very interesting site, as a teenager I sailed on two Norwegian ships from late 1943-1945 first as mess boy and then Galley boy on the SS Ragnhild and the SS Cetus. There were also Canadian boys on board one was Ronald Bacon who I am trying to trace.

thank you Jack Myers

I suggested a posting to my Find Old Shipmates.

Oct. 3

From: Karen Roberts

My grandfather was in the merchant navy in Vancouver, Canada. Not sure of date 1939-1945. His name was Owen Water Thomas, from Wales, UK. He married in Vancouver, then came back to UK not long after. I would like any information on his wife and if they had any family. Wife's name Vera Ross Thomas, formerly Mcluskie, of 8 Pine or Pin Street, Vancouver. They divorced 1946-47.
thank you.

Oct. 3

From: Ashby McGowan

D.S. Blink, John Donaci
My Mother would like to find out what happened to her brother John Donachie (there are different spellings of the name) who died on a lifeboat after being torperdoed on the S.S. Blink in 1942. He was Scottish (from Glasgow) and was only 17. I have found some information about J. Donachie on the Norwegian merchant fleet sites, but I would dearly like to hear from someone who was with him on his last sailing.
Ashby McGowan

John is listed under Blink on my page Survivors / Fatalities. Information on what happened to Blink can be found on my page about Blink.

Sept. 29

From: Kjell E Misfjord

Missing uncle

I am doing some investigation to find out about my mother's uncle. His name was Egil Bruraas Sevaldsen, born 01.05.21. The information we have so far is that he was on a ship called MOSDALE in 1940. He left the ship in New York 12.08.40 but he did never return to the ship. His relatives in Norway have not been able to find out what happened to him. His brother in Norway is still alive and I would very much like to help him to find out what happened to his brother.

Is it anybody out there able to help me with information or maybe you know other places where I can get information ? All traces stops at the New York harbour (found with the help from Norwegian State Archiv).

I suggested American archives, in the event he joined an American ship, but Kjell has already tried that. This is a very difficult one.

Sept. 27

From: Ande and Carol

We were here!

What a great site. So well put together! I heard that you are getting many hits from it - and I'm not surprised.

Wonderful pictures from the wedding. Carol looked on and explained the pictures to me. Sounds like it was a great time!

Best to you and all,


(Carol is my husband's sister - the pictures referred to can be found in the Wedding Album).

Sept. 26

From: Bryan Cromwell

S.S.Annavore--Robert Greenaway

Do you have any information for me on Robert Greenaway who lost his life when the the Norwegian tanker "Annavore" was torpedoed?

I was able to find R. Greenaway at Tower Hill,\. The date there corresponds to the date Annavore was sunk. Bryan contacted me once before, but left a faulty E-mail address so I couldn't reach him with this information at the time.

Sept. 26

From: Ashby McGowan

S.S. Blink, John Dunaci

My Mother is trying to find news of her brother (presumably the sailor listed as J. Dunaci) who died on the S.S. Blink. I have read the excellent website but I cant trace the diary quoted from. My Mother (whose brother was called John Donahue: there are a thousand different spellings) now wants to find out how he lived and died. Most importantly was he buried in Baltimore or were the dead sailors put out of the lifeboat? He was only 17 and came from Glasgow, and all my Mother has is a note from the Norwegian Consulate saying that he died on the Blink. Any news would be most welcome. Thank you.

Ashby probably means the J. Donace who is mentioned under Blink on my website (it's not unusual to see the wrong spelling of names in accounts written by Norwegians). I have suggested he (she?) write to the Norwegian National Archives for more info, as well as various archives in England. The English version of the book quoted from in my text under Blink can usually be found through

Sept. 24

From: Phil Magnan

D/S Christian Michelsen (John M.T. Finney)

My mother's father was killed when the Christian Michelsen was torpedoed in Sept. 1943. (He was likely the only American aboard, cargo security officer). I am publishing a book this fall about my father's service during WWII, in which I make reference to the circumstances of my grandfather's death. How may I obtain permission to use the photo of the John M. T. Finney (for which you thanked David Martin)?

Thank you
Phil Magnan

The account of Christian Michelsen's fate can be found on my C-page. I'm putting Phil in touch with D. Martin, who sent me the picture of this ship.


Sept. 24

From: Juliette M. Hayes

Norma Nergaard

Hi again. I forgot to tell you that my aunt Norma is on the WW11 memorial at Olympia, WA.

My Dad really had to fight to get her listed as the first American woman killed in combat in the war. He succeeded and is very proud of it.

Sept. 23

From: Juliette M. Hayes

I am 41 years old. My aunt, Norma Nergaard, formerly Hayes, died on the Borgestad with her new husband Harold Nergaard in 1941. Harold was the 1st mate.

Norma is believed to be the first American woman to die in combat in WW11.

I have some old newspaper articles written by Norma in Scotland and also another account of the ship being taken down by the Heavy Cruiser Admiral Hipper.

My Dad is Norma's brother. He never saw her again after she left to marry Harold. He misses her dearly to this day.

My Dad lives in Seattle, WA. His name is Tom Hayes.

Borgestad's story (and Norma's) can be found here

Sept. 21

From: Reto Raeth

Hi, great site, congratulations! Greetings from switzerland

This poster has a website entitled Postcards Ocean Liners

Sept. 9

From: Capt. Frank Shellenbarger, USMM

M/V Empire Heritage

A former Norwegian whaler that was sunk North of Ireland. Was in convoy HXF305, and was in column with my vessel, the Liberty ship S/S John R. McQuigg. I was 2nd Officer on watch at the time but am looking for dates and any info. on the incident. Am doing an oral history of my career for the U.S. Naval Institute and am trying to refresh my memory. You have a great website. Found it through a link from Was on a Liberty troopship on VE day and have copies of six radio messages sent out from BAMS.

I've sent Capt. Shellenbarger what I know about the ex Norwegian Tafelberg and Convoy HX 305.

Sept. 18

From: Art Kilmartin

Jon's Odyssey

I was golfing today with my friend Jon Veiberg and he told me about your website. It was a great pleasure to read through your pages. You have done a wonderful job. I did not serve in WWII (too young), but I enjoyed reading Jon's Odyssey and your history of your father. I also commend you on your interest in genealogy. The family pictures are great.

Jon Veiberg's daughter contacted me through this guestbook a few weeks back (see Aug. 9 further down on this page) to tell me he had sailed with my father on D/S Ringulv - see also Shipmates Found on my page "Odd Conrad Holm".

Sept. 18

From: Brad Visman

great grandfather

I am trying to find out more information about my great grandfather. His name was Klaas Visman. He was a sea captain. Born 1846 - died 1900. On the pictures we have of him, they showed him in a uniform and hat that had a N on each area.

Thanks Brad Visman
Placerville, California

I'm afraid I can't help at all with this kind of queries. I suggested to Brad that he contact one of the many genealogy sites on the Internet.

Sept. 17

From: Horst Bartzsch

"MS Anna Odland"

Dear Sir,
first...congratulation to you!! Your website is so full of information and interesting links to other naval took me several hours to get an overview!! I don't have much to do with ships (maybe a little canoe) but i like all that "stuff" around ships, harbours, naval-museums, stories, movies etc. BUT my father-in-law was a seaman for several years in his early days. During the past years he told me some stories about that time (for example: "equator-crossing-parties" or just stories about the fascination of the cultures from all over the world!). It's always interesting to listen ...and even to him it's still exciting to talk about his time onboard several ships. From 1963 to 1964 he was onboard "MS Anna Odland" (later "Ergina1"and "Antonio D'Alesio"/information from your register). Now it would be very interesting for him (also for me) to know about what happened to that ship later. He (his name is Hans-Dieter Piecuch) also served onboard "MS Rio Macareo", but the time with "MS Anna Odland" was the most exciting. So please, if you have any further information about the "later life" of "MS Anna Odland"...let me know. It would be nice to hear from you. Thanks a lot and all the best for you and your fantastic Website!!!

Horst Bartzsch, Berlin-Germany

I've sent Horst the following: Anna Odland (2) was delivered on Apr. 19-1961 from Tangen Verft/Akers mek. Verksted A/S, Kragerø/Oslo as Anna Odland to D/S A/S Produce, Haugesund (Rederiet Jacob Odland S.S. mngr.). She was 12891 gross tons, 7434 nrt, 19640 tdw, 556.9x72.0x39.8 ft. 6-syl. 2T EV Akers-B&W, 9300 BHK, 15,5 knots. Contracted in 1956. After delivery she was on a 5 year T/C to the Belgian Petrofina, rate 30/-d. Later chartered to Esso for 4 years and then to Shell. After she had been returned from T/C when passing Crete on March 26-1974, she was ordered (in ballast at the time) to Haugesund to be laid up. Sold "as is" for US $ 750 000. Departed Haugesund for Piræus on June 8-1975 and in July she was delivered to Prassonissi Shipping Co. Ltd., Limassol and renamed Ergina I. Sold in 1977 to Antonio D'Alesio S.A.S. and registered under the Italian flag as Antonio D'Alesio. Sold in 1988 to Bangladesh for breaking up and arrived Chittagong under the name Inco 99 on Nov. 8 that year. (Info from "Våre motorskip" by Leif M. Bjørkelund and E. H. Kongshavn).

Sept. 16

From: Hugh

Can you help me on the 2 vessels M/T KAUPANGER Bergen, M/T- M-S RONGA Moss. I thank you.

Kaupanger can be found in my Ship Lists. I have no Ronga from Moss, but there's a Ronda from Bergen.

Sept. 11

From: Ed Richards


Thanks for the wonderful site. I was Radio op on MS Belinda from1941 to 1943. I was pleased to learn of her history after I left and that she survived with no casulties.
Ed Richards

Sept. 7





I can't help with this type of query. A quick search on the Internet for Queen Elizabeth should bring up good results.


Sept. 6-2002

From: Bill Greathead

SS Fagersten

Dear Sir

I am researching information on the SS Fagersten. I have found an inomally in the position that this ship was sunk, which I hope you can clarrify. You & the Norsk Sjofartsmuseum state the position to be 52. 05'N- 43.55'W. However J. Rohwer states the position to be 53.05'N- 44.06'W.

I would like to know, which is the correct position and any possible reason how Mr. Rohwer gained his information.


Bill Greathead

Fagersten is listed on my Ships starting with F page.

Aug. 29-2002



Recently in our local cemetry here in Port Talbot South Wales Uk. I saw the grave of a Norwegian Seaman, on the gravestone it says.



26-7-1872 31-7-1940



On the top of the stone there is carved a Fouled Anchor (Cable wrapped around Stock). Any information on this poor soul and the circumstances of his loss will be gratefully received.

Many Thanks

Raymond Jones

This man was among the casualties of D/S Stalheim See also the list of casualties at Minnehallen in Stavern.

Aug. 26.

From: Patric J. Hessen

Norwegian Merchant Marine

Would like to find a history of Norwegian Merchant Marine in World War II written in English.

I'm afraid I know of no such, single book in English.

Aug. 20

From: kathy

Thank you for your help and information on the M V CANADA. YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL SITE keep up the good work as you help many people like myself - once again thank you.


Aug. 20-2002

From: Ernie Dibb

MT Nortind
I was a crew man Nortind March 42 to Nov. 42 during which time we were torpeoded Gulf Mexico July 20/42 loseing 1 man. I left the ship end Nov., 5 weeks before she was lost with all hands. I have fond memories of my time in M V Skiensfjord Nov 41 Jan 42 and Nortind. Any relations of the crew of Nortind I would be pleased to correspond with.

Ernie Dibb

Ernie, the E-mail address you have left appears to be faulty, my mail to you was returned to me as undeliverable. Please send the right address, so that I can correct it.

Aug. 14

From: Len Hickey

Petty Officer George Wright RCN

I'm trying to reach the family of George Wright who sailed with the RCN in WW2. He was a good friend of my family in St. John's, Newfoundland in the 1940s. He was from Nova Scotia and we lost touch after the war. Can you help?? Len Hickey

The only thing I can suggest is a posting to my Find Old Shipmates forum. There are also other similar forums on the Internet.

Aug. 9-2002

From: Randi Jean Veiberg

Another Ringulv shipmate?!

I think the person listed as John Wiberg (22) in the crew list for the Ringulv is my Dad!

I edited and helped publish my Dad's book, "Jon's Odyssey", which covers his life as a Norwegian seaman during the war aboard the SS Ringulv and mentions his cabinmate, Odd, and "his 16 months in several labor camps in Morocco and Algeria in 1941-'42, and the dangerous Atlantic convoy crossings during the war"!

I have read over Dad's manuscript so many times I'd believe Odd was my uncle!

My Dad's email is "" and he hopes to hear from you. Please also copy me on the email ( in case Dad (now 83) doesn't follow up with you for some reason (he is adapting to email slowly) and he hasn't had an opportunity to look at your website yet as I just found it.

I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Randi Jean Veiberg
Raleigh, NC USA

It's impossible for me to describe what it felt like to see a message like this in my guestbook. The main reason for starting this website was to try and find someone who knew my father. See his story under Odd Konrad Holm. "Jon's Odyssey", Jon Veiberg's book can be purchased through the Internet.

Aug. 7

From: John R LeMasters

Hoegh Hood

The date the Ao Hoegh Hood was damaged by an Italian torpedo a/c while in the "substance" convoy was 7-24-41. She was on a voyage from Malta to Gibraltar, but she is listed as Hoegh Wood, which is incorrect.

John L.

Høegh Hood can be found on my page Ships starting with H.

Aug. 6

From: Kara

ss Antigone sunk 1941

I am looking for any information on the merchant ship ss Antigone which was sunk on the 15th of March in 1941, I have been looking everywhere and it's really important to someone I know that I find some information, anything at all, any links that you know or anything, we have been looking for a while now.

thank you

I suggested my Ship Forum, and my Merchant Marine links page. (There's a little bit about this ship under Grado on my G-page).

Aug. 5

From: Joan Berg

Siri Berg
I have a daughter named Siri. I first heard the name from a gal I worked with in Minneapolis. I am interested in finding out about the origins of the name.

Anything to Share???

(Siri comes from the name Sigrid. There are lots of websites on the Internet on the meaning of names).

Aug. 5

From: John R LeMasters


The Ak "Helios" was renamed "Setsuzan Maru" and as Roger Jordan stated it was sunk by the Usn SS Sealion II 7-6-44 while in a convoy about 100 miles east of Ningpo, China 29.59N 122.53E. The name "Hokuyan Maru" might by confused with the Name "Hokuzan Maru" which was the renamed "Ngow Hock" sunk by Usaaf a/c off Hoihow, Formosa 10-26-43 20.05N 110.25E hope this helps. John.

Aug. 1-2002

From: John R Lemasters

There was some confusion about the German AK Wartheland, well let me add to it. The Latvian Ak Arija was seized by Russian forces in 1940 and then by Germany in 6-22-41. Roger Jordan states seized by Germany in 1940. Anyway she was renamed by Germany in 1941 as Wartheland. She was sunk by Russian a/c at Eidsford, Norway 12-12-44. I hope that this helps a little. John.

Falkanger/Wartheland is listed on my page Ships starting with F.


Aug. 1-2002

Frome: Steve Howlett

I read with interest the war record of the MARGA. At the end of it there is a note refering to another(?) MARGA, sunk 1951 under tow. I am not clear from the information given if this is the same MARGA or a second one.

My interest here is that I have dived on the MARGA, the one sunk in 1951 under tow, many times.

Perhaps you can clear this point up for me. It would be very nice to know the history of the ship as it certainly seems to have had a very 'busy' war.


Steve Howlett

I'm not sure if the Marga listed on Ships Starting with M is the same as the one that sank in tow in March-1951, mentioned at the end of that text (but it appears to be). If anyone can confirm this, please let me know.

July 23

From: Alan Chapman

Hogmanay agreement

I have recently been doing some research and I came across the term Hogmanay Ship. I e-mailed the National Archive in the U.S. and they sent me a copy of the agreement which I have found most interesting.


VERY simply put, the Hogmanay Agreement was the result of negotiations between Gt. Britain, U.S.A. and Norway in Washington at the end of 1942, and resulted in The Ministry of War Transport and The War Shipping Administration controlling Norwegian ships in American waters. 36 tankers and 17 cargo vessels were chartered by MOT, then re-chartered to WSA. 5 tankers and 58 cargo vessels (which were not chartered by WSA as yet) continued sailing under the control of the American shipping administration, subject to the same conditions and rates as American vessels, and 12 smaller ships (mostly whale catchers) were already on/or now entered into bareboat charter to the U.S.

July 22

From: Tony Pinchbeck

Looking for old pals

I served on the San Cirilo and would love to hear from anyone else who did.

I suggested a couple of links for Tony, where he can also leave his message (San Cirilo was a British ship), as well as my own Find Old Shipmates Forum at

I have removed Tony's E-mail address, but have kept it in my files if anyone remembers him and would like to get in touch.

July 20

Ketil Berntsen

M/T Storsten
I am looking for information about my great uncle Trygve Hugo Berg that was on M/T Storsten that got hit by a torpedo or was sunk by german bombers in april 1942 outside the Norwegian coast on its way to England.

I now have a page about the Kvarstad Ships (Operation Performance).

July 18

From: Rob Fisher

Excellent site!

Congratulations! You have made an excellent site and a fine tribute to the Norwegian merchant marine's contribution to winning the Second World War. Your visitors who are interested in the Norwegian navy at war will find an article on my web-site on escort group B6 (including four Norwegian corvettes) and the battle for convoy SC 104, October 1942. Many Norwegian merchant ships are featured in my other articles on the Battle of the Atlantic. Here is my site:


For info, I already have links to several of Rob's articles on this website. Link to his article on the battle for Convoy SC 104 can be found on my page about Potentilla.

July 15

From: Dulce Goncalves

Produce / ex. Thorsaga

I am trying to find pictures and possibly a record of previous voyages.

The Produce a Norwegian Bulk Carrier, sank Aliwal shoal, Umkomaas River off Natal South Coast, South Africa. On the 11 August 1974 was registered with Lloyds Register of Shipping 74-75.

I got the following information from Mr Gilbert Provost.

Hello Dulce. Here are the details listed for this vessel in the Lloyd's Register:

PRODUCE, ex. THORSAGA-1969, Code letters: JXJI, Rigging: single screw motor tanker; 1 deck; fitted with direction finder echo sounding device, gyro-compass, radar and radiotelephony
Tonnage: 13,358 tons gross, 7,691 net and 20,000 summer deadweight
Dimentions; 560ft. long, 72ft beam and tanks 31ft. 2in. deep
Construction: 1960, Burmeister & Wain in Copenhagen
Propulsion: 2-stroke, single acting oil engine with 7 cylinders of 740
mm diameter each; stroke 1,600 mm; 8,750 brake horsepower; engine by the builders.
Service speed: 14.5 knots
Owners: D/S A/S Produce (Sverre Odland, manager)
Port of registry: Haugesund

As for a picture of the vessel, my search of known resources was unsuccessful.

Looking forward to hearing from you
Warm Regards
Pretoria, South Africa

July 10

From: Johnston

Hello I was wondering if you had any information on the Scottish Glen, which was insured by Lloyd's of London. This was a four-masted sail boat in the late 1800's. Asa Reid Johnston was the captain of the ship.

It's impossible for me to reply to messages unless I get the right E-mail address (my E-mails come back to me as undeliverable, as in this case).

July 9

From: Richard Stolzenthaler

Thank you

I can`t begin to tell you how meaningful it is for me to read this site.
I grew up across the street from an old Norwegian couple. The old man had a heart problem I believe, and in the Summer, he would come and swim in the swimming pool in our back yard. When I looked out our back window and saw him, swimming laps around the pool in slow, steady, determined strokes, I would go out and join him.
What I remember about him most clearly is his eyes.. they were piercing blue grey, and there was an intensity in his gaze, like there was always a part of him that was looking at life from a far, far distant perspective.
While I was playing, thrashing about in the water, he would be doing breast strokes: slow, steady and determined. I can see so clearly the way he kept his mind constant; as if nothing else existed but his awareness of each stroke.
We`d wave at planes as they went overhead, and (on his suggestion) yell "HAPPY LANDINGS!".
Sometimes he would talk about his past. I had a hard time understanding his speech/ he had a strong accent. I had a hard time getting a clear picture of his stories. What I gathered were images and sensations: calm seas, stormy seas, how to signal SOS in morse code, torpedo hits, whole days and nights in cold water.
A few years ago I saw a documentary where Captain Lunde`s talk in Norwegian appeared with translation. So many pieces that I never could put together suddenly were coherent.
Today, finding this site, those pieces are put in perspective. Captain and Mrs. Birger Lunde were like grandparents to me, and Captain Lunde was a window for me into the inconceivable bravery and determination that so many showed during the War. There are intangible, hard to describe ways that Captain Lunde`s stories, and more so, his mere presence communicated very important things to me that I carry through my life. I am very grateful that as an adult I can come to better understand those things.
Thank you.

Messages like this one mean a LOT to me! Birger Lunde was one of the survivors from Taranger, Blink and Oregon Express

July 9

From: Al Simpson

Camp Norway, Nova Scotia

This past May saw the visit of the Royal Family, and two warsailors who were in 2001.
For the occasion I did a flag hoist of 12 Norwegian House Flags. I will airmail a copy of the cd rom to you.

Thanks a lot for your continued interest in my project Al, cd has been received!

July 8

From: Karen

Norwegian telephone numbers
Is there an English language white pages for Norway? I'm trying to find Ann-Kristin Hansen, possibly in the Harstad area. She would be in her 20's and have a child under age 2. Thank you!

Hmmm, can't help.

July 8-2002

From: Ian Hudson

H.M.S. Eskdale

Hi There,
I wonder if you could help me with some information I need about the above named ship. She was an escort destroyer on loan to the Norwegian Navy and was sunk off the coast of Cornwall on the 14th. April 1943. I would dearly love a photograph of her if possible but any further information would be a very great help,
Many Thanks

I directed Ian to my Ship Forum.

July 6

From: Geoffrey Lucas Jackson

Cunard Line

I found your pictures of the Cunard ships very interesting as i sailed from Montreal to Liverpool at the age of 9 aboard the Sylvania. The Saxonia was berthed next to us in Montreal. This was in 1959. Did you know any of the crew aboard Sylvania ? If you do, please apologize for me and my brother as we seemed to have thrown all the rings from the "ring toss" game overboard by the second day out.

You have a very informative site and will continue to visit. I recently found out that the Sylvania is still afloat. Any suggestions as to a photo either in her original livery or current ?
Thankyou Geoff

This is just a little misunderstanding - while visiting my site Geoffrey found a link to a site with pictures of the Cunard Line ships, probably this one (Merchant Navy Nostalgia) which has a lot of Cunard Line pics.

July 6

From: Frank Armstrong

Norwegian tankers
I was on Norwegian tankers in ww2 Kaia Knudsen Aug-Dec 1944 as r/o.

July 3

I received an email from you telling me to look in "houseflags" if I wanted to see HOUSEFLAGS!!!! and I persisted and YES...I got back to the page I thought I would never find again. Thank you for your personal service and for this marvellous site.

Brien Doran

July 3-2002

From: Brien Doran

House flags

Hello: I hate to add to the burden of your email......but I was looking around your site, somehow blundered into the most MARVELLOUS display of houseflags...incredible.....but now I can't get back to it. Could you help someone "at sea without a paddle?"...thank you for all your incredible work. Brien Doran

I suggested to Brien he may have found the site in question through my Merchant Marine Links page, as there's a link there entitled Houseflags of the World.

July 2-2002

From: Ellen de Boer


Dear Siri,

Finally had time to go back to your site, sit and read and read!! I am so impressed and have great admiration for you. This will truly be a gift to future generations. From looking at your guestbook, you realize that there is a great need for people to get info. and air stories. It is most interesting!

Thanks Ellen! So glad you stopped by. Yes, the site has come a long way since its beginnings 2 years ago, hasn't it! What pleases me the most, is being able to help so many people who, just like me when I started searching for details on my dad's story, have no idea where to start!

July 1-2002

From: Alfred J. Beauchamp

Arctic Convoys WW 2

I sailed on the Liberty Ship S.S. Joseph C. Lincoln (Feb. to Aug. 1945). We delivered general cargo (including deck cargo of 6, ALCO steam locomotives) to North Russia discharging cargo at Molotov and Archangel. We nearly lost this ship. I believe the Atlantic Convoy no. was Hx 350 (Gouroc Scotland) I can find no record of this ship in convoy to and from Scotland to Russia. Any suggestions. Are the German records more reliable than the English.U.S. Navy Secret Log No.27430. (made land 0730 North Russia i400, Pilot Kozanski aboard orders and reading instructions. 1437 pilot away Molotovska White Sea Gulf Of Archangel. Battel ship one cruiser several destroyers 7 in all, excerpt from ships log with location. Any suggestions.

I checked "Convoys to Russia 1941-1945" by Bob Ruegg and Arnold Hague, but find no mention of this ship, so suggested he post a query to my Ship Forum.

June 30-2002

From: Kathy

Please could you help me with my seach for the ship M. V. CANADA. My father was a stoker on this ship, I never met him, I know it was ownd by Johnson and Johnson. The ship came to LIVERPOOL quite often during the war years, the last time was in FEB OR MARCH 1946 he was a friend of my uncle who also went to sea, when my father docked in LIVERPOOL he stayed at my aunts house, I dont want any thing from him, I could have look for him years as I know all about him, where he lived age and also he was married whith a family, I would not hurt his wife and children. I would like a photo of the ship if possible and what it carried, I need to know my roots before it is to late as I am 60 years old now. Please can you help, thank you.

(This was a Swedish ship, I've sent Kathy information on it).

June 19-2002

From: Eirene Longworth


Firstly i am English. I am starring in a play about Norway in the Second World War and I desperately need a picture of the traitor, Major Vidkun Quisling. I would be so grateful for any pictures that you may have.
All my love
Eirene Longworth

June 17-2002

From: Bryan Cromwell

Bryan, I have some information for you, but the E-mail address you've given me does not seem to work. Please contact meso that I can resend my message, which contained some information you might like to have.

Passengers on the Annavore

I grew up in Glasgow, Scotland with stories told to me by my Mother regarding her Father Robert Greenaway. I was told that he was a merchant seaman (a stoker) and that he had survived his ship being torpedoed. He was apparantly given a choice of ship to take him back to the U.K. and set sale on the D/S Annavore. This ship was torpedoed while sailing with convoy HG 76. According to this website 6 British and 1 American lost there lives---TWO WERE PASSENGERS. I would dearly love to know if Robert Greenaway was one of the passengers. This would confirm the family story told to me throughout my childhood. Robert Greenaway lived at 100 McLean Street in the Plantation district of Glasgow.

Bryan Cromwell

I was able to find Bryan's grandfather on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website, the date of his death is the same as that of Annavore's sinking. Unfortunately, my E-mail reply to him came back as undeliverable.

Bryan has since contacted me again (see Sept.-2002), and I've sent him the required info.

June 15-2002

From: Adrian West

MV Ofotfjord


My name is Adrian West, I am a relative by marriage of the war time Captain of the Mv Ofotfjord formally known as HMS Coverley.

The Ofotfjord is now a wreck of the coast of Norway. I would be grateful for any information or pictures you may have or advise on how to research the subject.



June 9-2002

From: Mangor Krogstad

war sailors

This is a great web site.
My uncle was Norwegian seaman. He was in when the war broke out. He was on the S.S. Nortun when it was sunk by u-boats off the coast of southern Africa in 1942, as a machinist he was deep in the belly of the ship and did not make it out. My grandmother recieved a box from the Red Cross in 1944 with his belonging but did not find out about his death until after the war. In 1946 my grandmother whent to Oslo to recieve a Medal from the US.Gov. I now have his medal but I am going to give it to the museum in Tvedestrand so he will be remembered.
Where would I go to find out more about the sinking of the Nortun.
Mangor Krogstad

What little information I have on Nortun can be found on my page Ships starting with N

June 7-2002

From: Gerald E. Berge

Captain Meyer

The father of my brother in law, Per Meyer was captured by the Russians. His bones were found in the Seventies in the mountains in East Norway. Do you have anything on his activities? Names of ships, etc?

Siri is a wonderful name. Our family has been without a Siri since 1840 but now my Granddaughter has the name. She just turned 3 and looks just like her Far-Far! I am not sure that she will like that in 15 years but I will!

Thank You

Jerry Berge

Jerry is probably referring to the incident found under Moder II

June 6-2002

From: R. Larkin


hi and thanks first would you have a list of mariners names for a ship Rosenius out of Norway 1880 I am looking for a Charles Thompson who sailed on her my grand father.

I tried to reply to this message several times, but my mail came back as undeliverable.

June 2-2002

From: Jena


I have been researching my great grandfather's participation in the underground resistance, named Tomas Boge. Yes, he did bring 41 refugees to the Shetland Isles during a horrific storm. These passengers were stranded when the Blia, a coastal steamer they waited for sunk. So, my great grandfather decided to transport them to safety. The storm lasted three days, but they arrived safely. My great grandmother was nine months pregnant at the time, and also decided to put her life on the line to bring these refugees to safety. She was on the Haugland during its exhibition.

Blia is included on my page Ships starting with B, and Jena's grandfather is mentioned under Haugland I on my page Ships starting with H..

May 28-2002

From: Shirley Buckley

An Englishman in the Norwegian Merchant Navy

Hi Siri,

I just wanted to say what a great site you have developed. My father, Arthur Tracey, served with the Norwegian Merchant Navy from March 1941 until November 1942 (on the Spind, Lista, Ingria, Cypria and Tamerlane). He then joined the Royal Navy where he served until the end of the War.

I have had difficulty in locating any information about his time in the Merchant Navy and found your site to be informative and very interesting. My father had the greatest respect for the Norwegian Merchant mariners and he may even have served with your father (I am sure he was in good hands if he did).

Once again, thanks for a great site, I'll be visiting again.

Shirley Buckley

May 27-2002

From: Richard Stebeck

"Kosmos" Norwegian Whaler 1929

Thank you for letting me read about the fate of this ship (Kosmos). My Grandfather was part of her maiden crew in 1929 and took many pictures. I have pictures of her Captain Hans Andersen, the launch, Curacao, going thru the Panama Canal, in New Zealand, Admiral Bryd's Dog Team on board and her first whale in Antarctica. Interesting to see Hans Andersen was her captain from begining to end. Thank you again for this later bit of history.

Kosmos can be found on my page Ships starting with K

May 26-2002

From: Denis Shannon

Sinking of 'Lancastria' @ St Nazaire1940

My father William J Shannon of Royal Engineers was lost in this sinking during the evacuation from France - he is buried in war grave at St Nazaire. You may already know but there is an association for survivors and families at:- They have published two books of survivors stories.
Thanks for your interesting site.

Denis must have seen my reference to this incident under Sirehei on my page Ships starting with S

May 20-2002

From: Catherine West

My Father

My father, Harris MacDonald from Nova Scotia, Canada was in the merchant navy during WW11 and served on the Solitaire, Havprins, Strinda and Novasli. I accidently found your site and am so glad I did. It has given me some insight into the time my father was on these ships. My father passed away in 1980.
Thank you.

May 19-2002

From: Tom Rocchio


I found your site very informative.

My father served in the US MM during WW II and his ship, the Louisiana was torpedoed and sunk by U-108 near Trinidad Tobego. The Norwegian merchant ship Tercero actually witnessed the attack. I would like to find out if the Tercero's ship's log is still in existance so I could get a copy of the log for that period. I actually was able to get a copy of the U-108 log which details the attack. U-108 also had on board a Norwegian merchant seaman as a POW at the time of the attack. I would like to get information on him also. Thanks.

As usual, I suggested the Norwegian National Archives and/or the Maritime Museum in Oslo. The story about the Norwegian prisoner on U-108 at the time can be found under M/S Breñas on a Separate page for Breñas

May 17-2002

From: Luke Shipman


A friend told me of a WW2 survival story I found very intriguing.

He told a true story of a group of men held captive under Japanese rule. The penal colony was in the centre of a 100 square mile jungle. The men escaped but only a few survived until the end.

At the end the Japanese stood, waiting for the few that survived. As the Japanese were there to greet them on the other side, they imprisoned them once again but let them out after a few weeks out of a mark of respect for surviving the jungle.

Do you have any details at all - names, dates, location etc. etc. on the story for me.

Thanks for your time,


May 15-2002

From: Brando C. Bermejo

Query on Norweigian Merchant Ships

I would just like to know if you have any information regarding Berge Vanga and Berge Istra. These two are sister ships and both were involved in questionnable accidents one after the other on just 3 years gap.

My father served on Berge Vanga as 3rd engineer and was among the listed missing and presumed dead but no wreckage and bodies were ever found near the assumed location of accident.

My family and I would appreciate it if you could give us any detail..


May 14-2002

From: Timothy Aigbona

My grand father Aigbona

A great sailor in Indian ocean

May 14-2002

From: Merriel


I am looking for information on the Dutch ship EEMLAND and the Swedish ship Bifrost my grandfather sailed on both these ship 18.3.43 to 24.12.43 can you help

I suggested my Ship Forum

May 13-200

From: Clarence Noring

Captain Fredrik Fredrickson

My Grandfather was a captain on a sailing merchant ship that was torpedoed in the nortyh sea in 1917.
My father Paul Fredrickson left home Veseroy Norway at age 13 he and his brother saild arount the Horn to Australia in the year 1906.When the ship arrived in Sydney the entire crew mutinied.My Uncle Hans went back to Norway and had a long rewarding career at sea. My Father was a sailer on fruitships until he arrived in Tampa Florida there he jumped ship and became a steeplejack married my Mother under the name of Roy Noring.
He was killed in an accident when I was under two years old and never had much contac with my Norwegian heritage.
Love this site thanks will be back. Maybe - im over 80 now so no promises

May 11-2002

From: Vincent Martlew

Maritime History

This is without a doubt the best source for linking to websites with information I use to research WWII maritime events. I have heard from Siri and thank her for including my mother's name as R/O on the SS Gudvor.


Gudvor can be found here. Vincent's mother is also included in the crew list for Iris.

May 5-2002

From: Charles R J Taylor

Norwegian Merchant Navy

I served in the British Merchant Navy 1942 to 1947. I feel privileged to have sailed alongside the Norwegian merchant ships in our convoys, and I am sure that this is the sentiments of any of my shipmates. Such reliable allies, wellfounded ships, and such competent and reliable seamen.
I live in Australia now, and here it is sad to note how little the community knows about the contribution of the Norwegian Merchant Navy to the war effort.

I receive so many E-mails from old seamen of various nationalities who say the very same thing about Norwegian seamen and ships.

May 4-2002

From: H.Haugland

S/S Ceiba, S/S Fjord (Orla)


First, your site is so impressive and you have a right to be proud of all the work you've done.

This was my first visit to your site and I'm hoping someone may be able to help me.

My uncle Fritz Pedersen (from Arendal) was lost at sea when the S/S Fjord of Bergen was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine near the Estepona Point, Spain. There were several survivors and it is my hope to someday be in touch with one of them.

Another uncle Trygve Waldemar Haugland was a seaman on the s/s Ceiba and died 3/6/1942 after the vessel had been hit by a torpedo. He drowned trying to rescue a six year old boy.

What happened on the eventful day? Who was that 6 year old boy? Is he still alive today? Can he shed some light on what happened to the Ceiba? These are the questions I've been searching years to learn the answers too.

Perhaps someone searching your site will have the answers, if so, my prayers will have been answered.

Fjord can be found here - I've sent the poster of this message all the details I have on Ceiba (not Norwegian).

May 4-2002

From: Bill Greathead

Norwegian ships

I am an amateur naval historian and have found your website extremely helpful. Could you tell me how I could find more information on the following ships. "Lisbeth", "Benwood", "Lago", "Fagersten" & "Annavore"? All sailed on convoy HG-76 in which I am researching. I am especially interested in the crews of these ships.

All these ships are discussed on my website.

Apr. 25-2002

ss Carperby

I have a web site, and I am doing something similar to you. My site has a section about my grandfathers merchant naval career. I was after some more info on s.s.Carperby, as I need to update, and I was directed to your site. I don`t have a lot of info on s.s.Hardwicke Grange a sister ship to Carperby. May I appeal to your visitors to have a look at my web site at somtime,and maybe help me at:

Your site looks very professional. Well done.

Mine needs a bit of work spending on it.
Regards Steve.

Apr. 24-2002

From: Angus Johnson

Thomas Sinclair -- Salvesens Captain

I work in the local authority archives in the Shetland Islands.

Does anyone know anything about this man? I seem to be drawing a blank locally.

Thomas Sinclair, probably from Waas (Walls) Shetland, according to the World War One Roll of Honour, captain of Salvesens vessel s.s. Neko, and torpedoed 14:03:1917 on s.s. Coronda. Later on he seems to have been instrumental in recruiting Shetlanders to the Antarctic whaling, but had to leave Salvesens following a dispute with the colonial office. An article appears in the Shetland News, c.1921 about him. He was probably based in the Leith/Edinburgh area. Thanks.

Apr. 23-2002

From: Reidun Samuelsen Livingston

My father, Severin Samuelsen

My father, Severin Samuelsen, who was born in Arendal, Norway, 1913, served on Kosmos II which was torpedoed and sunk during WWII. He also was involved in getting people out of Nazi occupied Norway and received many medals (which he lost years later!!) for his efforts. He wrote a diary covering about 3 years of his war experiences which I am presently having translated into English by my cousin, Capt. Kai Samuelsen who lives in Arendal. My father was also a Lieutenant with the Norwegian Navy and was a gunnery officer. If there is anyone who may have heard of him or knew him I would really enjoy hearing from you.

Reidun Samuelsen Livingston

I also suggested to Reidun that she leave a message in my new Find Old Shipmates forum, which was added specifically to aid people who might be looking for someone who knows a father, grandfather etc, or for seamen who want to get in touch with old shipmates.

Tuesday, Apr. 23-2002

From: Plato Owulezi

Very good site.

Monday, Apr. 22-2002

From: Thomas Sandseth

Ship lists

Thanks for doing such a great job. I discovered the ship that my grandfather served on, the CADMUS. He was a carpenter aboard the ship 1939-1940, but died at sea and was buried in Guatemala. This is the first time I have found any information about the ship.
Your website is a great tribute to your father and all those who served during the war.

Cadmus can be found on my page Ships starting with C

From: Joop

Very nice site and interesting.Well Done.
Greetings from the Netherlands.

Regards Joop SubVet

Apr. 11-2002

From: Michael Collins


I'm a frustrated Dutch-to-English translator who got directed to your site while searching for the English translation of "voorpostenboot" ("voorpostboot" in Dutch).
Any ideas? I'd be more than grateful!

Kind regards,

Michael Collins

Apr. 8-2002

From: Gordon Thompson

M/T. Ohio

I read recently about a web site that said the following.

"To remind us veterans of the past and for the children to understand"

And to your site I say just that and more for you have given a gift to us oldtimers, our children and their children, to historians, academics, psycologist and all decent people to take a look at what we went thru in order to bring peace and sanity to an insane world, but the cost of 55 million people dead and billions of $ in damages we have to say was the price was worth it? if the mad dogs of Germany, Italy, and Japan would have been succesful,think about it.

I sailed British, Panamanian/Norwegian, and finally American ships from 1938 untill 1949, and as I read some of the stories I am proud to say that I sailed with GIANTS of MEN and one of the best ships was manned by Norwegians the best sailors I ever went to sea with on the M/T Ohio in 1942/43, and I have often wondered whatever became of her as much as I have tried to track her down it seems I always ran into a dead end so if there is anyone out there who can tell me anyting I would be gratefully appreciative

G Thompson New YorkCity

I suggested he contacted the Leif Høegh company, and Gordon has since sent me the info he recieved from them. It can be found under Ohio on my O-page. (I have also had the pleasure of meeting Gordon when I last visited New York for my son's graduation from Columbia U. in May-2002).

Apr. 7-2002

From: Gunnar Kryger

S/S "Goviken" and M/S "Eknaren" 1942

I was a danish seaman abd. the swedish ship "Eknaren", chartered to the British Ministry of War, when on the way back to the U.S.A from Suez, we encountered 6 survivors floating in the Mozambique channel, between Madagascar and Mozambique. After rescuing them we found out they were the Captain, Second Eng. and 4 Chinese crew members of the torpedoed Norwegian freighter "Goviken". I took several pictures of the rescue, but lost the film when we were torpedoed the following afternoon. The japanese submarine fired 5 shots at us, but permitted us to escape from the ship before sinking it with one torpedo. The "Eknaren" broke in half and went down, stern first in only 3 minutes. We had lowered 3 lifeboats and tried to stay together during the nite. This was not possible, so my boat set a course for the mainland. We sighted an Island ( Fogo ) and went ashore there to spend the nite. The next morning we continued sailing and rowing and on the 6th of July we landed at Pointe Caldera. Upon my return to New York as a passenger on the liner "Gripsholm" I studied for my 3rd Mate's license and served as 3rd and 2nd Mate on Panamanian ships until the end of the war. I received my American citizenship in Jan. 1946 and promptly raised my license. I finally retired from U.S. Lines in 1983 and now live in New Hampshire.

Here's a link to Goviken on my G- page.

Apr. 5-2002

From: Steingrim Melbø

Odd (gnisten)

I was contacted by Egil Nyleen the other day concerning your father and he has probably forwarded my e-mail address. Anyway, I met your father onboard the "Golar Kansai", a 216000 ton tanker, in 1979. We realised early we lived in the same area and from then on we kept in contact and he became a very good and highly valued friend of my family and even friends.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more info.

Steingrim Melbø

See Odd's ships

Apr. 4-2002

From: Eva Willenburg


Great Web Page! Am working on my family tree, and see that we are related on "The Gjesdal Kommune" side. My grandfather, Trygve Erikson Ravndal, was born at the Ravndal Farm.

Eva has found this family in my My Genealogy Database

Apr. 2-2002

From: Charlie Greenwell

m/t Belinda

In 1957 I sailed as a deck boy aboard a Norwegian owned Panamanian ore carrier called the Globe Trader. The ship's bell indicated she was the former Belinda built in Sweden in 1939.
I'm interested in anyone who may have a photograph of the 'Belinda' as I believe this was the vessel I made my first voyage in so many years ago.

Apr. 2-2002

From: Gerd Hønningstad

D/S Isbjørn and Selis

I noticed under the Note re. Isbjørn which was hit with 2 bombs in Grønfjord, where 17 men got killed and 4 wounded that there must have been an unknown doctor among the survivors. I can confirm that my father was the doctor, Per Hønningstad, born on 6th July 1906, died in april 1975. He was on the sealcatcher Selis, who also got caught on fire, and 12 were killed and 15 wounded. My father, Per Hønningstad later got the British Empire medal for rescuing 9 Englishmen also at Svalbard.
Someone knows this history? I am interested in being connected.

Gerd Hønningstad

Here's a link to Isbjørn and Selis.

March 30-2002

From: Roger Mansell

Prisoners of War

Outstanding site!
We are developing rosters for every Japanese POW camp and, for the Americans at Zentsuji, are delighted to link to your site for Baardson. A great tribute to these heroes.

Roger Mansell
Center for Research
Allied POWS under the Japanese

Read about Brynjulv Baardson under Ravnaas.

March 30-2002

From: Norman Grimsby

Family History on Grandfather

My family has a record of many seafaring men whom have gone to sea, and even died at sea! Your wonderful web site is one of the nicest I've ever seen. I will show all and attach it to my web site. My Father built wooden ships in Norway near Farsund, when he was 16 years old, he was a fine carpenter and a fine craftsman who always took pride in his work. Mother's father died at sea on a Norwegian ship and that is what I'm searching for?
Maybe that is why I proberly joined the U.S. Navy and did 20 years at sea.
The lure of the sea has never left me.
Tusen takk!
Norman Grimsby USN(Ret)

March 29-2002

From: Ralph Langley

Military History

Dear Siri, I found your site from postings on I have just finished reading the entire site. Congratulations, you have made your father and country proud. I am an American WW2 Purple Heart veteran that served in France and Germany. The free world owes a debt of gratitude to the brave men of the Merchant Marine. I was fortunate, if one can call it that, to have crossed the Atlantic on the troopship 'Queen Mary'. On this Easter weekend my thoughts will be with your father and the other heroic Norwegians that fought so bravely during those horific times. Again, I compliment you for your compassion, love and dedication to your Dad. I will share your story with my other military friends.

March 28-2002

From: Angela DeRoy-Jones

Fort, Park and Ocean Ships of WW2

Hello Siri, congratulations on the site. I have had quite a few visitors to my website through your links page and so have come to have a look to see your website. What a wealth of information! I know I'll be back soon and will be adding a link from my website.

Angela's site can be found at Fort Ships of WW II - she also lists the Park and Ocean ships (great reference for these vessels!).

March 26-2002

From: Lilian Sluijter

Norwegian veterans WW II Japan victims

First I would like to compliment you on your fantastic and highly informative website. Also designwise!

I am a member of the support group POWS/INTERNEES (Dutch nationals) of Japanese concentration camps in Asia, who are still seeking for compensation.
We heard that your Government bless them) recently paid compensations to Norwegian exPOWS in Asia (Japan war). I am interested to know how much was paid. We also heard that your Gov't is paying this group an individual pension for the rest of their lives, which if this is true would be really generous (bless them again).
As you probably know also the Brits, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders have been paid a generous amount as compensation.
Thank you very much in advance for your reaction.

Kind regards,

Lilian Sluijter

March 26-2002

From: Kari Nina Konow

Found records of my grandfather Captain August Konow twice on your site...thank You!

(August Konow was captain on Jacob Christensen and Sverre Helmersen during the war).

March 22-2002

From: Tony Comer

SS Borgfred

My (English) father was the Wireless Officer on the SS Borgfred during the Second World War. I have some things relating to his time in Norwegian service: his Norwegian war medal; a manuscript letter from King Haakon; a very small book of Christmas songs in Norwegian; his identity card from the New York Coastguard.

I found this courtesy of in which a kind person gave me the URL for your site.

I have only just started to look at your site and will have many questions for you, I am sure, in the future. I also have my father's photos, and hope to be able to repay you for the work you have done with some additional information.

With many thanks for your work so far

March 22-2002

From: Egil Schmidt

Medals- father Norge merchant navy

I have a medal which I am told was presented to my father it is round with the 7 in h at the top and above the crown on the rear it is a cross with two flags also on the ribbon there is oak leafs I was told it was to do with m.s. HIRD but when I checked at the british public records office his name was not mentioned in the report. Can you please help or point me in the right direction so I may find out more about this medal. Best Regards Egil Schmidt.

Here is my War Medals page. I also gave Egil the address to the Maritime Museum in Oslo.

March 22-2002

From: David Gunby

"HMS Southern Gem"

I live near to a man who served on the above vessel during the years 1940 to 1945.The vessel was previously known as "Suderoy VI"
I have already passed to him the full history of the ship 1929-1983 obtained from your site, and he was vey appreciative.
Would any stories he might have to tell be of any interest to you?
His name is William Elsigood and he would very much like to be in touch or hear from any former shipmates although he appreciates that time is the big enemy.

Suderøy VI can be found on my page Suderøy Factory & Whale Catchers. I've posted Bill's story to my Warsailor Stories page.

March 18-2002

From: Jim Hall


Good evening. This is Jim. Greetings from the USA. I have been to the Scandnavian countries very often and find them very beautiful and the people very warm. I find your site very interesting and informative. I have a question. Could you give me some history on the M/S Oslofjord. I have a souvenior plate. I saw your two pictures but would like to have some history. Also would you know of an oceanliner named Istrian which is a country near Croatia. If not a contact I could make. Have a wonderful evening. Thanks Jim

Information on Oslofjord can be found on my page Ships starting with O..

March 18-2002

From: Debra Inger Brittingham

What a wonderful discovery I have made here today! I am the great niece of Captain Johannes Pedersen Nesholt. (D/S Altair; shelled, torpedoed and sunk June 18-1940 and D/S Selvik; took over as captain in Sept.-1941). Uncle Johs and my grandfather were brothers. I was lucky enough as a young girl to spend time in Norway getting to know him... and I still own a lovely necklace I received from him as a gift one year as I boarded the train to leave Oslo.

Thank you for bringing some wonderful memories alive again!

March 17-2002

From: Ted Agar

Convoy Histories WWII

Afternoon Siri,
I just popped in to look for some ship details and thought I had better sign in. I hope you and yours are keeping well as I have not seen you on the screen lately. We are just coming out of winter here so it is nice to see the snowdrops and crocuses.
Keep up the good work Siri there is still an awful lot to research and it gets more difficult as the years go by.

Love to you all from the Yorkshire coast maritime History Group.
Best Regards Ted A.

Ted is the one who has sent me so much information on the various Atlantic convoys - without him the convoy section would never have been started.

March 16-2002

I've been asked to post the following:

Hi My name is Arne Loevlie I am looking for some of my old friends and some of my old ships from the 1950's Name of the ships. Bow Canada, Øyvind Lorentzen's company. Tancred, and Turandot Willhelmsen line. Some of my frends, Bjørnulf Ramvik From Lofoten Odin Olsen From Nordland, Edvard Nelsen From Mosjøen. There are more but it's all from the 1953 to the 1960 Bow Canada build 1953 in Kiel. Tancred had one big explosion outside San Francisko1955. Am hoping someone have inf about the ships or the men.

thank you very much, Arne

NOTE: I posted some information on Tancred and Turandot on my Ship Forum. (I've kept Arne's E-mail address in my files if anyone would like to contact him).

March 11-2002

From: Neil Dean

Lawrence Dean

Thank you, because of your Devoted help another man is honoured :
Sailor's name: Lawrence Dean Rank of Sailor Fireman Nationality Canadian
Name of ship BATEAU, Registration of ship PANAMA , Crew 40 LOST March 27,1942 Murmansk
BATTLE OF THE ATLANTIC is now honored in the Remembrance Book of the Merchant Navy and a place at the Halifax War Memorial in Halifax Nova Scotia Canada and as next of kin I have recieved his Metals

February 26,2002 Respectfully Neil Dean Ontario Canada


See also Dec. 6 and Febr. 20-2002.

March 9-2002

From: David Van Oord


I research into the fate of RAVNANGER and would welcome responses from the following Crew members and / or their families. November 1940

Master - JOHAN EDVARD GRUNG, 1st Officer - INGOLF THORNQUIST, 2nd Officer - ANDERS KALDEFOSS, 3rd Officer - RAGNVALD ESPENES, Boatswain - OLAI FESTER, Carpenter - EINAR HANSEN, Able Seman. - SVERRE HANSEN, Able Seaman. - HÅKON ANDREASSEN, Able Seaman - KARL JACOBSEN, Able Seaman - HENRY OLSEN, Ordinary Seaman - PEDER J. MÆLAND, Ordinary Seaman - KÅRE S. DAHL, Steward - OSCAR LARSEN, Galleyboy - OLAF GJÆRDE, Messboy - GUNNAR KVALEN, 1st Engineer - HERMAN B. KNUTSEN, 2nd Engineer - HÅKON HILLAND, Donkeyman - INGVALD VANGSNES, Fireman - ALF HERMANSEN, Fireman - ARNE HOLTHE, Fireman - OLAF REKLEV, Fireman - EINAR FREDRIKSEN, Fireman - ANDREAS ROISLAND, Fireman - ODD JOHANNESSEN, All Norwegian, Ordinary Seaman - PHILLIP VERBAN Dutch, Trimmer - ERIK MOLLER Danish, also info required on - Norwegian Seaman BERNHARD LARSEN

I welcome any help in my research
Thank you kindly

D/S Ravnanger can be found on a separate page, includes crew list.

Note March 11: David has since found out that BERNHARD LARSEN, born in Bergen 07.10.1898, had signed on the Norwegian Alaska on Oct. 22-1940 while that ship was in Middlesbrough for cargo and repairs. He and two other un-named Norwegians (both firemen) were on their way back to the ship on Nov. 2-1940 after having been on shore leave when he was struck by a Corporation Motor Bus in Queens Square close to The Middlesbrough Mission to Seamen. Mr. Larsen died in The North Riding Infirmary the next day. He was buried on Nov. 6-1940 at North Ormesby Cemetary, Middlesbrough. The service was conducted by a Norwegian ( Pastor ? ) SELINUS and the grave number is 378. He was an able seaman, 42 years old, lived at SKAAREGATEN 189, HAUGESUND, NORWAY. David thought it would be a good idea to add this in case his family is unaware of what happened to him, as is so often the case.

It's still very important to him to get in touch with the families of Ravnanger's survivors as well. 2nd Officer Anders Johannes Kaldefoss and 3rd Officer Ragnvald Johan Espenes were killed on June 10-1941 when the ship Chr. Krogh was sunk. Olav Reklev was killed on Nov. 6-1941 (see posting on my forum). Also, David says he has copies of the Mission to Seamen's Logs dated Nov.-1940 which clearly state that 27 survivors (not 26 as previously listed) arrived at the Mission 7 am 11/11/1940.

March 6-2002.

From: Greg Fromyhr

Family research & Norwegian POWs in Japan/Asia


First let me say what a great site you have developed.

I am doing some family research about Norwegian Merchant and other ships my father served on in WWII as well as clarifying stories once told in great detail about captures and collisions.

Father's name is - Thoralf Frømyhr - from Kongsberg and he was on the following ships: 1. "MT Ole Jacob" 27/10/39-10/11/40 (captured by "Atlantis");2. "MT Ora" 21/2/41-22/1/43; 3. "MS Lidvard" 25/3/43-29/9/44; 4. "MS Bosphorus" 23/3/45-1/7/46.

He told me clearly years ago about the capture of the "MT Ole Jacob" and the subsequent dispatching to Japan of the seamen (including himself) and some were interred before Japan had actually entered the war. I can't find his name in the list of POWs but he was definitely there. He described trains trips with Japanese guards and some of the things that happened. He also mentioned that there were POWs in Japan long before they officially entered the war, this is borne out by the seaman from "MT Teddy" being a POW before the official outbreak. They made a movie about the "Atlantis" called "Under Ten Flags".

He mentioned that he being a fluent German speaker was the interpreter between the Norwegians and the German Naval Captain.

I have seen the original newspaper article and photo mentioned on your site about the collision "MT Ole Jacob" had in New Zealand. It is clearly true and factual.

I had heard the story of captured Norwegian seamen in Japan whilst on ship in the harbour feigning illness to get to land then escaping guards and ending up at the British Embassy.

Was Captain Nic Lindtner still on MS Lidvard when my father was on the ship?

It would be good to find out if anyone out there remembers serving with my father and some of the issues I have mentioned.

He ended up with the Kings Medal but I am still trying to find out what for.

If you have a free moment it would be good to hear from you.

Cheers...Greg Fromyhr...Australia

For some reason, the names of Ole Jacob's and Teddy's crew are not mentioned among the Japanese POWs in Norwegian sources. Both these ships are further discussed on my page Norwegian Victims of Atlantis (includes Ole Jacob crew list)

March 4-2002

From: Jack Myers

Norwegian ships during world war 11

I served aboard the S/S Ragnhild and the M/V Cetus during 1943/4 as mess boy and Galley boy and recieved a Medal from King Olaf, I would like to know how many Medals were issued to British and Canadian seamen

Yours Sincerely Jack Myers

Febr. 28-2002

From: Dave Campbell

Merchant marine

Hello from Dave; Excellent web site. Am interested in prices (CDN) of books listed under section "Fleet Lists & Company Histories", i.e.Norwegian America Line, Fred Olsen Line. Would appreciate info very much. Would like to add, a departed friend who lived in Mass. U.S.A. was sailing aboard the N.T.Nielsen Alonso when she was torpedoed on Feb 1943. He was rescued by the American Coast Guard ship USCG Campbell! Hope to hear from you. Kindest Regards

The Norwegian America Line fleet list found on My sources page can be purchased at the website Ships in Focus (click on "other quality publications").

Febr. 28-2002

From: Helio Fernando Hallite


Congratulations. It´s very important for us.

Golar Patricia is one of the ships my father was on and can be found under Odd's Ships.

Febr. 27-2002

From: Colin Hadson

Motor Ship Maria Bakke

I served on the Maria Bakke 1945 - 1946. Paid off in Norway (Sarpsberg) Repatriated home to Australia on M.S. Mosdale. Would like a picture of the Maria Bakke if possible.

Regards Colin

I referred Colin to this URL where 2 pictures of Marie Bakke can be found.

Febr. 26-2001

From: Jean Ann Brown


You have progressed very far in your endever. Keep going. I still think there is a book in this adventure of yours. ( a non-fiction book, like books shown on C-Span on the week-ends on C-span Books TV.)
Thinking of you often with great pleasure,

Febr. 23-2002

From: Eric Bissmire

Battle of the Atlantic

Hello Siri,
Thank you for your past interest in providing valuable information about Convoy HX223 which has helped greatly to come to terms with that phase of my life in 1943. I have just received further information as a result of my web site and this is posted at
I do find your site interesting to visit from time to time.
Eric Bissmire

Febr. 20-2002

From Gloria A. Dean

Hello Siri:
I would like to thank you for helping me in my search for Lawrence Dean of the ship Bateau. In March 2002 my father Neil Dean will recieve the metals from the Canadian Goverment that his brother Lawrence Dean so richly deserved. It is because of your help that this will come to pass. From my heart and on behalf of my Father Neil Dean I wish to thank you. Please continue your excellent work in honoring these wonderful men and women of war who because of them we walk in freedom.

Respectfully Gloria A. Dean
P.S. I will keep you posted on how i do with the American Goverment on behalf of Lawrence Dean of the ship Bateau and Neil Dean of the S.S. Stonestreet.

Febr. 16-2002

From: TC


Three lifeboats were launched. 10 men in each,the three boats seperated after two days.One of these lifeboats came across a lifeboat with survivors from KOLLSKEG.All these survivors were rescued by Portugese. BOBITO. and landed at Lewes. Del. on 17-04-42.On eof the crew from this boat died of exposure.
Nine survivors from another boat were rescued by the Swiss ship.ST.CERGUE. on 15-04-42. and landed at New York 17-04-42.
The crew in the other boat were never found.
The total crew on KOLL came to 34 including the gunners.14 are known to be dead.

21 survivors from COLLINGWORTH were rescued by DALVANGEN on the 10-01-43. and landed at Paramirabo on 11-01-43.
DALVANGEN had left Trinidad 08-01-43 for Paramaribo.

I have no data on DALVANGEN rescuing survivors from NIGERIAN.( I have spent a week looking)
The 30 survivors in the Captains boat, were rescued by USS. PC-624.
15 survivors in another boat were rescued by NEWBRUNDOC.
6 survivors in the third lifeboat were rescued by MORAVI.

Siri. I hope this information will be of use to you.
Best wishes. TONY

Info has been added to Dalvangen under Ships starting with D, and Koll under Ships starting with K. (Tony is also responsible for a lot of the information found in my Atlantic Convoys section).

Febr. 12-200

From: Frank Alliss

1960's shipping/Norwegian

Loved the stories and pictures on this site, I too sailed on Norwegian ships and loved it, my nickname was Mouse, if anyone out there from Norway remembers me please email me.
My ships were Bellami/Belita/Beau/Oslofjord/Stokksund/Divina/Karen Smits (Dutch charter)

Febr. 12-2002

From: John Gibson

Smith's Dock Co ltd

Hello there. First, a congratulation on your fine site. It is really very good, and contains much useful information.
Now, re your 3rd RASK, this was indeed a KIL class gunboat built in 1919 by Smith's Dock, at Middleborough, England. It was completed as a cable ship in 1921, and served as a tender to HMS DEFIANCE, a Royal Naval shore station at Devonport. Sold for merchant use in 1947 and re-engined with a Mirrlees, Bickerton & Day oil engine.
Fate as per your information, details from Lloyd's Casualty Returns for 1950-51.

Mr. Gibson also sent me some info on this ship which can be found in the last paragraph of my text under under D/S Rask on my page Ships Starting with R.

Febr. 9-2002

From: Frank Armstrong

Norwegian ships of ww2.

I was a radio oficcer on Norwegian ships, mostly tankers in ww 2

Febr. 9-2002

From: TC

Maritime Research

I response to Mr.Williams enquires.BOSTON CITY did indeed sail from Halifax. NS. but on the 17-04-1944. It arrived at Liverpool on the 02-05-1944.for Manchester. The only vessels to sail from Halifax.NS.on the 16-04-1944.were:
I hope this information will be of use to you.

Febr. 5-2002

From: Karl Hagen

Genealogy and WWII

I found your site very useful, I am trying to trace my Grandfathers history. Both my Family tree and his WWII activities. His name was Arne Hansen Hagen (I think this was changed during or before the war from Hagen Hansen) He served in the Royal Norwegian Navy before the war and transferred to the Merchant Navy. He died in the late 80's. He has family in Norway still called Tvennig Hansen living in Merloy. I know the daughters name of Mona Tvennig Hansen and we use to write some years ago but have since lost touch. I would very much like to learn about my ancestry but do not really know where to start with such little information.

I suggested the Norwegian National Archives.

Febr. 4-2002

From: Alfred A. Williams

Naval & Maritime History WW2

You have a most interesting site and because I was assigned to a ship named Boston City sailing from Halifax N.S.April 16 1944 with an all Norwegian crew and flying the flag of Norway I wondered if you could shed some light on the history of this ship and/or its crew. I suspect it was originally of Norwegian registry and the name was changed for reasons unclear. I was a Convoy Signalman of the Royal Canadian Navy and had joined the service in 1940 till 1945. Con/Sigs as we were called would be sent to different ships to carry out the duties of all visual signals. These particular ships would be designated as Commodore-Vice Commodore or Rear Commodore of the particular Convoy. The captains of these ships were aware of their jobs and treated us extremely well. We arrived in Liverpool Eng.on the 2nd of May 1944 and would then report to our U.K.headquarters and await our next assignment which would be another vessel returning to North America. I hope this request does not put you to any inconvenience and I thank you for any info. you might have. If you have any questions I shall gladly answer.......Al.W

I was unable to help with this, the only Boston City I could find was British.

Jan. 31-2002

From: Molly Dodds

ss Duchess of York

Hi Siri, My husband has been trying to get some information on the SS Duchess of York, and we were given a list of addresses by Jan Visser, Webmaster of Royal Netherlands Navy Warships of WW11. My husband, James, is a survivor of the sinking of the Duchess of York when it was bombed in 1943, Sunday 15th July. He would greatly appreciate any information regarding other survivors, especially RAF personnell who eventually landed in Takoradi, Gold Coast, W. Africa. Any information would do.

A Google search will bring up information on this ship.

Jan. 28-2002




Jan. 27-2002

From: Endre B. Honningsvaag

Shiphistoric abt 1930-dd

Good to see such a complete work.
I've a father thatt sailed 1945-1978 on cargo vessels. He did not sail worldwide untill after WW2. He sailed on vessels Norwegian America Line, A.F.Klaveness, H.Gjerpen and A.Wilhelmsen. However my uncle Mr.Edvin Honningsvaag sailed during WW2 and is said to have been interned in Dakar (Heimvard)-He's also been torpedoed twice.

I've since been able to determine that E. Honningsvaag was one of the men who escaped in a lifeboat. More info on Heimvard can be found on my page Ships starting with H.

Jan. 27-2002

From: Robin Morris

Norwegen ship Stiklestad.

My Father Charles William Morris served in the Royal Navey in the last war, and spoke many times about a norwegen ship he served on as a gunner [pom poms]. My Father died some years ago but I have never forgot his storys about this ship, and would be in your debt if you could tell me if this is the same ship that is in your list of merchant marine. And if possible where can i get a picture of the ship.

Yours in hope Robin Morris

Jan. 26-2002

From: Sriram rajagopal - Chief officer


I thoroughly enjoyed going through your webpage. It is very artistically designed (I especially liked the fonts used, and the layout). Great work!!
If and when you have time, do drop in at my personal webpage - it's called "tales from the scuttlebutt" and contains anecdotes, cartoons, and sea stories all sent in by merchant navy seamen. Its at .
Bye and best wishes

Jan. 23-2002

From: Robert Allan Dommersnes

MS Bonneville

Excellent site.
My uncle Demandius Martin Dommersnes died when the Bonneville was lost when in convoy SC 121. Would love to hear from anyone who knew him or knew of him.
Thanks, Robert Dommersnes.

I've contacted Aksel Remøe, the radio operator at the time of the sinking of Bonneville and asked him to contact Robert.

Jan. 21-2002

From: Richard Nussey

MV Vibran

I am researching my wife's uncle, Henry James Wink RNR, who was lost aboard the Norwegian freighter MV Vibran which was sunk on 24.9.42 by a torpedo from U582. This information has been handed down in the family although there never has been official confirmation of this. It was not until I saw your web site that we found more information on Vibran. I have been unable to track down any other information on this ship which may or may not have been part of a convoy.

Unfortunately the UK Commonwealth War Graves Commission records give him as being lost from HMS Canada although there was no such ship then. The family had no idea which ship he was on when he was lost.

Many thanks for the interesting web site.

Richard Nussey

Vibran can be found on my page Ships Starting with V

Jan. 21-2002

From: david van oord

Ravnanger sunk in Teesbay

My late father was aboard the Ravnanger the night she was sunk and told the story many times although his tale differed from official version and was comical in truth he sailed from the tees many times. I would be greatful for any info.

Ravnanger can be found on a page of its own

Jan. 16-2002

From: Christian Winter

My grandfather / ship Ariadne

Hello everybody !
I am searching everything about my grandfa - ther Fritz Winter from Lüdenscheid/Germany . He was between 1940 - 1942 with the German navy in Denmark and Norge on different, un - known ships. the only ship i know was the FLAKKREUZER ( ANTI AIRCRAFT-SHIP ) ARIADNE . He also was stationed in Norge but I dont know where. sorry, I dont have a scanner until now, but I have about 400 photos of different ships ( even sinking and burning allied ships ), bunkers and harbours in Norge and Denmark. Some photos were noticed with dates and personal notices. Im looking to check out all informations about this in the next time. It would be fine if you could send me some emails if you were interested by some - for personal memories and even if you/anybody knows something about the FLAKKREUZER ARIADNE . Thanks a lot for your help ! I will send all informations next week to you !
Bye, have a nice evening, your Christian Winter

I referred him to NUAV's forum

Jan. 10-2002

From: Kjell M. Johansen


Dear Sir:

While perusing your website, I came upon a reference to what we in the Vestfold dialect called "kvashtabåtæne" and was pleased to find the information about DS Gudvang, sunk in April of 1942. Hans Chr. Seeberg, the captain of the ship, was my neighbor during my youth after his return from German imprisonment, and I knew him and his family well.

Thank you for gathering this vast store of information and making it available on the web. Students of Norwegian maritime history and casual visitors like myself are the richer for it.

Kjell M. Johansen

I have since created a separate section for the Kvarstad Ships

Jan. 9-2002

From: Bernie Byer

John P Pedersen

You are doing a wonderful job with your site. My father was radio officer on John P Pedersen in convoy HX126. sunk may 20, 1941. He recorded his personal notes and records before he died in 1995. His notes indicate the call sign was LDQM- had net tonnage 6128. He also recalls getting the convoy dispersal signal- he was followed into the water by the captain and first mate. Recalls that the captain and cheif engineer were brothers sailing together for the first time in 20 years. We have copies of survivors statements from Norges Krigsseilerforbund which verify that his recollections are very accurate. We were sent an extract from "Notraship Flåte" by Rustung Hegland that is in Norwegian - is there an English translation available on line?
A Canadian merchant marine veteran has written a book on Camp Norway on the east coast of Canada where sailors trained, I will send info if you do not have it.

Bernie Byer
La Salette On Canada

As far as I know there is no translation of Nortraship flåte on line, but I sent Bernie a translation of the extract in question. John P. Pedersen can be found at this link

See also Guestbook message from the daughter of Gunner Stanley Chapman

The History of Camp Norway can be found on this site. The book in question, "Somewhere on the East Coast of Canada" has ISBN 82_995038_1_7, translated by Berit and Victor Pittman. The Norwegian version, "Et steds på Kanadas Østkyst" by Jostein Kjelsrud has ISBN 82_995038_0_9.

Jan. 8-2002

From: Brian Hanson


I see my sister-in-law has been in touch with you about the Lise, the power of the internet never ceases to amaze me as I am a new member and a 70 year old age pensioner. You do not realise how much pleasure and satisfaction you have brought this family, knowing that future generations can look up this sight and remember the utter futility of wars, and the sacrfices made by ordinary people. once again thank you
Brian and Glenda Hanson

Brian is of course referring to my ship lists. Receiving mail like this is extremely rewarding and motivating. Thank you!

Jan. 7-2002

From: Bettie M.Seay

My brother Alexander Charles Jones

I heard this date from my brother-in-law in England who had contacted you with reference to my brother who was aboard the Norwegian ship Lise when it went down, it is nice to know that he is not forgotten, as for many years his name was not memorialized, due to the efforts of my brother-in-law he is now remembered in the memorial in London, I live in America now but went to London to see the memorial it was very difficult but nice to know that he will never be forgotten. Thank you so much.

See Brian Hanson's message on Jan. 4-2002 further down on this page (and also above).


Jan. 5-2002

From: Francisco Carretero

I was the 3 rd. assistant enginer in...

During a year (maybe 1971 or 1972) I was the 3rd. assistant engineer in the Golar Liz
Sincerily yours
Paco Carretero

My father was the radio operator on Golar Patricia when she exploded and sank in 1973. See Odd's Ships.

Jan. 4-2002

From: Carolyn Taylor

Norway merchant ships

hello- I found your fantastic website and was able to link to another site. This site provided me information about my great uncle--Nicolai N. Grimstad. He perished on a merchant ship in 1943. But more importantly, I'm interested in gathering information about my grandfather, Hjalmar Nilson Grimstad. I've traced my Norwegian ancestry back to the 1600's, but curiously I have not been able to find out much about his early years in the Merchant Marines. We have scant information about when he left Norway, and what ships he sailed on. He was born in 1905, so I would guess he was about 16 or 18 when he left. Are there seamen's training schools in Norway? If you have any advice, I'd appreciate it, but I understand if you are too busy. Thank you,
Carolyn Taylor U.S.A.

Jan. 4-2002

From: Brian Hanson

MV Lise

My brotherinlaw Charles Alexander Jones aged 16 was killed when the Lise was sunk by U-69. I notice that you make no mention of it in your coverage of the sinking, Why? it would be nice if you included the British crew on board who were killed.

Mr. Hanson has now sent me the names of the men killed on Lise which can be found on my page about Lise. Thank you!

Jan 2-2002

From: Elizabeth

Nueva Andalucia

My neighbour asked me to research what became of the crew on the M/T Nueva Andalucia which
ran aground on McNab's Island in Halifax Harbour. She is curious because her father was lighthouse keeper at the time and they had some of the Norwegians staying in there home for a time.

In the Norwegian version of my guestbook there's a message from someone who knows 2 of the survivors from this ship. He asked one of them where they stayed, but he can't remember exactly, he only remembers that they stayed "somewhere in town". Their names can be found in the text under Nueva Andalucia on my page Ships starting with N