Isometric (Cubic) Diploidal Class (original) (raw)

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Axial Configuration Paper Model

Isometric - Diploidal Class (2/m 3) Mineral Species Listing

System Class Name AXES Planes Center Hermann- Maugin Symbols
2-Fold 3-Fold 4-Fold 6-Fold
Isometric Diploidal 3 4 - - 3 yes 2/m 3

Synonyms: Pyritohedral Class, Pyrite Type, Dyakisdodecahedral, Pentagonal Hemihedral, or Tesseral Central Class.

Space Groups in class: Fd3, Fm3, Ia3, Im3, Pa3, Pm3, and Pn3.

Example of the isometric - diploidal class symmetry in stereo using JCrystal Applet by Steffen Weber.
Java Applet Not Started
Example of the isometric - diploidal class symmetry in stereo using Faces (version 3.5) by Georges Favreau.
Cubic 2!m-3.gif (3767 bytes)

59 Minerals From the H-M Class Isometric - Diploidal (2/m 3)

Mineral Space Grp a Z Vol (Ang3) Calc Dens
Alum-(K) P a3 12.1330 4 1786.1 1.76
Alum-(Na) P a3 12.2140 4 1822.1 1.67
Aurostibite P a3 6.6600 4 295.4 9.90
Avicennite I a3 10.5468 10 1173.2 9.36
Bixbyite I a3 9.3650 16 821.3 5.12
Bravoite P a3 5.5800 4 173.7 4.62
Cafarsite P n3 16.0100 4 4103.7 3.61
Cattierite P a3 5.5350 4 169.6 4.82
Chukhrovite-(Ce) F d3 16.8000 8 4741.6 2.31
Chukhrovite-(Nd) F d3 16.7590 8 4707.0 2.42
Chukhrovite-(Y) F d3 16.8000 8 4741.6 2.24
Cliffordite P a3 11.3710 8 1470.3 6.91
Dzhalindite I m3 7.9580 8 504.0 4.37
Dzharkenite P a3 5.7830 4 193.4 7.34
Dzhezkazganite P a3? 5.7830 1 193.4 1.87
Erlichmanite P a3 5.6196 4 177.5 9.52
Ertixiite P a3 5.9750 1 213.3 2.35
Ferroskutterudite Im3 8.1700 8 545.3 6.75
Ferrotychite F d3 13.9620 8 2721.7 2.86
Fukuchilite P a3 5.5800 1 173.7 4.81
Gaotaiite P a3 6.4130 1 263.7 10.06
Geversite P a3 6.4400 4 267.1 11.99
Griphite P a3 12.2050 4 1818.1 3.68
Hauerite P a3 6.1000 4 227.0 3.48
Hollingworthite P a3 5.7690 4 192.0 8.23
IMA2008-067 Fd3 19.3742 140 7272.3 2.01
Insizwaite P a3 6.6250 4 290.8 13.01
Irarsite P a3 5.7770 5 192.8 10.95
Jolliffeite P a3 5.8310 4 198.3 7.12
Kalungaite Pa3 6.0890 4 225.8 7.59
Kieftite I m3 9.0411 8 739.0 7.62
Krutaite P a3 6.0560 4 222.1 6.62
Krutovite P a3 5.7940 4 194.5 7.12
Lanmuchangite P a3 12.2120 4 1821.2 2.33
Laurite P a3 5.6000 4 175.6 6.25
Lonecreekite P a3 12.3020 4 1861.8 1.69
Manganotychite F d3 13.9951 8 2741.1 2.80
Mayingite P a3 6.5020 4 274.9 12.78
Menezesite Im3 13.0170 2 2205.6 4.18
Meniaylovite F d3 16.7220 10 4675.9 2.75
Miessiite F d3m 12.4480 8 1928.9 10.95
Nabiasite P a3 12.8450 4 2119.4 4.30
Nickelskutterudite I m3 8.2000 8 551.4 6.47
Northupite F d3 14.0100 16 2749.9 2.40
Penroseite P a3 5.9910 4 215.0 6.71
Platarsite P a3 5.7900 4 194.1 9.07
Pyrite P a3 5.4170 4 159.0 5.01
Rondorfite F d3 15.0850 8 3432.7 3.03
Schoenfliesite P n3 7.7590 4 467.1 3.48
Skutterudite I m3 8.1900 8 549.4 5.95
Sohngeite I m3 7.4700 8 416.8 3.85
Sperrylite P a3 5.9670 4 212.5 10.78
Trogtalite P a3 5.8700 4 202.3 7.12
Tschermigite P a3 12.2150 4 1822.6 1.65
Tychite F d3 13.8980 8 2684.5 2.59
Vaesite P a3 5.6793 4 183.2 4.45
Villamaninite P a3 5.7010 4 185.3 4.11
Winstanleyite I 21/a3 10.9630 8 1317.6 5.63
Yttropyrochlore-(Y) F d3m 10.2000 6 1061.2 4.28

(* - Mineral Name is Not IMA Approved)
(! - New Dana Classification Number Has Been Changed or Added)
(? - IMA Discredited Mineral Species Name