jPOWD Structure Applet (original) (raw)

To use the jPOWD applet, your browser must have the JAVA Virtual Machine (JVM) enabled. The jpowdjpx.jar MDI, Inc. is a web browser JAVA applet that can be integrated into web pages and uses .jpx files from jPOWD program for viewing crystallographic structure data in .jpx format.

jPOWD Applet Click on mineral name in the Index of Mineral Structures for a large interactive display (jpowdjpx.jar Applet) of the chemical structure. This applet requires Java and Specifically the SUN Java Virtual Machineinstalled/enabled on the client browser. If you have Java installed but no crystal structure appears in the window on the left, you probably have the obsolete MicroSoft Java Virtual Machine installed on your computer. See for the proper Java plug-in required to view the interactive structural data. Follow this link for a discussion on mineral structures.

Warning: This applet runs in your browser (client side application) and is very compute intensive. It may not run on older computers.

What's New

Major new addition to Webmineral. View interactivecrystal structure diagrams using jPOWD Applet. This applet is replacing the jMOL appletbecause it is smaller in size and it specializes in mineral and material structure files. The structure files are now integrated-with and viewable-by the species pages for each mineral that has published structural data.

jPOWD from Materials Data, Inc. generates x-ray pattern and structure simulation 'by reading crystallographic structure files, such as *.cif and generates a simulated x-ray diffraction pattern from the atomic positions. The output of binary crystal files (*.jpx) from the jPOWD program and the jpowdjpx applet allows web display of crystal structures.

Mineral Structures - Thanks for the tireless efforts of Dr Robert Downs and his associates at the University of Arizona for theircrystal structure database. This database contains every structure ever published in the American Mineralogist, The Canadian Mineralogist, European Journal of Mineralogy and Physics and Chemistry of Minerals as well as other selected journals. These structure files contain over 14,000 entries. All of them have been downloaded from theAmerican Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database, converted to .jpx files, and uploaded to

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: When visualizing molecules containing oxygen, the spheres representing oxygen are tiny compared to the other elements like silicon or magnesium.

A: Most mineralogists use cation positions to identify and classify structures in minerals. The jPOWD applet display shows atoms much smaller than the real radius so that this structure can be visualized. The default radius used by jPOWD is 30%.

To change the default atomic radii, just use the menu functions in the applet.

Q: The perspective picture gives polyhedra which are not relevant to the structure.

A: The jPOWD program has a batch converter which allows the creation of .jpx files. With over 14,000 structure files available from the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database, the batch process uses program settings which may not be optimal for all crystal structure files. Some of the resulting .jpx files may be incorrectly formatted because of ambiguities in the source .cif files. In all cases the original references are provided to verify the crystal structures.

If you need publication-quality displays I would suggest you get a copy of jPOWD. That way you could tweak the display to your liking on an individual basis. Contact them at

Q: The jpowdjpx.jar applet fails to materialize in a browser window. Here is a list of items to check:

Applet Instructions

Help file image instructions for jpowdjpx.jar.

There are some caveats to mention. These are:

All binary crystal structure files (.jpx) on this website are the property of The applet used for the web display of those structure files (jpowdjpx.jar) is copyrighted by Materials Data, Incand is used with permission on

In keeping with the "fair use" copyright doctrine, webmineral will allow the reproduction of a limited number of .jpx files from this website for educational use as long as credit is given to as the source of the .jpx files and credit is given to Materials Data, Inc. for the jpowdjpx.jar file.

Any other use (no citation given, large numbers of files being reproduced, commercial work, etc.) will be considered an infringement of copyright if prior arrangements have not been made with or Materials Data, Inc.

Other References to Mineral Structures

American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database
jPOWD - Materials Data, Inc.
WWW-MINCRYST - Russian Federation of Basic Research
IUCr - Crystallographic Information File
RCSB PDB - Protein Data Bank
CCDC - Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre

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