13. Alastair McIntosh - Mythology (original) (raw)

Classified Index of Articles on Mythology, Poetics, Faerie & Shamanism

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332. 2024. The Man of Calling, in Heimatkunde: Explorations of Place and Belonging (the festschrift for the ethnographer Professor Ullrich Kockel), eds. Mair�ad Nic Craith, Katerina Strani & Alastair Mackie, Lit Verlag, Berlin, pp. 101-117.

330. 'Don't be angry with the river', report on GalGael Trust trip to Iona, with link to Testimony to the late boat designer Iain Oughtred (Apr 2024).

323. 2023, A Sixteenth-century Irish Sermon on COP 26, The Irish Pages, Vol. II, No. 2, pp. 61-67, Belfast, Aug.

318. 2023, God, War and the Faeries: Mentoring and Carrying Stream in Writing Poacher�s Pilgrimage, conference proceedings 'Literature and religion in Scotland' of the Association for Scottish Literature, University of Glasgow, pp. 269 - 294.

317. 2023, New Foreword to the 2023 edition of Poacher's Pilgrimage (also new cover and subtitle), Birlinn, Edinburgh.

312. 2022, The Parallel Polis as a "Theatre of the Spirit" (essay on Czechoslovakia1968 & Ukraine-Russia 2022), The Alternative (ed. Pat Kane), 15 Aug.PDF version here.

310. 2022, COP26 as Ritual Space, contribution to report, Reflections on COP26: What Does Theology Have to Offer the Conversation around the Climate Crisis?, Madeleine Pennington and Ian Christie (eds.), Theos, London. PDF extract of my chapter here.

300. 2021, Agus mar sin Car a� Mhuiltein / And So Somersault, (poetry pamphlet - a major Gaelic/English poem about a night away in the faerie hill by Maoilios Caimbeul / Myles Campbell with Introduction by Iain MacKinnon, Catherine MacPhee and me), SEALL & Atlas Arts, Isle of Skye. (That links to the SEALL page with photos, PDF and audio links from the night�s performance.The pamphlet PDF is also_here_.

299. 2021, Rising Through the Third Great Flood, in Living Faithfully in the Time of Creation, eds. Kathy Galloway & Katharine M. Preston, The Iona Community, pp. 71 - 72.

292. 2019, God Carry Me, Dark Mountain Journal, Issue 16,10th anniversary edition essay, pp. 119-126.

286. 2019, "Keep thinking about the stories I'm telling you": Obituary for Agnus Maclennan of Kirkibost & Achmore, Lochs News, Issue 15, Feb, pp. 8-9

283. 2018, The State of the Nation Lecture 2018, St Andrew's Day, St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh - that's an audio link, for the text clickhere. For source references on St A, see here.

275, 2018, The Immortality of Robert Burns, Burns' Night address to the GalGael Trust, Bella Caledonia online,PDF copy of web publication.

271, 2017, Some Contributions of Geopoetics to Modern Scottish Land Consciousness, Scottish Centre for Geopoetics, Conference proceedings "Expressing the Earth", Seil Island, Scotland;PDF copy of web publication.

265. 2016, D� Se�rsa Fuaim a tha a' Tighinn � T�r-Cluig Falamh? What is the Sound of an Empty Belfry Chiming?, Re-Soundings, ed. Mhairi Killin & Hugh Watt, www.re-soundings.com, Graphical House, ISBN 978-0-9565200-8-1, pp. AD597 - c.1497 (bi-lingual Gaelic & English arts project on bells and artillery shells).

268, 2017, The Apocalypse of Three Great Floods, (commentary on Hebridean climate change legends and extract from Poacher's Pilgrimage), Dark Mountain Journal, Issue 11, pp. 87 - 93

267, 2017, Waiting (poem responding to Pat Kane on the state of Scotland), The National, 18 March, p. 13 (full online article).

260, 2016, Poacher's Pilgrimage: an Island Journey, Birlinn, Edinburgh, hardback, ISBN 978 178027 361 7, �20, 339 pp. + xxi.

257, 2015, Mantra, poem in In the Gift of This New Day, Wild Goose (Iona Community), p. 146.

252. 2015. Spiritual Activism: Leadership as Service, book co-authored with Matt Carmichael, Green Books, Cambridge, 24 September 2015 (formal year of publication is given as 2016, apparently a publishing convention for books released late in the year), hardback, ISBN 978 0 85784 300 5, 223 pp., �19.99.

240. 2014, Compass Points Within Eileana Bride, in Marianna Lines, The Traveller's Guide to Sacred Scotland, Gothic Image Publications, Somerset, pp. 264-266.

237. 2014, "The Rising of the Kelpies" and, "Freeing the Unicorn", two mythological poems in the anthology, Scotia Nova: Poems for the Early Days of a Better Nation, ed. Alistair Findlay & Tessa Ransford, Luath Press, Edinburgh.

234. 2014, "Foreword" (25 pp) to the new edition of_On the Other Side of Sorrow: Nature and People_ by James Hunter, Birlinn Ltd, Edinburgh.

227. 2014, What is Ancestral Time? Returning to One's Destiny, Arts & Humanities Research Council project blog, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh. For non-interactive but permanent PDF versionclick here.

221. 2013, Island Spirituality: Spiritual Values of Lewis and Harris, Islands Book Trust, Kershader, 184 pp, price �10. As out of print from 2015, now infree PDF download.

219. 2013, Book review of Fauna Scotica: Animals and People in Scotland by Polly Pullar & Mary Low, ECOS: Journal of the British Association of Nature Conservationists, 34:1, pp. 64-65.

218. 2012, Radical Human Ecology: Intercultural and Indigenous Approaches, co-edited with Lewis Williams (1) and Rose Roberts (2) in the Ashgate Research Companion series, Ashgate, London. Includes my chapters on "The Challenge of Radical Human Ecology to the Academy" and "Teaching Radical Human Ecology in the Academy", with a Foreword by Richard Borden of the Society for Human Ecology, 433 pp, ISBN 978-0-7546-9516-5, price �30 hardback.

217. 2012 The 'Sacredness' of Natural Sites and Their Recovery: Iona, Harris and Govan in Scotland, in Mallarach, J.-M., Papayannis, T. and V�is�nen, R. (eds), The Diversity of Sacred Lands in Europe: Proceedings of the Third Workshop of the Delos Initiative � Inari/Aanaar 2010. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN and Vantaa, Finland: Mets�hallitus Natural Heritage Services - free PDF of complete volume from IUCNhere.

217(a). 2012. To the Soul of the Stag, The Scottish Gamekeeper,February 2012, p. 5 (originally broadcast as a Thought for the Day on BBC Radio Scotland, 25 November 2011.)

214. 2011-12, O Donald Trump, Woe Donald Trump (poetry), EarthLines, Issue 1, May 2012, pp. 43-46 (first posted on Bella Caledonia blog 2011).

212. 2010. Foreword to Future Ethics: Climate Change and Apocalyptic Imagination, edited by Stefan Skrimshire, Continuum, London, 2010.

211. 2010. Book review of Dark Mountain Journal Issue 1,on Bella Caledonia website with contributor comments, 30 June, andalso in PDF, 7pp..

210. 2010. Popping the Gygian Question, Dark Mountain, Issue 1, Dark Mountain Project, May 2010, 101-7.

203. 2009. Compassion (a reflection on the crofting, community and the psyche of the world), Bella Caledonia, September 09 (online journal ... orclick here for Word version).

195. 2008, Some Contributions of Liberation Theology to Community Empowerment in Scottish Land Reform 1991 - 2003, (4 MB PDF) Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Published Works undertaken with the Academy of Irish Cultural Heritages, Faculty of Arts, University of Ulster.

194. 2008, Hell and High Water: Climate Change, Hope and the Human Condition, Birlinn Press, Edinburgh, 289 pp. + x, �8.99, ISBN 978-1-84158-622-9. (Part 2 of the book is relevant to this categorisation.)

186. 2007, Sparking the Fire of Regeneration, Interpretation Journal: Journal of the Association for Heritage Interpretation, 12:3, 3 - 5 (also in PDF of original). .

184. 2006, Love and Revolution (collected poetry), Luath Press, Edinburgh,96pp, �7.99, 4 September 2006, ISBN 1-905222-58-0.

205b. 2009. Economic Growth and Climate Change are Like a Runaway Train, The Guardian (Face to Faith), 3 October.

172. 2005, 3 contributions to The Encyclopaedia of Religion and Nature (2 volumes), Jeffrey Kaplan & Bron Taylor eds., Continuum International Publishing, London & NY, 2005 (www.religionandnature.com), comprising: 1) Scotland (the historical context of nature religion), 1503-1505, 2) Faerie Faith in Scotland, 633-634, and, 3) Scything & Erotic Fulfillment (vernacular work rhythms), 1507-1509.

167. 2005, Chronique d'une Alliance: Peuples autochtones et soci�t� civil face � la mondialisation, (the abridged French translation of Soil and Soul), Editions Yves Michel, Paris, ISBN 2 913492 30 4, �22, 351pp.. Ce blog est destin� aux lecteurs d'Alastair McIntosh afin qu'ils puissent se conna�tre, se faire conna�tre et s'exprimer sur les sujets abord�s dans le livre.

140. 2002, Becoming Rooted in Place. Public address given at the opening of NVA's Hidden Garden at Glasgow's Tramway Theatre, 30 November 2002.

138. The Future of Wild Land in Scotland: "Yes, about the fairies and all that...". This article was commissioned by the Scottish Wild Land Group for their published contribution to The International Year of Mountains 2002, Scotland's Wild Land - what future?, ISBN 0-9543790-0-4, �4.00, 5-8.

135. 2002, Roots for Living, occasional column in The Big Issue in Scotland,with V�r�ne Nicolas, on diverse social, environmental and spiritual issues. This link takes you to the index.

130. 2001, Mystery of Andrew, our forgotten saint (St Andrew and women's rights), Scottish Daily Mail, November 26, 10.

127. 2001, Soil and Soul: People versus Corporate Power, Aurum Press, London, ISBN 1 85410 802 6, �17.99 hardback, 336pp..

125. 2001, Pagan Presbyterianism? Protest and Prophetic Theology, The Friends' Quarterly, Kent, 32:7, 300-309.

113. 2000, Saint Andrew � Nonviolence and National Identity, Theology in Scotland, St Mary�s College, University of St Andrews, VII:1, 55-70.

110. 2000, Dancing to your Shadow: A Celtic Reflection on the Healing of Broken-Heartedness, The Journal of Contemporary Health, Liverpool John Moores University, Issue 8, 58-60; reprinted in PanGaia, Port Arena, CA., No. 23, 41-45.

105. 1999, Psychospiritual Effects of Biodiversity Loss in Celtic Culture and its Contemporary Geopoetic Restoration, in Cultural & Spiritual Values of Biodiversity: a Complementary Contribution to the Global Biodiversity Assessment, ed. Darrell Addison Posey, United Nations Environment Programme (Intermediate Technology Publications), Nairobi & London, 480-483.

98. 1998, Elijah or Elisha? A Shamanism for Today, The Christian Parapsychologist, Churches� Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies, 13:4, 119-122.

96. 1998, A Power of Love that Melts the Love of Power, (St. Andrew�s Day essay), The Herald, Glasgow, 30 November, 13.

92. 1998, Fairy Hills: merging heritage and conservation, ECOS, 18:2, British Association Nature Conservation, (with Patrick Laviolette (1)), 2-8, now also in PDF.

91. 1998, (222KB) The Gal-Gael Peoples of Scotland: on Tradition Re-bearing, Recovery of Place and Making Identity Anew, Nature Religion Today, ed. Joanne Pearson, Richard Roberts & Geoffrey Samuel, Edinburgh University Press, 180-202.

88. 1997, Music, religion and some questions of scripture, Stornoway Gazette_,_22 May, 8.

83. 1997, Eigg Freedom Shlide, a 12/8 jig (slide) commissioned by the Isle of Eigg Residents' Association for the island's freedom celebration.

74. 1996, Community, spirit, place: a reviving Celtic shamanism, The Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy, 13:3, 111-120, (Canada) (this follows article no. 51, below).

68. 1995, Ecology: science or poetry, Sylva, 58, 5-11 (debate with Robert Muetzelfeldt (2)).

51. 1994, Over the rainbow: an Irish pilgrimage, The Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy, 11:3, 131-135 (this precedes article no. 74, above).

46. 1993, Rainforests and high finance: A Faerie Story and Open Letter to Alice Walker, World Rainforest Report, 26, Rainforest Information Centre, Australia, 18-20.

43. 1992, A sound ecology, Music Teacher, 71:8, 22-25, (with Chuck Holdeman (2)). Now also in PDF.

35. 1991, Manifesto of the Phantom Treeplanters, Tree Planters Guide to the Galaxy, Reforesting Scotland, 5, 19.

20. 1985, Psychedelic Shamanism: Old World to New Age, Christian Parapsychologist, CFPSS, New Romney, 6:4, 123-133. Also as 1986, Psychedelisch sjamanisme: uit de Oude Wereld Naar de Nieuwe Tijd, Bres, Holland, 119, 24-36.

4. 1980, Beliefs about out-of-the-body experiences among the Elema, Gulf Kamea and Rigo peoples of Papua New Guinea, _Journal of the Society for Psychical Researc_h,London, 50:785, 460-478. PDF version here.

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