Classified Index of Publications (original) (raw)

Classified Subject Index of Alastair McIntosh's Publications

This index classifies my material from the chronological index of publications into subject areas.

There can be quite a bit of overlap between categories. The most items are at the top.

0.Recent additions, past year (that may not yet be in the classified indexes)

1. Community, Place, Belonging & Identity

2. Globalisation, Economics, Marketing & Management

3. Nonviolence, War & Peace

4. Sustainability, Conservation, Natural Resources, Climate Change

5. Land Reform (including Isle of Eigg)

6. Superquarries and Mining (including Isle of Harris)

7. Epistemology, Education, Environmental Education & Science Policy

8. Scottish Constitutional, Vision and Identity

9. Psychology, Cultural Psychotherapy & Ethnography (except South Pacific)

10. Papua New Guinea & South Pacific (including Indonesia)

11.Religion, Theology & Philosophy

12. Consciousness Research & Parapsychology

13. Mythology, Poetics & Shamanism

14. Spirituality

Last Updated: 27/10/23