Apollo 19 (original) (raw)

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Apollo 19

Part of Apollo Lunar Landing

Apollo vs N1-L3
Apollo vs N1-L3
Apollo CSM / LM vs L3 Lunar Complex
Credit: © Mark Wade

Apollo 19 was originally planned to land in the Hyginus Rille region, which would allow study of lunar linear rilles and craters. Apollo 19 in turn cancelled on 2 September 1970 because of congressional cuts in FY 1971 NASA appropriations.

Launched: 1973 December. Number crew: 3 .

Apollo 19 was originally planned to land in the Hyginus Rille region, which would allow study of lunar linear rilles and craters. The original July 1972 landing date was extended when NASA cancelled the Apollo 20 mission in January 1970. Later planning indicated Copernicus as the most likely landing site for Apollo 19. Finally NASA cancelled Apollo 18 and 19 on 2 September 1970 because of congressional cuts in FY 1971 NASA appropriations.

More at: Apollo 19.

People: Pogue, Carr, Peterson, Haise, Hartsfield, England. Country: USA. Projects: Apollo.

1969 July 29 - .

1970 January 29 - .

1973 December - .

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