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People: Mogensen, Quistgaard. Spacecraft: ISS, Orsted, Cubesat, AAUSat. Launch Vehicles: Deacon, Thor, Antares, UR-100N, PSLV, Atlas V. Launch Sites: Wallops Island, Vandenberg, Plesetsk, Sonde Stromfjord, Sriharikota, Dombarovskiy. Agency: ISRO, CRI, DMI, Aalborg, Danish Technical University.

1971 August 22 - . 02:34 GMT - . Launch Site: Sonde Stromfjord. LV Family: Deacon. Launch Vehicle: Nike Apache.

1971 August 24 - . 02:24 GMT - . Launch Site: Sonde Stromfjord. LV Family: Deacon. Launch Vehicle: Nike Apache.

1976 November 2 - .

1999 February 23 - . 10:29 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC2W. LV Family: Thor. Launch Vehicle: Delta 7920-10.

2003 June 30 - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Complex: Plesetsk LC133/3. LV Family: UR-100N. Launch Vehicle: Rokot.

2008 April 28 - . 03:53 GMT - . Launch Site: Sriharikota. Launch Complex: Sriharikota SLP. Launch Vehicle: PSLV.

2013 February 25 - . 12:31 GMT - . Launch Site: Sriharikota. Launch Complex: Sriharikota PSLV. Launch Vehicle: PSLV.

2013 November 21 - . 07:10 GMT - . Launch Site: Dombarovskiy. Launch Pad: xxx. LV Family: R-36M. Launch Vehicle: Dnepr.

2014 June 19 - . 19:11 GMT - . Launch Site: Dombarovskiy. LV Family: R-36M. Launch Vehicle: Dnepr.

2014 October 28 - . 22:20 GMT - . Launch Site: Wallops Island. Launch Complex: Wallops Island LA0A. Launch Pad: Wallops MARS 0A. LV Family: Antares LV. Launch Vehicle: Antares 130.

2015 October 5 - . 14:05 GMT - . Launch Platform: ISS.

2018 February 2 - . 07:50 GMT - . Launch Site: Jiuquan. Launch Complex: Jiuquan SLS-2. LV Family: CZ. Launch Vehicle: Chang Zheng 2D.

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