GIRD (original) (raw)

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Family of pioneering rockets developed by the Gruppa Isutcheniya Reaktivniya Dvisheniya, Group for Investigation of Reactive Motion (Russian abbreviation)


GIRD-09 Russian sounding rocket. The first rocket successfully launched by the Soviet GIRD organization was a hybrid, using a liquid oxygen to burn gelled petroleum in large casing. Development of the rocket was begun by GIRD's second brigade under M K Tikhonravov.

GIRD-10 Russian sounding rocket. The first liquid propellant rocket launched in the Soviet Union, the GIRD-10 used liquid oxygen and alcohol propellants, pressure-fed to the combustion chamber by nitrogen gas.

Country: Russia.

1924 April 1 - . LV Family: GIRD. Launch Vehicle: GIRD-09.

1933 August 11 - . LV Family: GIRD. Launch Vehicle: GIRD-09. FAILURE: Failure.

1933 August 13 - . LV Family: GIRD. Launch Vehicle: GIRD-09. FAILURE: Failure.

1933 August 17 - . LV Family: GIRD. Launch Vehicle: GIRD-09.

1933 November 5 - . LV Family: GIRD. Launch Vehicle: GIRD-09. FAILURE: Failure.

1933 November 6 - . LV Family: GIRD. Launch Vehicle: GIRD-09. FAILURE: Failure.

1933 November 25 - . LV Family: GIRD. Launch Vehicle: GIRD-10. FAILURE: Failure.

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