Kotov (original) (raw)

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Kotov, Oleg Valeriyevich

Russian physician cosmonaut 1996-2016. Russian Air Force; MD from Moscow Sergei M. Kirov Military Medicine Academy, 1980 . Worked in the TsPK, medical department. 526 cumulative days in space.

Status: Inactive; Active 1906-2016. Born: 1965-10-27. Spaceflights: 3 . Total time in space: 526.21 days. Birth Place: Simferopol.

Detachment: TsPK.

Official NASA Biography as of June 2016: Kotov OLEG VALERIEVICH soyuz tma commander iss 22 flight engineer, iss 23 commander air force colonel instructor-test-cosmonaut of Yu.A. Gagarin CosmonAut Training Center 100th Russian cosmonaut, 452nd World cosmonaut

PERSONAL DATA: Born October 27, 1965, in Simferopol. Married to Svetlana Nikolayevna Kotova (previously, Bunyakina). They have two children, daughter Valeria, born in 1994, and son Dmitry, born in 2002. His parents, Valeri Efimovich and Elena Ivanovna Kotov, reside in Moscow.

EDUCATION: In 1982 Dr. Kotov finished high school in Moscow and entered the Kirov Military Medical Academy, from which he graduated in 1988. From November 1988 to December 1990 studied functional diagnostics/methods of pilot selection at the Central Air Force Hospital. In 1992 graduated from the Moscow Institute of Industrial property and innovation with a degree in patenting. In 1996 entered the Kachin Air Force pilot school named after A.F. Myasnikov from which he graduated in 1998 with a qualification of pilot-engineer.

EXPERIENCE: After graduation from the Academy, in 1988, he served at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, where he held the positions of Deputy lead test-doctor and Lead test doctor.

During his service he dealt with problems of altitude physiology and space flight effects on human body. He gained great experience in practical training and medical support of EVAs on the Mir station; he was a crew instructor for biomedical training and science program training. He is a certified SCUBA diver.

He was selected as a GCTC cosmonaut candidate in 1996. From June 1996 – March 1998, he completed a course of basic training for spaceflight. In March 1998, he received a test-cosmonaut qualification.

Since July of 1998, Dr. Kotov is a cosmonaut-researcher of the GCTC Cosmonaut Corps.

In May-August 1998, Kotov was trained for a flight on the Soyuz and the Mir station as a backup crewmember to the Mir-26 mission.

In October of 1998 started advanced training for ISS flights.

In December, 1999 received a test-cosmonaut qualification.

From October, 2002 to March, 2003 trained in the Taxi-5 backup crew with P. Vinogradov as Soyuz TMA commander.

From February, 2004 to October, 2005 trained as ISS-13 backup flight engineer and Soyuz TMA commander. After the Columbia accident and transition to a two-person ISS crew, Kotov was removed from the crew in October 2005.

In January, 2006 started training for the ISS-15 prime mission.

SPACEFLIGHT EXPERIENCE: Kotov completed his 1st spaceflight from April to October 2007 (196 days) as Soyuz TMA commander and ISS-15 flight engineer. He performed two EVAs that lasted a total of 11 hours and 47 minutes.

Kotov performed his 2nd spaceflight as Soyuz TMA commander and ISS 22/23 crewmember (ISS 23 commander) with Soichi Noguchi (JAXA) and TJ Creamer (NASA) from December 21, 2009 to June 2, 2010 (163 days). During this flight he performed an EVA that lasted for 5 hours and 44 minutes.


More at: Kotov.

Family: Cosmonaut. Country: Russia, Ukraine. Spacecraft: ISS. Flights: Soyuz TM-28 Mir EP-4, Soyuz TMA-2A, Soyuz TMA-10, Soyuz TMA-17, Soyuz TMA-10M. Agency: VVS. Bibliography: 4452, 5646.

1965 October 27 - .

1996 July 7 - .

2003 April 18 - .

2007 March 2 - .

2007 March 23 - .

2007 March 29 - .

2007 April 6 - .

2007 April 7 - .

2007 April 7 - . 17:31 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz-FG.

2007 April 9 - .

2007 April 13 - .

2007 April 20 - .

2007 April 21 - .

2007 April 27 - .

2007 May 4 - .

2007 May 11 - .

2007 May 12 - . 03:25 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz-U-PVB.

2007 May 15 - .

2007 May 18 - .

2007 May 25 - .

2007 May 29 - .

2007 May 30 - .

2007 May 30 - . 19:05 GMT - .

2007 June 1 - .

2007 June 6 - .

2007 June 6 - . 14:23 GMT - .

2007 June 8 - .

2007 June 9 - .

2007 June 9 - .

2007 June 10 - .

2007 June 10 - .

2007 June 11 - .

2007 June 11 - .

2007 June 12 - .

2007 June 13 - .

2007 June 15 - .

2007 June 16 - .

2007 June 17 - .

2007 June 17 - .

2007 June 19 - .

2007 June 20 - .

2007 June 29 - .

2007 July 6 - .

2007 July 23 - .

2007 August 5 - .

2007 August 30 - .

2007 September 27 - .

2007 October 21 - .

2007 October 21 - . 10:36 GMT - .

2007 November 12 - .

2007 November 30 - .

2007 December 1 - .

2007 December 4 - .

2008 February 6 - .

2008 April 15 - .

2008 May 14 - .

2008 May 28 - .

2008 June 4 - .

2009 December 20 - . 21:52 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz-FG.

2010 January 14 - .

2013 March 28 - . 20:43 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz-FG.

2013 September 25 - . 20:58 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC1. LV Family: R-7. Launch Vehicle: Soyuz-FG.

2013 November 9 - .

2013 December 27 - .

2014 January 27 - .

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