Microsat (original) (raw)

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Credit: Manufacturer Image

American military communications satellite. Satellites used in a DARPA test of an LEO quick-reaction network for global communications. Built by DSI, USA. Launched 1991.

AKA: SCS. Status: Operational 1991. First Launch: 1991-07-17. Last Launch: 1991-07-17. Number: 7 . Gross mass: 22 kg (48 lb).

The Microsats were of a one-of-a-kind design by Defense Systems Incorporated (DSI) for DARPA. Ray Crough was the Project Manager at DARPA for these "seven dwarfs". DSI was run by Dr. George Sebastian and Jason O'Neill and was eventually sold to Wireless Communications in 1994 for $6.6 million.

More at: Microsat.


Family: Communications, Military communications sat, Technology. Country: USA. Launch Vehicles: Molniya 8K78M, Pegasus, Pegasus/HAPS. Launch Sites: Point Arguello WADZ. Agency: DARPA, Defense Systems Inc. Bibliography: 2, 6.

1991 July 17 - . 17:33 GMT - . Launch Site: Point Arguello. Launch Complex: Point Arguello WADZ. Launch Pad: Aircraft from Edwards.. Launch Platform: NB-52 008. LV Family: Pegasus. Launch Vehicle: Pegasus/HAPS. Failed Stage: G.

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