Potok (original) (raw)

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Part of KAUR-4

Cosmos 2291
Cosmos 2291
Credit: Manufacturer Image

Russian military communications satellite. Potok was one element of the second generation global command and control system (GKKRS) developed according to a decree of 17 February 1976. Military relay satellite built by NPO Prikladnoi Mekhaniki (NPO PM), Russia. Launched 1982 - 2000.

AKA: 11F663;Geizer;Geyzer;Sokol. Status: Operational 1982. First Launch: 1982-05-17. Last Launch: 2000-07-04. Number: 10 . Gross mass: 2,100 kg (4,600 lb).

The first of ten spacecraft was launched as Cosmos 1366 in 1982. These satellites were integrated with the Luch geostationary system and featured retransmission of high rate data retransmission in the centimeter wavelength range. While Luch handled communications between spacecraft and ground stations, Potok handled communications between fixed points and digital data from the Yantar-4KS1 electroptical reconnaissance satellite. Potok was the first communications spacecraft built by the Lavochkin design bureau. The Slav-2 and Sintez transponders aboard Potok were developed by G Ya Guskov at NPO Elas.

Potok was said by one account to have utilized the KAUR-4 spacecraft bus. This had an active 3-axis orientation system, with a single central body from which extended 40 square meters of solar panels. Its basic structure was that of the KAUR-3, but it was equipped with completely new systems: a digital computer, plasma station-keeping engines, hydrazine monopropellant orientation engines, and actively-scanned antennae arrays with 0.5 degrees antenna and 0.1 degree spacecraft pointing accuracy.

Potok transponders utilized a unique, hexagonal phased-array antenna. The principal ground stations for the Potok system were located at Nakhodka and in the Moscow region at Konakovo. From Geyser spacecraft positioned at 80 degrees E and 13.5 degrees W, the Potok system was designed for digital data transmissions in C-band. A third geosynchronous slot at 168 degrees West was never used. Mobile and stationary transmitter/receiver stations were used with antenna diameters of 2.6-3 m as well as compact phased-array antennas. In 1992 Russian officials offered the Geyser-Potok system for commercial international use under the name Sokol.

More at: Potok.

Family: Communications, Geosynchronous orbit, Military communications sat. Country: Russia. Engines: SPT-70. Launch Vehicles: Proton, Proton-K/DM, Proton-K/DM-2. Launch Sites: Baikonur, Baikonur LC81/23, Baikonur LC200/40, Baikonur LC200/39. Agency: RVSN, Reshetnev bureau. Bibliography: 102, 112, 2, 274, 450, 474, 552, 554, 6, 67, 6789, 12970.

1976 February 17 - .

1982 May 17 - . 23:50 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC200/39. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM.

1984 March 2 - . 03:54 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC200/40. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM.

1986 April 4 - . 03:45 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC200/40. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM.

1987 October 1 - . 17:09 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC200/39. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM-2.

1988 August 1 - . 21:04 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC200/39. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM-2.

1990 July 18 - . 21:46 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC200/39. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM-2.

1991 November 22 - . 13:27 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC81/23. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM-2.

1994 September 21 - . 17:53 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC200/39. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM-2.

1995 August 30 - . 19:33 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC200/39. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM-2.

2000 July 4 - . 23:44 GMT - . Launch Site: Baikonur. Launch Complex: Baikonur LC200/39. LV Family: Proton. Launch Vehicle: Proton-K/DM-2.

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