STS-33 (original) (raw)

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Part of STS


STS-33 crewmembers, wearing LESs, leave KSC O&C Bldg for launch pad
Credit: NASA

Deployed a classified payload.

AKA: Discovery. Launched: 1989-11-23. Returned: 1989-11-28. Number crew: 5 . Duration: 5.00 days.

Orbits of Earth: 78. Distance traveled: 3,218,687 km. Landed at: Concrete runway 04 at Edwards Air Force Base, Cali. Landing Speed: 368 kph. Touchdown miss distance: 570.00 m. Landing Rollout: 2,366.00 m. Payloads: DoD Mission - third space shuttle night launch.

NASA Official Mission Narrative

Mission Name: STS-33 (32)
Pad 39-B (13)
32nd Shuttle mission
9th Flight OV-103
3rd Night Launch (1st since return to flight)

Frederick D. Gregory (2), Commander
John E. Blaha (2), Pilot
F. Story Musgrave (3), Mission Specialist 1
Manley L Carter, Jr.(1), Mission Specialist 2
Kathryn C. Thornton (1), Mission Specialist 3

OPF - Aug, 20,1989
VAB - Oct. 5. 1989
PAD - Oct. 27, 1989

Mission Objectives:

November 22, 1989,7:23:30 p.m. EST. Launch set for Nov. 20 rescheduled to allow changeout of suspect integrated electronics assemblies on twin solid rocket boosters. Launch Weight: Classified.
Altitude: 302
Inclination: 28.45 degrees
Orbits: 79
Duration: 5 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes, 49 seconds.
Distance: 2,100,000 miles

SRB: BI-034
SRM: 360L007
ET : 38/LWT-31
MLP : 2
SSME-1: SN-2011
SSME-2: SN-2031
SSME-3: SN-2107

November 27,1989,4:30:16 p.m. PST, Runway 4, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. Rollout distance: 7,764 feet. Rollout time: 46 seconds. Orbiter returned to KSC Dec. 4, 1989. Landing Weight: 194,282 lbs.

Mission Highlights:
Fifth mission dedicated to Department of Defense.

More at: STS-33.

Family: Manned spaceflight. People: Blaha, Carter, Gregory, Musgrave, Thornton. Country: USA. Spacecraft: Discovery. Projects: STS. Launch Sites: Cape Canaveral. Agency: NASA, NASA Houston.

Photo Gallery

STS-33 STS-33STS-33 Discovery, OV-103, early morning lift-off from KSC LC Pad 39BCredit: NASA

STS-33 STS-33Aerial view of STS-33 Discovery, OV-103, lifting off from KSC LC Pad 39BCredit: NASA

STS-33 STS-33STS-33 MS Musgrave, wearing headset, poses on Discovery's, OV-103's, middeckCredit: NASA

STS-33 STS-33STS-33 crewmembers on OV-103's aft flight deck photograph Earth observationsCredit: NASA

STS-33 STS-33STS-33 MS Carter and MS Thornton display "Maggot on Board" sign and candyCredit: NASA

STS-33 STS-33STS-33 Pilot Blaha with his hand on the RHC looks out aft flight deck windowCredit: NASA

STS-33 STS-33STS-33 MS Thornton on Discovery's, OV-103's, aft flight deckCredit: NASA

1989 November 23 - . 00:23 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC39B. Launch Platform: MLP2. LV Family: Shuttle. Launch Vehicle: Space Shuttle.

1989 November 28 - .

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