TIMED (original) (raw)

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Credit: Manufacturer Image

American solar satellite. TIMED was the first NASA Solar Terrestrial Probe, operated by Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab to study the thermosphere, mesosphere and lower ionosphere. Science, Atmosphere satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for NASA, USA. Launched 2001.

Status: Operational 2001. First Launch: 2001-12-07. Last Launch: 2001-12-07. Number: 1 . Gross mass: 587 kg (1,294 lb).

TIMED was built in-house at APL and had a mass of 587 kg; the project was managed at NASA-Goddard. It measured solar and auroral energy input, atmospheric cooling rates, and atmospheric composition, temperature and wind profiles.

More at: TIMED.

Family: Astronomy, Solar. Country: USA. Launch Vehicles: Thor, Delta, Delta 2 7000, Delta 7920-10. Launch Sites: Vandenberg, Vandenberg SLC2W. Bibliography: 2, 296, 4159, 4160, 4161, 4162, 4163, 552, 554.

2001 December 7 - . 15:07 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC2W. LV Family: Thor. Launch Vehicle: Delta 7920-10.

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