USA 193 (original) (raw)

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USA 193

American military technology satellite. US shoots down failed USA 193 satellite. Classified NRO mission of uncertain objectives, possibly military observation with a mixed payload.

Status: Operational 2006. First Launch: 2006-12-14. Last Launch: 2006-12-14. Number: 1 .

Later it was revealed the on-board propulsion system had completely failed, putting the satellite in a rapidly-decaying orbit. The Pentagon said that the hydrazine propellant aboard constituted a risk and announced they would shoot the satellite down. The real objective may have been to demonstrated US antisatellite capability after a Chinese test in 2007. In any case, on 21 February 2008 the satellite was down to a 242 km x 257 km orbit. At 03:26 GMT an SM-3 missile was fired from the Aegis cruiser USS Lake Erie stationed west of Hawaii to intercept the satellite. The hit-to-kill warhead successfully rammed the satellite, breaking it up into 153 catalogued items of debris with perigees of 170-250 km and apogees of up to 2700 km.

NASA NSSDC Master Catalog Description

USA 193 is an American military satellite that was launched from Vandenberg AFB at 21:00 UT on 14 December 2006. It is a highly classified spacecraft, owned and operated by the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). No further details are available.

Family: Military technology sat, Technology. Country: USA. Launch Vehicles: Thor, Delta, Delta 7920-10C. Launch Sites: Vandenberg, Vandenberg SLC2W. Bibliography: 2, 7009, 13319.

2006 December 14 - . 21:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC2W. LV Family: Thor. Launch Vehicle: Delta 7920-10C.

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