VEP (original) (raw)

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Credit: ESA

Japanese technology satellite. Monitored H-2 launch vehicle performance. National name MYOJO. Technology satellite for NASDA, Japan. Launched 1994.

AKA: Myojo;Vehicle Evaluation Payload. Status: Operational 1994. First Launch: 1994-02-03. Last Launch: 2001-08-29. Number: 2 . Gross mass: 2,391 kg (5,271 lb).

Provided a ranging function as well as functions to measure the acceleration and deformation, in order to confirm the accuracy of the H-2 rocket orbit injection and understand the environment of the payload equipment. Launching organization NASDA.

More at: VEP.


VEP 2 Technology satellite for NASDA, Japan. Launched 2001.

VEP 3 Technology satellite operated by NASDA, Japan. Launched 2002.

Family: Geosynchronous orbit, Technology, Technology satellite. Country: Japan. Launch Vehicles: H-II, H-IIA, H-IIA 202. Launch Sites: Tanegashima, Tanegashima Y. Bibliography: 2, 279, 296, 552, 554, 6, 11956, 13341, 13342.

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VEP VEPCredit: Manufacturer Image

VEP-2 VEP-2Credit: Manufacturer Image

MDS-1 MDS-1Credit: Manufacturer Image

1994 February 3 - . 22:20 GMT - . Launch Site: Tanegashima. Launch Complex: Tanegashima Y. LV Family: H-2. Launch Vehicle: H-II.

2001 August 29 - . 07:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Tanegashima. Launch Complex: Tanegashima Y. LV Family: H-2. Launch Vehicle: H-IIA 202.

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