Syll 765 : Translation of inscription (original) (raw)


Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum: 765


Greek text: Lindos_2.347 , SEG_19.623
Date: (A) 42/1 B.C. , (B) c. 50-20 B.C.
Format: see key to translations

Inscription A, from Lindos, is dated securely by the name of the priest, Philippos. There is no evidence that there was more than one sculptor called Athanodoros son of Hagesandros, and therefore inscription B, which was found in 1957 in the cave of Sperlonga, implies that the statues in this cave can be dated to approximately the same period.

According to Pliny the Elder ( HN_36.37 ), the famous statue group of Laoco�n and his sons was created by 'Hagesander and Polydorus and Athenodorus '; it is probable that 'Athenodorus' was the same Athanadoros, but there may have been more than one sculptor called Hagesander.

[A] This statue of Philippos son of Philippos - by adoption son of Astykrates, priest of Athena Lindia and of [ Zeus ] Polieus and of Artemis Kekoia, in whose time there was peace and prosperity, was dedicated to the gods by:

Priest of Pythian Apollo : Sosikles son of Kleuxenos
Priest of Sarapis : Epainetos son of Antistratos

10 Chief hierothytēs : Pamphilos son of Thrasylochos - by adoption son of Charmylos
Priest of Artemis Kekoia : Aristeidas son of Pausanias
Priest of Dionysos : Agathombrotos son of Mnasiphanes
Priest of Apollo Olios : Aristonymos son of Aristonymos the son of Aristonymos
20 Priest of Poseidon : Dositheos son of Themistokles
Priest of Apollo in Kamyndos : Nikophon son of Pausanias
Priest of Apollo Karneios : Hagesarchos son of Hagesarchos
Priest of Lindos and the other heroes: 30 Polycharmos son of Pythion

Hierothytai : Sosos son of Sosos , Zenon son of Nikoteimos , Timopolis son of Aleximbrotidas - by adoption son of Diopeithes , Damagetos son of Eurystratos , Polycharmos son of Polycharmos , Mikion son of Sosistratos ,

40 Nikagoras son of Nikagoras , Basilon son of Basilon , Pantakles son of Aristophon - by adoption son of Pamphon , Sosinomos son of Sosinomos the son of Sosinomos , Ariston son of Timagoras , Sosipatros son of Euphrantidas , Pasicharis son of Aristokrates , 50 Hagesarchos son of Hagesarchos , Telesarchos son of Isodotos

Superintendents elected by the people : Idokritos son of Damatrios , Philon son of Architeimos.

He was crowned by the demes in the city of Lindos : the Ladarmioi, Brasiosi, Kattabioi, Pedieis, Lindopoleitai, Kamyndioi, Pagioi, Netttidai, Klasioi, Argeioi, , Boulidai and Dryeitai, 60 on account of his piety towards the gods and his virtue and goodwill and honourable conduct towards themselves.

This statue of Agauris daughter of Herodotos was dedicated to the gods by:

{ lines 64-121 repeat the names written in lines 5-55. }

She was crowned by the demes in the city of Lindos : the Ladarmioi, Brasiosi, Kattabioi, Pedieis, Lindopoleitai, Kamyndioi, Pagioi, Netttidai, Klasioi, Argeioi, Boulidai and Dryeitai, on account of her piety towards the gods and her virtue and goodwill and honourable conduct towards themselves.

130Athanodoros of Rhodes, the son of Hagesandros, made the statues.

[B] Athanodoros son of Hagesandros and Hagesandros son of Paiōnios and Polydoros son of Polydoros, all of Rhodes, made the statues.

inscription 766

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