Carrot Trivia - 101 things you never knew about carrots (original) (raw)

Carrot Trivia - Part One

Welcome to the amazing trivial world of the Carrot. You probably thought that the carrot has a very uninteresting life with no significance to the world. Well read on and be amazed how carrots impact on everyday life. This is just the first Page (of many!) detailing some of the interesting trivia you never knew about carrots!

Navigation of this page:101 Trivia - Carrot Pub- Homonyms - Signing- Yin and Yang - Carrot Fan -Post Stamps - 14Carrot

Other Museums - Carrot Sunday - Veg or Fruit? -Around the World - The soapboxes - Thimble - Odds 'n ends - Bayeux


Trivia 1 lists the many and weird interesting facts about carrots.

Trivia 2 which gives examples of the carrot in the Arts and Sciences together with some fascinating "rock art" discovered by Brian Lee in America. Here you will also find the famous icy sparks microwave effect explained, and examples of carrot tattoos. Carrots can make antifre_eze and see if carrots could unlock_ carrot gifthe mysteries of the universe! Were Carrots the first step in cloning? and so much more .........

Trivia 3 concentrates on Carrots in Literature, Poetry and Quotations.

Trivia 4 starts to register the carrot in Films and Television.

Trivia 5 - Even More "one liner" trivia items!.

Fine Art works containing depictions of Carrots are now on a separate page. Click here to go there.
Check out lots of trivia (and serious) questions and answers in theQ n A section here.

Carrot Folklore, Myths and Magic - also some ancient "remedies" here. Here

It would take 7920 8 inch carrots to make a mile of carrots (4921 in a kilometer). It would mean you would require 103,348,080 carrots to reach end to end of the Great Wall of Chine (13049 miles/21000km long). Approximately 6,200,884 metric tonnes (10 times the annual UK production - one carrot avg 60g)

Carotene is the substance in carrots that colours them orange and is the most common form of carotene in plants. When used as a food colouring, it has the E number E160a.

Carbon Footprint -

1 serving (100 grams) of root vegetables is equivalent to: 0.04kg (KG) CO2e; 0.2 km (car); 0.02 m3 of CO2 (Gas) -

_source -_


Carrot Cigarettes! yes - The Dubbo Liberal and Macquarie Advocate (New South Wales), Saturday 15 May 1948

"Why moan about tobacco rationing. Cigarettes which cost him Id. for 20 comes from the carrot and other leaves that Dr. &. A. HQuack's Medical Worldarrison, chemical pathologist to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, gathers in a garden. Carrot leaves make excellent cigarettes and he has smoked many a pipe."

Carrot references can be found in many part of the arts and sciences. Carrots have been included in several major works of art and helped in identifying species in the 16th century using the paintings of the Dutch masters.

See some magnificent examples of fine art depicting carrotshere.

Carrots are one of the rare vegetables which are more nutritious cooked than raw, find out why here. And when cooked whole!

Carrots are more nutritious when cut by a knife! -read here.

Carrots can make a material as strong as carbon fibre! -read here

And a new Formula 3 Racing Car with a carrot steering wheel! - here

Why carrots taste sweeter in winter - here

In the US a typical carrot has to travel 1,838 miles to reach your dinner table! (Source: Pirog, Rich, and Andrew Benjamin. "Checking the Food Odometer: Comparing Food Miles for Local Versus Conventional Produce Sales in Iowa Institutions." Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, July 2003.\_travel072103.pdf)

There is a real Carrot Tree, native tcarrot gifo Madeira - here- While most members of the Apiaceae are herbaceous, a few are woody, such as this Tree Carrot, Monizia edulis, which is endemic to the Island of Madeira. It is fairly common for families that are predominantly herbaceous to have woody representatives on oceanic islands. Photo here.

A Carrot contains chemicals to help it stay healthy -here Bugs Bunny Car -here See a crazycarrot video here. (youtube)

The 1551 edition of the "Libro de Agricultura" by Gabriel Alonso de Herrera records the "colour of oranges" to describe carrots.

One of the first written evidences of an orange carrot, particularly written in English (and therefore cannot be misinterpreted during translation) is Hortus Medicus Edinburgensis - A Catalogue of plants in the Physical Garden at Edinburgh by James Sutherland intendent of said garden in 1683.

This work makes reference to Orange, Red, Yellow and White carrots, together with the common Wild Carrot. It and also distinguishes them from Parsnip as a separate plant. See extract here). This is a very useful record as it shows what actually existed in the botanic garden in Edinburgh.


- Carrot juice is used for many things besides drinking. Ed Ruscha, who is a master printer and artist uses carrot juice instead of printer ink. He has also printed with spinach juice, chocolate and strawberries. Read more about Ed Ruschahere. Read more about the wonder and health benefits of Carrot Juice here.carrot pyramid

- a pyramid of carrots containing 3 tons of carrots would be approximately 4 feet square and 4 feet tall. If we take the estimate of 27,500 carrots as 3 toms, and assume an average volume of 1.2 cubic inches for each carrot, then the base of a square pyramid would be approximately 4 feet by 4 feet. The height would be nearly the same. This assumes the carrots on the base are laid out in one direction and alternated for each successive layer. Calculations from Bolthouse Carrots!

- If you dug a hole to the Earth's centre and dropped a carrot in it, it would take just over 40 minutes to reach the middle

- Although, there are many different carrot varieties available, British farmers tend to grow the Nairobi variety, a berlicum-nantes cross, which is reliable, damage resistant and produces a good yield.

Here are Trivia Nos 1 to 45:

bullet The Wild Carrot is called Queen Anne's Lace. Click here to find out why.
bullet The World Longest Carrot recorded in 2007 was 5.839 metres (19 feet 1 7/8 inches) - Joe Atherton, UK
bullet The World Heaviest Carrot record now stands at 22 pounds 7 ounces (10.17 kilos) grown by Chris Qualley from Minnesota, USA. Recorded in September 2017 See World records page here.
bullet The Biggest collection in the world - Romana. See her own pages here.
bullet There is a carrot pie flavour jelly bean!
bullet Eating carrots on New Year's Day, for example, means you are destined to find gold.
bullet Largest Carrot Statue is located in Ohankune NZ, standing at 7.3 metres tall. More here
bullet Carrots were first grown as a medicine not a food. History starts here
bullet The average person will consume 10,866 carrots in a lifetime see photo here
bullet The Ancient Greeks called carrots "Karoto"
bullet Carrots, like other food, are travelling nearly 60 per cent further on the UK roads than in the 1970s - read more
bullet Carrots flowers are also called Birds nest, Bees nest and the Devils Plague
bullet Carrots produce more distilled spirit than potatoes. (read more in this history page - 1788)
bullet Le Roi Carotte is an 1872 operetta by Offenbach photo here
bullet The crisp texture of carrots is the result of the cell walls being stiffened with the indigestible food fibres cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin.
bullet Tobacconists in France used to put a carrot in their bins to keep their tobacco from drying out.
bullet Jeff Chiplis, from Cleveland has a collection of over 10,000 carrot items. See his own page - click here.
bullet The Japanese word for carrot is "ninjin"!
bullet In early Celtic literature, the carrot is referred to as the "Honey Underground"!
bullet Yes there is a carrot beetle! more here.
bullet The classic Bugs Bunny carrot is the "Danvers" type.
bullet It's a myth that Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny, was allergic to carrots - he simply did not like them More details here.
bullet Carrots are not always orange and can also be found in purple, white, red or yellow. More information here.
bullet Carrots were the first vegetable to be canned commercially. Napoleon! - read more here.
bullet Carrots might unlock the secrets of the universe. More detail here.
bullet The carrot belongs to the family Umbelliferae.
bullet If you dug a hole to the Earth's center and dropped a Baby Carrot in it, it'd take 42 minutes to get to the bottom.
bullet Carrots have one of the highest content of beta carotene (vitamin A) of all vegetables.
bullet The cultivated variety is classified as Daucus carota, variety sativa.
bullet You get between 175,000 and 450,000 seeds in a pound - a teaspoon can hold approximately 2000!
bullet The Americans know the wild carrot as Queen Anne's Lace, wild carrot, rattlesnake weed & American carrot.
bullet The carrot is a member of the parsley family including species such as celery, parsnip, fennel, dill and coriander.
bullet If your first name is Carrot it has made you happiest when you are expressing in some creative, artistic way, and not conforming to strict routine.Find out more.
bullet Holtville, California dubs itself"The Carrot Capital of the World."with an Annual Festival, now in its 60th year. Check out more here. Other carrot festivals around the world - here
bullet The Anglo-Saxons included carrots as an ingredient in a medicinal drink against the devil and insanity.
bullet The Greek foot soldiers who hid in the Trojan Horse were said to have consumed ample quantities of raw carrots to inactivate their bowels.
bullet The above is unlikely to be true. The Trojan Horse is a mythological tale and carrots are GOOD for constipation, so would have the opposite effect, or did they eat lot of carrots before the fight to clear their intestines and avoid any problems during the important moment?? another apocryphal tale.
bullet The Ancient Greeks called the plant Philtron or Bird's Nest.
bullet There is a real Carrot Tree, native to Madeira -here
bullet Gentlemen in Teheran in the 1870's took carrots stewed in sugar as an aphrodisiac to increase the quality and quantity of sperm!
bullet Believe it or not School in the Uk were given official instructions on how to eat carrots! - click here.
bullet In Suffolk, Carrots were formerly given as a specific for preserving and restoring the wind of horses.
bullet In August 2005 Ozlem Aydin wrote a thesis on the mathematical analysis of peeling of carrots, to the graduate school of natural and applied sciences of middle east technical university as part of the requirement for a Masters Degree in Food Engineering.
bullet Fuel for Cars? Scientists now believe that bio fuels will be the answer to our energy needs when the oil runs out. One such fuel, perhaps within 10 years, will be carrots - it would take approximately 6000 carrots to drive one mile.
bullet A strong decoction of carrot and root make a very good insecticide.
bullet You get 10 mg of Vitamin A from 20 average carrots. If you dream of carrots - it portends prosperity and health; for a young woman to eat them denotes she will contract an early marriage and be the mother of several hardy children!!
bullet The Victorians had a recipe to destroy crickets "make a paste of flour, powdered arsenic, and scraped carrots, placed near their habitations." This was developed because it was discovered that crickets were very fond of carrots. (Magazine of domestic economy, volume iv, 1839)

****Next 100 + trivias[](#more trivia)** (opens on a new page - trivia listings)

Is a Carrot a Vegetable or a Fruit?

In the European Union Jam Directive, written in the 80s and updated in 2001, it describes the parameters required for a product to be labelled as jam or marmalade and from which the UK Jam and Similar Products legislation is based, there is the phrase "for the purposes of this directive, tomatoes, the edible part of rhubarb stalks, carrots, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, melons and water melons are considered to be fruit". This was introduced to pacify the Portuguese who are strongly into Carrot Marmalade!

Of course carrots are not biologically a fruit as they do not carry the seeds, and the above paragraph in the jam directive does not reclassify them as such, just allows them to be used as fruit.

Duerrs, the famous British Jam maker does not use any carrots in their products, althoughtwin carrotmany years ago they did try carrot jam and tomato jam. It is recalled that this was to try out what the products would taste like due to the above mentioned in the jam directive. The unanimous conclusion at the time was that tomato jam was actually very nice but carrot jam was awfulTry this Carrot Jam Recipe.

Marmalade is a curiously British term, marmalade means a jam made with citrus fruit. The term was fought over in the European Community as other countries wanted to do away with it or change its meaning. Marmalade contains citrus fruit (sometimes with something else like ginger or ) and is usually characterised by the cut of the peel. Marmalade is thought to have originated in Portugal, where quinces (marmelo) were cooked with sugar to make a preserve. The British were the first to add the peel back to orange marmalade, to make the preserve set instead of using apple juice, hence the British tradition of orange marmalade.

Carrot is definitely a vegetable. Though vegetable is strictly a culinary term, and open to mis-interpretation.Carrot Marmalade Recipe here.

The Wikipedia gives a good definition here:

Normally a vegetable is a part of a plant which is edible (usually grown to be eaten) and does not contain the seeds, or is not formed from the flower.

For example an apple tree flowers, the flower then turns into the actual apple, which in turn contains seeds. Same with a banana, plum etc. Hence a tomato is a fruit.

A vegetable like the carrot, flowers and produces seeds externally, usually in the form of a seed bud from the flower.

Carrot is biennial, flowering in the second year, above ground.


The famous Giant Carrot on US 378 in Lexington South Carolina

14 Carrot Statue (before) ... and After
14 carrots whole foods 14carrot whole foods
14 carrot whole foods 14 carrot whole foods

The Carrot Whole Foods store first opened in 1991 with a strong desire to help the community through natural, healthy foods. The store was small, but their dreams were big. Such was the success of the original West Columbia store that they opened the much larger Lexington store in 2000.

The company takes pride in providing the community with healthy alternatives for everyday needs. As a full line Health Food Store they carry a large selection of high-quality supplements, health and beauty aids, general groceries, refrigerated and frozen goods, fresh organic/natural meats and deli foods, organic produce, and a bulk department that features over 500 items.

To share its close association and passion for carrots they chose the iconic emblem of healthy eating to embellished the forecourt with a statue as part of the roadside marquee on the premises, together with the business van with a lesser emblem on the roof. It has become a bit of a local landmark in the city; the store is located on a very busy major street that runs through the town and everyone knows "The big carrot!"

In June 2020 the building lost the 20 year old icon following a high-speed police pursuit resulting in a car crashing into the 14 Carrot sign on US 378 in Lexington. Fortunately no one was hurt in the incident. The sign clearly means a lot to the local community and there was an outpouring of support for the carrot sign to be replaced, which the owners of the store are responding to with vigour. Watch this space! The 14Carrot website ishere.

Bayeux Tapestry

Is there a carrot depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry? - probably not! but there is one, almost compelling, image worthy of examination (left, and close up right)

Careful examination of pollen, carbonised grain from middens or fire places have shown that the Saxons were cultivating the same crops as their neighbours in Europe. These are wheat, oats, barley and rye. It is also thought that crops of peas and beans were cultivated, however, it is not clear if root crops like onion and carrot (or parsnip often mistaken for carrot) were cultivated, or if they grew wild and were collected. The general view is that they may have been collected to begin with, although this would assume that the British peoples were gathering them at the time of the arrival of the Saxons, which is unlikely. Herbs such as wild garlic, sorrel and lamb's tounge grew wild but others like mint, mustard were also grown near the house for daily use. Wild fruit and berries were important too, as welcome additions in the autumn months. (Source - Regia Anglorum website here)

Note:The Bayeux Tapestry is a masterpiece of 11th century Romanesque art, which was probably commissioned by Bishop Odo, William the Conqueror's half-brother, to embellish his newly-built cathedral in Bayeux in 1077. The Tapestry tells the story of the events surrounding the conquest of England by the Duke of Normandy. It was not created in Bayeux and is embroidery, NOT a tapestry.

bayeux tapestry - carrot bayeux tapestry - carrot close up


The Peruvian Carrot

The Arracacha (also know as Peruvian carrot) ( Arracacia xanthorriza ) is a garden root vegetable originally from the Andes, somewhat intermediate between the carrot and celery and related to them. Its starchy taproot is a popular food item in South America, especially in Brazil where it is a major commercial crop. The name arracacha (or racacha ) was borrowed into Spanish from Quechua, and is used in the Andean region. The plant is also called apio criollo (" Creole celery") in Venezuela, zanahoria blanca ("white carrot") in Ecuador, virraca in Peru, and mandioquinha ("little cassava") or batata-baroa in Brazil. It is sometimes called white carrot in English, but that name properly belongs to white varieties of the common carrot. The leaves are similar to parsley, and vary from dark green to purple. The roots resemble fat short carrots, with lustrous off-white skin. The interior may be white, yellow, or purple.


| The Sea Carrot In the British Isles the only carrot species to grow in the wild is the sea carrot (Daucus Carota Gummifera).It is very similar to Wild Carrot, but Sea Carrot has stouter, more succulent stems, darker green leaves, the fruiting-umbels are more saucer-like in shape and it is confined to the coast. This hairy plant has thick set stems and flat compact umbels with a lilac tint. The Sea Carrot only grows in the southern counties of England, usually near the sea, where it may be locally abundant. It flowers from May to September and grows to a height of 30 centimetres. | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Picture of the sea carrot found in the UK, Lizard Point, Cornwall | sea carrot | | sea carrot | sea carrot |


Food Miles - Food miles: carrots on the road

Carrots, like other food, are travelling nearly 60 per cent further on the UK roads than in the 1970s.

Much of this increase in food mileage is due to the centralisation of our food distribution systems. Most carrots are sold through the major supermarkets. The major retailers have around 76 per cent of the market share for fresh produce and 63 per cent of shoppers buy their fruit and vegetables from supermarkets.

<p< p="">

Research by SAFE Alliance into carrot prices shows that although the supermarkets have more purchasing power than other retailers, savings are not passed on to the customer. The research also found that smaller retailers such as greengrocers and street markets can often provide locally grown carrots at a very similar price to the supermarket's carrots from further away.

Direct sales from the producer to the consumer are one way of reducing the distance our food travels, of increasing the likelihood that it is really fresh, and of creating a dialogue between farmers and consumers about the farming of our countryside.

Buy loose rather than pre-packed carrots, as pre-packed carrots are bulkier and cause more transport pollution as well as using more packing materials.

<p">Buy local carrots direct from farm shops, farmers' markets or a box scheme. The Soil Association produces a list of such local food schemes.


The Complementary Carrot Museums

Romana from Newport Rhode Island has her own Carrot Museum and has been collecting carrot artefacts since 1993 and now has over a 1300 pieces from all over the world! These range from mugs, artwork, toys, birdhouses, underwear and a toothbrush. Her husband, Charles has even given her three carrot rings!!.

This is surely true carrot madness. Romana has so much stuff it warrants a few pages of her own in the World Carrot Museum. A few pages of photos will give you a flavour of the entire collection.Click here to go there. Of course her collection includes contributions from the World Carrot Museum.

Should you wish to visit and stay in Armistead Cottage in Rhode Island check out Romana's ownWeb site here.

See what other collectors get up to on the Carrot Collectors Pages - here.

There is also a small display "museum" in Belgium, though really is a very small collection on public display - see here.

| Signing for a CarrotHow do you sign for a carrot for a deaf person? Hold your 1st hand as the sign for a Vegetable and then at same time hold your 2nd hand as the colour; then change your 2nd hand to a Fist hand, back outward; fingers forward. This is how it should look: | carrot signing for the deaf | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

A Carrot Thimble - Yes! just when you think you have seen everything a new carrot items appears. A thimble made out of a real carrot. Hand carved by, the artist, a silversmith, is Lucerne Wulf of AZ. She normally makes wonderful silver thimbles, but wanted to try thimbles in other materials. This carrot is from her "vegetable" phase. She also made a thimble from a potato!

The thimble was made in 1995 and was bought it in 1996 at a Thimble Collectors International convention sales mall, by Barbara K. Acchino, who kindly informed the Carrot Museum and supplied the photographs.

**UK heatwave: Carrot lollies keep animals cool in Warwickshire

Carrot lollipops, ice blocks and mud baths are being used at a Warwickshire attraction _carrot lollies in heatwave_to keep their animals cool during the heatwave. (popsicles in the US)

Temperatures are set to reach 35C (95F) in the UK over the next few days.

Extra shades and fans have also been brought in to help the animals at Hatton Country World near Warwick.

"It is just little things in the heat of the day when it gets very warm, it just helps to cool them down," Alice Latham, from the attraction, said.

The ice lollies have been made for many of the site's 450 animals, which include sheep, goats and rabbits, while extra shelter has also been put up to provide shade for their human visitors.


carot fan

__A Wonderful Carrot Fan - Just when the Carrot Museum thinks it has seen everything another fantastic find comes along. This fan is one of many interesting novelty fans soon to be in a book titled "Novelty Fans, Fashionable, Foundational Fun Accessories of the Past" by hand fan expert Cynthia Fendel. The paper mache carrot is approximately 6" closed and 13" when the fabric leafs at the top are pulled up.

The fan style is called "cockade" and simple examples were popular during the late 19th century in Europe and the US. A variety of objects were imitated such as pencils, candles, and bottles. Although Japan made many novelty fans, this is not from far east. There are no markings on the fan. Any comments on this fan would be greatly appreciated. Click on the picture for a larger image, or here.

Why not visit Cynthia Fendel's web site for a fascinating insight in the world of


Carat is the unit of weight for precious stones, equal to 200 milligrams

Caret is a proof readers insertion mark

Carrot is the edible orange rooted vegetable

Karat is one 24th part of otherwise pure gold


Did you know? - One pound of carrots gives a normal man enough energy to raise 64 tons 1 foot in the air? That same pound can produce 1 ounce and 11 grains of sugar. A pound also contains 14 ounces of water.

(From: Food collection Bethnal Green Museum, Dr Lankester)

Carrots contain more sugar than any other vegetable, with the exception of beets.

Attempts have also been made to extract sugar from Carrots, but the resulting thick syrup refuses to crystallize, and in competition with either cane sugar or that obtained from the sugar beet, it has not proved commercially successful.

Carrot sugar, got from the inspissated juice of the roots, may be used at table, and is good for the coughs of consumptive children.

From 1 lb. of Carrots we can obtain 1 oz. and 11 grains of sugar

Since the sugars are concentrated in the carrots' core, generally those with larger diameters will have a larger core and therefore be sweeter.


Carrot Postage Stamp Customised US Postage stampPersonalize your own message for this cartoon rabbit postage. This rabbit is having some abunnydance. The world is his carrot. He lives in a carrot house and has a carrot fence. Carrots are his favourite munchie. His friend, the horse, just got him a juicer, so they have tea parties now outside and serve carrot juice. Life is good, and the livin' is easy 24 carrot-hours per day. More Carrot Postage Stamps Here

Carrot Sunday- The Sunday before Michaelmas 29 September is called carrot Sunday in Scotland.

On the afternoon of the Sunday preceding Michaelmas, women and girls in the Hebrides gather St. Michael's wild carrots. But they don't just dig them up haphazardly - a very special ritual must be observed. more healthy carrots

First, triangular holes are dug with a three-pronged mattock; the holes represent St. Michael's shield and the mattock is symbolic of his trident. As the carrots are being dug, sacred charms are recited.

After the carrots are dug, they are tied into bunches with red thread. These are given as gifts to visitors on Michaelmas Day. Any carrots with forked roots are thought to be especially lucky.

The Eve of St. Michael is the eve of bringing in the carrots, of baking the struan, of killing the lamb, of stealing the horses. The Day of St. Michael is the Day of the early mass, the day of the sacrificial lamb, the day of the oblation struan, the day of the distribution of the lamb, the day of the distribution of the struan, the day of the pilgrimage to the burial-ground of their fathers, the day of the burial-ground service, the day of giving and receiving the carrots with their wishings and acknowledgements, and the day of the oda - the athletics of the men and the racing of the horses. The Night of Michael is the night of the dance and the song, of the merry-making, of the love-making, and of the love-gifts.Some days before the festival of St. Michael the women and girls go to the fields and plains of the town land to procure carrots. The afternoon of the Sunday immediately preceding St. Michael's day is specially devoted to this purpose, and on this account is known as Domhnach Curran - Carrot Sunday. The carrot was a fertility symbol usually given from a woman to a man. (Struan - the anglicized form (and approximate pronunciation) of the Scottish Gaelic word sruthan, meaning "small stream", or the flow at the point where a spring appears.)

An ancient pagan festival, Christianized into the feast day of St. Michael, demonstrates the close relationship of magic to food. Wild carrots, a symbol of fertility were dug in late September to honour St. Michael, patron saint of the sea, a great celebration being held on September 29. The Sunday prior to St. Michael�s day the carrots were harvested by women singing special songs, forked roots being especially prized. They were typically dug by removing soil in an equal-sided triangle, using a special three-pronged mattock. They were tied with a red thread in bundles of three and presented by the women to their menfolk. The significance of the number three is believed to have originated as symbolic of the three stages of a woman�s life - girl, mother, crone - and later was Christianized to be symbolic of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

**Carrot Soapboxes - You thought you had seen it all - well what about this Carrot Soap Box made for a Soap Box Derby in Vancouver, BC, CANADA. Many thanks to Judson Beaumont Owner & Designer of Straight Line Designs Inc. Great idea Judson.



Kinetic carrot sculpture

****Kinetic Carrot Sculpture Cars -** Once a simple race down Ferndale's Main Street, the Great Arcata to Ferndale World Championship Kinetic Sculpture Race has grown to become a three-day, all terrain race across 42 miles of roads, mud, water, sand, gravel and more. Held annually on Memorial Day weekend, this local event draws racers and spectators from around the country, and has been televised around the world!

And of course it attracts Carrot Cars! Looks like great fun.

Take a look at the Kinetic Art Museum here

kinetic carrot

Bugs Bunny Carrot 30 feet Car - The Volo Museum Illinois

****ying yang symbolYin and Yang-** Asians traditionally classify foods as yin, yang, or neutral, depending on the energy they impart to the body. Yin, or cooling, foods are said to have a calming effect, whereas yang foods are warming. Neutral foods, such as rice and other whole grains, provide balance. Westerners tend to over indulge in yang foods, such as french fries and meat. The aim is to maintain health through a proper balance of yin and yang.

Yin (cooling) foods include Steamed, poached, or boiled foods. Bok choy, bean sprouts, cucumber, eggplant, tofu, seafood.

Yang (warming) foods include Deep fried, stir-fried, or roasted foods. Meats & poultry. Garlic, ginger, spices, carrots, onion.

Odds and Ends - golden carrot records

Check out Golden Carrot Records - Golden Carrot is a full-service record label, artist management firm, and production company, founded by Walk off the Earth's Gianni Luminati.

Golden Carrot and Walk off the Earth have successfully created an environment of musicians, filmmakers, photographers, producers, and content creators. The bootstrapped initiative encourages all of their curated talents to collaborate together, in the spirit of furthering everyone�s careers.Website here.


Hotel Found in Fuji, Japan Hot air Balloons Carrot Pubs
carrot hotel carrot hot air balloon carrot hot air balloon carrot pub Bunch of Carrots in Herefordshire -read more here carrot pub The Three Carrots, Belgrade

| carrot revolution | carrot statue port hardy | zizi carrot outfit | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This undated photo provided by PETA shows Lydia Guevara posing on the set of her PETA photo shoot. The granddaughter of Cuban revolutionary leader Ernesto 'Che' Guevara is the face of a new PETA campaign touting 'the vegetarian revolution.' PETA spokesman Michael McGraw says the campaign will debut in Argentina in October and will be seen internationally. It's PETA's first vegetarianism campaign in South America | | Zizi's latest creation, don't mess with this carrot toting lady!Visit Zizi's pagehere |

Carrot Snuff

It has a orange-brown colour, it is dry and medium-fine, and has a scent of carrot.carrot snuff

French Carotte Snuff by Fribourg & Treyer is blended using Zimbabwe Flue Cured Leaf, Dark Cured Leaf & Flue Cured Stem tobacco. Flavoured with Sandalwood Oil & French Carotte Essence, French Carotte snuff is historically described as "Snuff blending allows for infinite variety, since the many bases and well-nigh limitless perfumes give the expert ample scope for experiment. Sometimes, a happy combination of ingredients is arrived at with gratifying results. This happened with French Carotte. As a mixture it is new but the components were in use over two centuries ago. In earlier time the word �Carotte� meant the roll of tobacco from which snuff users grated their own; today it names one of the finest bases, smooth and retentive, deserving only the best of perfumes. One such is sandalwood oil which is distilled from the aromatic wood of a small evergreen tree grown in the East, and has a delicate non-cloying aroma faintly suggestive of incense. Combining these select ingredients has produced a charming snuff of unique distinction."

Buy your carrot snuff here.

**Birds Nest - European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) face serious pressure from pathogens and parasites. Studies by biologist Larry Clark show that by lining their nests with select fresh vegetation, these birds are protecting themselves from a myriad of possible infections. Wild carrot (Daucus carota), for example, kills fowl mites in starling nests, although the precise mechanism by which this occurs is not known. The carrot contains the steroid B-sitosterol, a compound that repels mites and inhibits their egg-laying abilities.

This compound is also found in leaves of the margosa tree (Azadirachta indica), from which house sparrows often gather material to line their nests, and which some Native Americans employ as a tick repellent. Other chemicals in the plant may disrupt the mites' feeding behaviour, or delay mite development and colonisation within the nest. How starlings know to choose parasite-deterring plants like the wild carrot remains a bigger mystery.


Old Dollar Bills - September 26, 1778 $40: Here are the Continental Currency notes of the September 26, 1778 Resolution SN 140734

Signed by J(oseph) Snowden in red ink and R(obert) Cather. The emblem on the front shows the rays of an all seeing eye shining down on what appears to be a sacrificial alter with a flame that is surrounded by thirteen stars, below is the motto: CONFEDERATION. The nature print on the back is of carrot leaves. (source -

carot dollar bills carrot dollar bills
6000 carrots display Udhagamandalam, May 31: The inaugural edition of Vegetable Show, organised by Horticulture Department, as part of attracting more tourists, was held at Kothagiri, in May 2008.A 15-foot high and six-foot in diameter carrot, made of 6,000 carrots, was one of the major attraction at the show, which was inaugurated by Tamil Nadu Khadi minister, D.Ramachandran.

Some unusual shaped carrots, kindly sent by Diana Grappasonno, from Portland Oregan. Click on photo to see enlarged image.

Entwined carrots from Diana Grappasonno Entwined carrots from Diana Grappasonno
Twisting and intertwining often a result from seeding too thickly and inadequate thinning of seedlings.
lost carrot ring
Swede pulls up carrot bearing long-lost ring - A Swedish woman's recent toiling in her garden turned up a rather unexpected harvest when she pulled a carrot out of the ground 'wearing' the wedding ring she had lost back in 1995. The Carrots, Carrot Chamber, Easegill System, Yorkshire carrot chamber stalactites

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111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 wow!

Riddle: The following number is the only one of its kind. '8,549,176,320' Can you figure out what is so special about it?
Answer: It's the only number that has all the digits arranged in alphabetical order.

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