About the Author (original) (raw)
http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/ 2609 Choctaw Trail Austin, Texas 78745-1511
E-mail Preferred:ritter@ciphersbyritter.com
Phone / Answer Machine: 512-892-0494
- 29 Years of Professional Experience in Chip and Processor Architecture, Embedded and System Software, and Cryptography
- 16 Years Directing, Managing and Conducting Original Research in Cryptography, leading to:
- 3 Patents on fundamental cryptographic technology (not mere ciphers)
- 5 Journal Articles (including one in IEEE Computer in 1999)
- 12 Literature Surveys
- Introduction to Cryptography Page (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/LEARNING.HTM)
- Book-Length Crypto Glossary Page (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/GLOSSARY.HTM)
- More Than 14 Research Reports
- An independent professional since 1981
- Author of technical articles
- Analyst of scientific argument
- Consultant in cryptography, cipher systems, software, computation and electronics
- Inventor of fundamental cryptographic technology
- Supplier of patented technology
- Designer of custom ciphers and electronic systems
- Programmer of embedded systems
- Systems Analyst of cryptographic, digital and software systems
- Academic Article Referee for various journals
- Analog Noise, creating, amplifying, measuring, testing, using
- Latin Squares, keyable stream cipher combiners
- Orthogonal Latin Squares, keyable block cipher mixers
- Embedded Systems, close to the hardware programmed operations
- Walsh Transforms,Boolean function nonlinearity
- CRC's and mod 2 polynomials
- Population Estimation by statistical sampling andaugmented repetitions
- Circuit Design, analog and digital
- Christmas Lights
- Owner, Ritter Software Engineering, 1991-2005
- Licensed Professional Electrical Engineer, 1980-2005
- Senior Member of IEEE, 1974-2005
- Member of ACM, 1975-2005
- Cryptography Consultant to Bankers Trust
- Owner, Blue Jean Software
- Article Referee for Cryptologia
- Professional Witness by deposition
- Software Designer of dedicated multiprocessor LAN, 1982
- Both closely-coupled and loosely-coupled real-time multiprocessing.
- Fiber-optic main high-speed communications.
- Full dynamic flow-control with error-check and retry.
- Adjunct Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Georgia Tech, Aug.-Dec. 1980
- Wrote half the course and delivered half the lectures on developing software for microprocessor-based equipment designs.
- Based the labs on early versions of BASIC09 and OS9.
- Staff Engineer, Motorola MOS Division, Microcomputer Systems Design Group, Jul. 1976 - Jan. 1981. Architect of Microcomponent Chips, including 6809 Advanced Microprocessor specification, architecture and assembly language. Architect of structured BASIC language for 6809.
- Software Engineer, 1979-81
- Originator, Principal Systems Engineer and "Keeper of the Specification"-- MC6809 Advanced Microprocessor, 1977-80_[I have some Motorola MC68B09EP's made in the 20th week of 1999, thus marking almost 20 years of 6809 production!]_
- Project Engineer -- MC6809 Breadboard, 1978-79
The LS-TTL "breadboard" of the MC6809 NMOS design. - Originator and Supervising Project Engineer -- BASIC09, 1978-80
A structured BASIC language project, with operating system OS9 and associated specifications. - Systems Engineer. One of several engineers on MC6802, MC6845 CRTC, and MC6847 VDG, and other designs.
- Fixed Ciphony Repair Specialist (32F20) in U.S. Army, Nha Trang Sig Bn (AUTODIN ASC), South Vietnam, 1967-68.
INVENTOR of fundamental cryptographic technology:
- U.S. Patent 4,979,832. Dec. 25, 1990. Ritter, Terry F.DYNAMIC SUBSTITUTION COMBINER AND EXTRACTOR. A "cryptographic combiner," for invertibly yet nonlinearly mixing a stream-cipher keying sequence with data. Conceptually, a keyed exclusive-OR with strength.
- U.S. Patent 5,623,549. Apr. 22, 1997. Ritter, Terry F.CIPHER MECHANISMS WITH FENCING AND BALANCED BLOCK MIXING. A structure for invertibly mixing two input blocks into two resulting blocks in a statistically-balanced way. This is one way to build a large block cipher from relatively small S-boxes. Of multiple implementations, some are keyed and nonlinear.
- U.S. Patent 5,727,062. Mar. 10, 1998. Ritter, Terry F.VARIABLE SIZE BLOCK CIPHERS. A structure for building block ciphers with dynamically-variable block size. When coupled with random-length header and trailer fields, VSBC's provide a new level of block cipher strength by not giving the opponent even a block to work on.
AUTHOR of archived web articles:
- Ritter, T. 1995-2003.Ritter's Crypto Glossary and Dictionary of Technical Cryptography. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/GLOSSARY.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1996-2003.Learning About Cryptography. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/LEARNING.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 2001.Dynamic Transposition Revisited Again. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/ARTS/DYNTRAGN.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1999.Experimental Characterization of Recorded Noise. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/NOISE/NOISCHAR.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1999.Random Noise Sources. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/NOISE/NOISRC.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1998.Orthogonal Latin Squares, Nonlinear Balanced Block Mixers, and Mixing Ciphers. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/ARTS/NONLBBM.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1998.Practical Latin Square Combiners. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/ARTS/PRACTLAT.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1998.Break This 8-Bit Block Mixing Cipher. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/ARTS/BREAK8BB.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1998.Break This 4-Bit Block Mixing Cipher. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/ARTS/BREAK4BB.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1998.Measured Distant Avalanche in Large Block Ciphers. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/ARTS/DISTAVA.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1998.Measured Boolean Function Nonlinearity in Feistel Cipher Constructions. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/ARTS/FEISNONL.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1998.Measured Boolean Function Nonlinearity in Variable Size Block Ciphers. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/ARTS/VSBCNONL.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1997.Measured Boolean Function Nonlinearity in Mixing Cipher Constructions. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/ARTS/MIXNONLI.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1997.Ritter's Comments on The One Time Pad. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/NEWS2/OTPCMTS.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1997.Chi-Square Bias in Runs-Up/Down RNG Tests. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/ARTS/RUNSUP.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1996.Variable Size Block Cipher Designs. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/NEWS/96021101.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1996.Fencing and Mixing Ciphers. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/NEWS/96011601.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1995.Variable Size Block Ciphers. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/NEWS/95082001.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1994.The Fenced DES Cipher. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/FENCED.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1994.Block Mixing Transformations. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/NEWS/94031301.HTM)
AUTHOR of articles with JavaScript functioning tools:
- Ritter, T. 1998.Normal, Chi-Square and Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistics Functions in JavaScript. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/JAVASCRP/NORMCHIK.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1998.Base Conversion, Logs, Powers, Factorials, Permutations and Combinations in JavaScript. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/JAVASCRP/PERMCOMB.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1998.Binomial and Poisson Statistics Functions in JavaScript. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/JAVASCRP/BINOMPOI.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1998.Active Boolean Function Nonlinearity Measurement in JavaScript. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/JAVASCRP/NONLMEAS.HTM)
AUTHOR of journal articles:
- Ritter, T. 1999. "Cryptography: Is Staying with the Herd Really Best?."IEEE Computer. August. 32(8): 94-95.
- Ritter, T. 1994. "Estimating Population from Repetitions in Accumulated Random Samples."Cryptologia. 18(2):155-190.
- Ritter, T. 1991. "Voice and Video Cryptography in a DSP Environment." Presented at, and published in, The Proceedings of The Second Annual Texas Instruments TMS320 Educators Conference, August 5-7 1992, in Houston, Texas.
- Ritter, T. 1991. "The Politics of Software Patents."Midnight Engineering. May-June: 29-35.
- Ritter, T. 1991. "The Efficient Generation of Cryptographic Confusion Sequences."Cryptologia. 15(2): 81-139.
- Ritter, T. 1991. "Transposition Cipher with Pseudo-Random Shuffling: The Dynamic Transposition Combiner."Cryptologia. 15(1):1-17.
- Ritter, T. 1990. "Substitution Cipher with Pseudo-Random Shuffling: The Dynamic Substitution Combiner."Cryptologia. 14(4): 289-303
- Ritter, T. 1986. "The Great CRC Mystery."Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools. February. 11(2): 26-34, 76-83.
- Ritter, T. 1980. "Modular and Structured Programming on Small Systems."Systems News (Motorola Semiconductor Products marketing magazine). October. 1(5): 10-13.
- Ritter, T. and G. Walker. 1980. "Varieties of Threaded Code for Language Implementation."Byte. 5(9): 206-117. Described as: "the best article ever published on the subject" (Mike Coughlin, mikc@gnu.ai.mit.edu).
- Ritter, T. 1980. "Modular and Structured Programming on Small Systems."The Best of the Computer Faires, Volume 5: Conference Proceedings of the 5th West Coast Computer Faire (March 14-16, 1980). (Jim C. Warren, Jr., Editor)
- Ritter, T. 1979. "Standard Product ROM's (SPR's)."Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society, MICRO Computer Firmware and I/O Workshops (presented April 10, 1979). 109-114.
- Ritter, T. 1979. "Programming the 6809."68 Micro Journal. 1(9): 34-37.
- Ritter, T. 1979. "Upward Compatibility: More Power--Less Pain."The Best of the Computer Faires, Volume 4: Conference Proceedings of the 4th West Coast Computer Faire (May, 1979). 351-358.
- Ritter, T. 1979. "M6809 is Silicon."Byte. 4(5): 30-31.
- Ritter, T. and J. Boney. 1979. "A Microprocessor for the Revolution: The 6809."
- "Part 3: Final Thoughts." Byte. 4(3): 46-52
- "Part 2: "Instruction Set Dead Ends, Old Trails, and Apologies." Byte. 4(2): 32-42.
- "Part 1: Design Philosophy." Byte. 4(1): 14-42. Cover Article.
- Ritter, T. 1978. "Resident Memory Test Systems, With an Example for the 6800" (sic).Dr. Dobb's Journal of Computer Calisthenics and Orthodontia. 3(5): 28-33.
- Wiles, M., F. Musa, T. Ritter, J. Boney and T. Gunter. 1978. "Compatibility Cures Growing Pains of Microcomputer Family." Electronics. February 2, 1978. 95-103. Cover Article.
- Ritter, T. 1976. "The Absolute Field in Direction Antennas."BM/E (Broadcast Management / Engineering). March. 46-52.
- Ritter, T. 1975. "The Directional Antenna Pattern."BM/E (Broadcast Management / Engineering). April. 56-66.
- Blakely, P. and T. Ritter. 1972. "A Talk Show Delay System."Broadcast Engineering. February. 42-45.
AUTHOR of archived literature surveys:
- Ritter, T. 1997.S-Box Design: A Literature Survey. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/RES/SBOXDESN.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1996.The Story of Combiner Correlation: A Literature Survey. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/RES/COMBCORR.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1997.Differential Cryptanalysis: A Literature Survey. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/RES/DIFFANA.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1997.Linear Cryptanalysis: A Literature Survey. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/RES/LINANA.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1996.Walsh-Hadamard Transforms: A Literature Survey. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/RES/WALHAD.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1996.Linear Complexity: A Literature Survey. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/RES/LINCOMPL.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1996.RNG Surveys: A Literature Survey. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/RES/RNGSURVE.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1996, 2002.RNG Implementations: A Literature Survey. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/RES/RNGENS.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1996.Random Electrical Noise: A Literature Survey. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/RES/NOISE.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1996, 1997, 2002.Random Number Machines: A Literature Survey. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/RES/RNGMACH.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1995, 2002.Randomness Tests: A Literature Survey. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/RES/RANDTEST.HTM)
- Ritter, T. 1997, 1998.Latin Squares: A Literature Survey. (http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/RES/LATSQ.HTM)
DESIGNER of ciphers:
- Variable Size Block Ciphers (1995) -- A variety of new block cipher designs with dynamically-variable block size. These ciphers will avalanche the entire output block if even one bit of the input block changes, just as we expect from any conventional block cipher.
- Fenced DES (1994) -- "A larger and better DES." A 256-bit block cipher which uses DES as a component. Stronger than DES, and faster than Triple-DES.
- Fencing and Mixing Ciphers (1994) -- A variety of new block cipher designs using various forms of balanced mixing, as opposed to the usual Feistel "round-based" construction.
IMPLEMENTOR of software cryptosystems:
- Cloak2 (1994) -- A highly-developed Dynamic Substitution file cipher product for DOS, with 992-bit secret keys.
- Penknife (1993) -- A highly-developed Dynamic Substitution file cipher product for DOS, producing ASCII ciphertext for e-mail transmission
- Affected By Love (1972)
- Vietnam Photos (1967-1968)
- A Mark-8 Experience (1974-1976)
Terry Ritter, hiscurrent address, and histop page.
Last updated: 2005-10-14