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ACiphers By Ritter Page
Novel Encryption Technology Available Nowhere Else
Terry Ritter
2005 November 1
Pseudo-Slide CONTENTS
- Author Background
- Dynamic Substitution Summary
- A Cipher
- A Stream Cipher
- Dynamic Substitution Encipher
- Dynamic Substitution Advantages
- Dynamic Substitution Decipher
- Dynamic Substitution CONCLUSION
1. Author Background
- 3 decades electrical engineering
- 16 years cryptographic technology
- 3 fundamental crypto patents
- book-lengthcrypto glossary
- introduction to cryptography
- many web articles
2. Dynamic Substitution Summary
- a stream cipher combiner
- instead of exclusive-OR which has no strength
- new layered strength for stream ciphers
- keyed tables are unknown to theopponent
- table contents are rearranged as used
- protects therandom number generator (RNG)
- allows a simpler and faster RNG
- unique patented technology
3. A Cipher
- akey-selected transformation betweenplaintext andciphertext
- the opponent has ciphertext:
4. A Stream Cipher
- ciphers individual data elements:
- directly handles messages of arbitrary size
- need not wait to accumulate ablock
- no block-fill latency
- typically anRNG +combiner
5. Dynamic Substitution Encipher
- a substitution table with changing contents:
- substitute character through table
- swap that entry with RNG selection
- after an entry is used, it is changed
- the more it is used, the more it is changed
6. Dynamic Substitution Advantages
- the RNG sequence remains hidden
- keying makes tables unknown toopponent
- table contents rearrange after every use
- tables support new combining strengths:
- sequence of multiple combiners
- dynamic selection among different combiners
7. Dynamic Substitution Decipher
- keep both forward and inverse tables:
- decipher through inverse table
- update inverse table
- update forward table
8. Dynamic Substitution CONCLUSION
- new strength layers for stream ciphers
- each combiner table is keyed and unique
- nonlinear combiners are useful in sequence
- or dynamically select among multiple combiners
- protect simple and fast RNG's
Terry Ritter, and hiscurrent address.