Mixing Cipher Summary Show (original) (raw)
- Author Background
- Balanced Block Mixing Summary
- A Cipher
- A Block Cipher
- Mixing Cipher Structure
- Latin Square
- Orthogonal Latin Squares Mixing
- Mixing Block Cipher Implications
- Small Mixing Tables
- Small Table Keying
- Mix Blocks with Small Tables
- Medium Block RAM
- Huge Block Advantages
- Huge Block RAM
- Deciphering
- Mixing Cipher CONCLUSION
1. Author Background
- 3 decades electrical engineering
- 16 years cryptographic technology
- 3 fundamental crypto patents
- book-lengthcrypto glossary
- introduction to cryptography
- many web articles
2. Balanced Block Mixing Summary
- massive speed (a full block per clock)
- arbitrary block width (power-of-2 elements)
- huge blocks avoidciphertext expansion
- huge blocks allow random-access ciphering
- structured chip layout
- reasonable on-chip RAM requirements
- unique patented technology
3. A Cipher
- akey-selected transformation betweenplaintext andciphertext
- the opponent has ciphertext:
4. A Block Cipher
- accumulates multiple data elements in ablock
- emulatessimple substitution with a hugealphabet
- only complete blocks can be ciphered
- each input bit affects every output bit
- any input bit changes about half of output bits
5. Mixing Cipher Structure
- network of small mixing tables
- "FFT-like" network for power-of-2 block sizes
- normal FFT expands data so does not work
- orthogonal Latin squares replace FFTbutterfly
- each input affects every output
6.Latin Square
- every value occurs once in each row and column
- any change in column or row selects a different value
- when mixing values, every change propagates to the next layer
7.Orthogonal Latin Squares Mixing
- a selected pair of Latin squares
- every possible output value occurs exactly once
- even a single bit input change affects both outputs
- each mixing is one table lookup
- each mixing takes one RAM access time
8. Mixing Block Cipher Implications
- any input change affects all network outputs
- bandwidth is one block per clock
- latency is one clock per layer (picture shows 4 layers)
- each layer gets a different block every clock
- @ 450MHz, throughput is 450,000,000 blocks/sec
9. Small Mixing Tables
- "order 4" oLs tables:
- 16 entries of 4 bits each (8 bytes)
- 30,13,22,01,02,21,10,33,11,32,03,20,23,00,31,12
- mix 2 bits + 2 bits into 4 bits
- efficient in hardware
10. Small Table Keying
- each table one of 6912 possible oLs pairs
- 64 bits storage, 12.75 bits of keying
- key-selected mixing tables are unknown to opponent
- processor loads tables into chip before ciphering
- data changes always affect entire block
- adding 2 outer layers helps keying affect entire block
11. Mix Blocks with Small Tables
- for 4-bit block, 1 table, 1 layer = 8 bytes
- for 8-bit block, 2 tables/layer, 2 layers = 32 bytes
- for 16-bit block, 4 tables/layer, 3 layers = 96 bytes
- for 4-byte block, 8 tables/layer, 4 layers = 256 bytes
- for 8-byte block, 16 tables/layer, 5 layers = 640 bytes
- (mixing values; to this add 2 outside keying layers)
- 8-byte block has 204 bits of keying per layer
- 8 bytes @ 450 MHz is 3.6 gigabytes/sec
12. Medium Block RAM
- 16-byte block => 32 tables/layer, 6 layers + 2 = 2048 bytes
- 32-byte block => 64 tables/layer, 7 layers + 2 = 4608 bytes
- need at least 64-byte block for huge block advantages
- bandwidth: 1 block per clock
- latency: 1 clock per layer
13. Huge Block Advantages
- useElectronic CodeBook (ECB) mode instead ofCipher Block Chaining (CBC)
- ECB means noinitialization vector
- ECB means nociphertext expansion
- ECB means random access ciphering
- room for "extra data" for:
- per-blockdynamic keying
- per-blockauthentication
- homophonic ciphering
14. Huge Block RAM
- 64-byte block => 128 tables/layer, 8 layers + 2 = 10,240 bytes
- 64 bytes @ 450MHz is 28.8 gigabytes/sec
- 128-byte block => 256 tables/layer, 9 layers + 2 = 22,528 bytes
- 256-byte block => 512 tables/layer, 10 layers + 2 = 49,152 bytes
- 512-byte block => 1024 tables/layer, 11 layers + 2 = 106,496 bytes
- 512 bytes @ 450MHz is 230.4 gigabytes/sec
15. Deciphering
- make interconnect between layers bidirectional
- use inverse table contents
- exchange table input and output lines
- or enable separate inverse tables
- layers operate in reverse order
16. Mixing Cipher CONCLUSION
- extremely fast ciphering
- allows huge blocks:
- huge blocks can be ciphered independently
- huge blocks need no ciphertext expansion
- relatively simple chip layout
Terry Ritter, and hiscurrent address.