City Mayors: US internet cities (original) (raw)

Morton O'Kelly, Professor of Geography at Ohio State UniversityDepartment of Geography
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World's largest cities and their mayors 2010
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Chicago named as

top US internet city

11 August 2003: A research study by Ohio State University ranked Chicago, Illinois, the premier US city for internet accessibility. The US capital Washington DC was placed second ahead of Dallas, Texas. The researchers, Professor Morton O’Kelly and Tony Grubesic, determined accessibility by the number of internet connections to and from each city through 41 major commercial internet backbones in 2000. Cities that had more connection were rated as more accessible. Based on their analysis, the researchers compiled a list of the top 30 cities in terms of internet access.

Ohio State University Professor of Geography, Morton O’Kelly, said that Chicago was ranked first because it had the largest number of internet paths available between it and other US cities.

Compared to results of a similar study conducted in 1997, the latest findings show very little change among the top placed cities. However, the new research found an emergence of second-and third-tier cities. For example, Portland, Oregon, moved up from 40th place in 1997 to 19th in the latest research. Kansas City advanced from 21th to 14th place, while Salt Lake City, Utah, jumped from 37th to 15th place.

The two cities that fell most in the ranking were Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Detroit, Michigan. The research findings of O’Kelly and Grubesic were first published in 2002 in the US journal Environment and Planning B.

Leading US cities in internet accessibility

Rank Previous rank City
1 2 Chicago
2 1 Washington DC
3 3 Dallas
4 5 Atlanta
5 4 New York
6 9 San Francisco
7 7 Los Angeles
8 15 Denver
9 12 Seattle
10 8 Houston
11 6 San Jose
12 14 St Louis
13 10 Phoenix
14 21 Kansas City
15 37 Salt Lake City
16 13 Philadelphia
17 11 Boston
18 24 Cleveland
19 40 Portland
20 16 Baltimore
21 45 Indianapolis
22 41 Las Vegas
23 39 Fort Worth
24 26 Miami
25 65 Sacramento
26 29 Austin
27 17 Minneapolis
28 30 San Diego
29 19 Detroit
30 43 Orlando

Cities by size: 1 to 150 | 151 to 300 | 301 to 450 | 451 to 550 |
Cities in alphabetical order: A to D | E to L | M to R | S to Z |
Cities by countries: A to D | E to L | M to R | S to Z |

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