Largest cities with women mayors (original) (raw)

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Largest cities in the world and their mayors (2017)
Largest cities with women mayors (2017)
Capital cities and their mayors (2017)

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The largest cities in the world with women mayors July 2017: The table lists the largest cities in the world with women mayors. Of the world’s largest 300 cities only 25 are governed by women, although a number of European capitals, including Rome, Madrid, Paris, Warsaw and Stockholm, have women mayors. The world’s most powerful woman in local government is Yuriko Koike the Governor (Mayor) of Tokyo. Other influential female city leaders include the mayors of Sydney, Surabaya, Havana, Perth, Barcelona and Cape Town.
The research was carried out during May and June 2017. For the population data, the researchers consulted numerous national and international sources and in cases of large statistical inconsistencies elected to publish cautious averages. The figures for city populations comprise the number of residents within the unified administrative areas of cities, while the data for metro populations include residents of urban areas that are socially, culturally and economically dependent on the core city. (Please note, there is no internationally agreed definition of metro areas.) Readers and scholars are invited to inform of any discrepancies and/or provide missing facts and figures. Largest cities with women mayors

World rank City (caps denote capital cities) Country City population Metro population Mayor
6 TOKYO Japan 13,617,000 37,800,000 Yuriko Koike (Ms)
56 Sydney Australia 5,005,000 5,005,000 Clover Moore (Ms)
62 Surat India 4,467,000 4,591,000 Ashmita Shiroya (Ms)
74 Yokohama Japan 3,733,000 3,733,000 Fumiko Hayashi (Ms)
93 MADRID Spain 3,141,000 6,240,000 Manuela Carmena (Ms)
107 ROME Italy 2,877,000 4,353,000 Virginia Raggi (Ms)
108 Surabaya Indonesia 2,865,000 6,485,000 Tri Rismaharini (Ms)
131 Nagpur India 2,405,000 2,498,000 Nanda Jichkar (Ms)
142 PARIS France 2,230,000 12,405,000 Anne Hidalgo (Ms)
144 MANAGUA Nicaragua 2,206,000 2,561,000 Daisy Torres (Ms)
150 BUCHAREST Romania 2,106,000 2,281,000 Gabriela Firea (Ms)
151 HAVANA Cuba 2,106,000 2,125,000 Marta Hernandez (Ms)
157 Maracaibo Venezuela 2,002,000 2,451,000 Evelyn Trejo de Rosales (Ms)
159 Perth Australia 1,980,000 1,980,000 Lisa Scaffidi (Ms)
175 WARSAW Poland 1,749,000 3,101,000 Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz (Ms)
183 Montréal Canada 1,704,000 4,099,000 Valérie Plante (Ms)
197 Barcelona Spain 1,605,000 4,740,000 Ada Colau Ballano (Ms)
224 San Antonio USA 1,437,000 2,329,000 Ivy Taylor (Ms)
240 PRAGUE Czech Republic 1,280,000 2,156,000 Adriana Krnacova (Ms)
242 SOFIA Bulgaria 1,260,000 1,680,000 Yordanka Fandakova (Ms)
249 Rosario Argentina 1,194,000 1,276,000 Monica Fein (Ms)
264 Rostov on Don Russia 1,115,000 1,115,000 Zinaida Neyarokhina (Ms)
272 Ranchi India 1,073,000 1,127,000 Asha Lakra (Ms)
290 STOCKHOLM Sweden 936,000 2,226,000 Karin Wanngard (Ms)
297 Durban South Africa 595,000 3,842,000 Zandile Gumede (Ms)
299 Cape Town South Africa 433,000 3,740,000 Patricia de Lille (Ms)

IN THIS SECTION: Introduction to largest cities and their mayors||| Largest cities and their mayors: 1 to 300 ||| Largest cities and their mayors in alphabetical order ||| Largest cities and their mayors country by country ||| Largest cities with women mayors ||| Capital cities and their mayors (A to Z by cities) ||| Capital cities and their mayors (A to Z by countries) ||| ON OTHER PAGES: Women mayors 2021 ||| World's capital cities with women mayors ||| American women mayors |||

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