Dubrovnik-Neretva County (Croatia) (original) (raw)

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Dubrovačko - Neretvanska županija

Last modified: 2017-07-16 by ivan sache
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[[County flag]](../images/h/hr-du.gif)

Flag of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County - Image by Željko Heimer, 17 June 1999

See also:

Presentation of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County

The Dubrovnik-Neretva County is the southernmost county in Croatia, including its capital Dubrovnik and the surroundings, in a part of Croatia that has no land connection with the rest of the country, because of the 4 km long Bosnian coast around , and the part north of it, around river Neretva (called Narent in old texts), including the port of Ploče.

Željko Heimer, 13 May 1996

Flag of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County

The symbols of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County are prescribed by Decision Odluka o grbu, zastavi i Danu Županije Dubrovačko - Neretvanske, adopted by the County Assembly on 5 March 1996 and published on 8 March 1996 in the County official gazette Službeni glasnik Županije Dubrovačko - Neretvanske, No. 1.
The Ministry of Administration approved the symbols on 19 April 1996.

Decision Odluka o izmjeni Odluke o grbu, zastavi i danu Županije Dubrovačko - Neretvanske, adopted by the County Assembly on 8 October 1998 and published on 25 October 1998 in Službeni glasnik Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije, No. 8, alters Article 9 of the 1996 Decision regarding the order of display of the flags when the flags of Croatia, of the County and of local entities are displayed together. Namely the 1996 Decision apparently mixed up the left and right sides, prescribing that the County flag shall be set to the viewer's left of the Croatian flag, to the viewer's right of a town or municipality flag, and when three are displayed then as viewed: town / municipality - Croatia - County. This is, of course, just the opposite as it should be, and probably when it was noticed the 1998 Decision was issued to correct it, now prescribing that the County flag shall be set to the viewer's right of the Croatian flag, to the viewer's left of a town or municipality flag, and when three are displayed then as viewed: County - Croatia - town / municipality.

Decision Odluka o izmeni općih akata koji sadrže naziv županija, adopted by the County Assembly on 15 July 1997 and published on 20 July 1997 in Službeni glasnik Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije, No. 3, changed all the Decisions that included the County name from "Županija Dubrovačko - Neretvanska" to "Dubrovačko-neretvanska županija", including the abovementioned 1996 Decision on the symbols. The change did not affect the description of the symbols themselves.

The symbols were designed by Francesca Danese-Katić.

The flag, of proportions 1:2, is an horizontal bicolor of red over white with the coat of arms in the middle, bordered with golden line. The horizontal dimension of the coat of arms is 1/5 of the flag length.

Decision Odluka osnivanju i imenovanju Ocjenjivačke komisije za provedbu natječaja za grb i zastavu Županije Dubrovačko - Neretvanske, adopted on 19 October 199 4by the County Assembly and published on 2 December 1994 in Službeni glasnik Županije Dubrovačko - Neretvanske, No. 3, appointed the Commission tazked to run the public contest for the County symbols. The Commission, chaired by Pr. Stijepo Obad, a historian, included Senka Marinović, an art professor; Nikola Vučković, an academic painter (and, afterwards, the designer of some flags and arms, for instance, those of Metković); Dr. Jure Bulić, the County Mayor; Lukša Peko, an academic painter; Dr. Alenka Fazinić, an historian (the Curator of the Korčula Town Museum, she wrote a number of papers and a book anheraldry in the region); and Father Jozo Njavro.
The annual agenda of the County Assembly, Program rada Skupštine Županije Dubrovačko - Neretvanske u 1996., adopted on 5 March 1996 by the County Assembly and published on 8 March 1996 in Službeni glasnik Županije Dubrovačko - Neretvanske, No. 1, includes as its first item the Decision on the County symbols, to be adopted in the first quarter of 1996.

Željko Heimer, 24 June 2012

Coat of arms of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County

[[County coat of arms]du.gif)](../images/h/hr%29du.gif)

Coat of arms of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County - Image by Željko Heimer, 17 June 1999

The coat of arms is "Quarterly, 1. and 4. Barry of four gules and argent (together giving eight bars representing the historical arms of Dubrovnik), 2. Azure a trupica with an oar argent (a trupica is a traditional small boat used by people of the Neretva delta), 3. Azure towers argent ("towers" being here a composition of several towers typical of the town of Korčula, on the island of the same name). The (fimbriation) line bordering, lining and dividing the elements of the shield is prescribed black.

Željko Heimer, 17 June 1999

Ceremonial flag of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County

[[County ceremonial flag]](../images/h/hr%5Fdu1.gif)

Ceremonial flag of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County - Image by Željko Heimer, 29 February 2004

The ceremonial flag is a gonfalon with three tails in the fly, horizontally divided red-white with the coat of arms within a heraldic floral mantle azure and argent. The year of the formation of the County "1992." is inscribed above in white numerals and the name of the County below in red letters on three rows "ŽUPANIJA / DUBROVAČKO / NERETVANSKA"; the flag is bordered in gold, fringed along the bottom and with three tassels.
The County secretary, Ružica Mišković, informed me on 19 February 2004 me that the flag, already see on TV images on 10 May 2002, was designed and manufactured by Mladen Šlezak and Pr. Šiniša Reberski (Academy of Arts, Zagreb), both from Zagreb. Manufactured in 1996, the flag is displayed only in ceremonious occasions held in the County Assembly and in similar appropriate events.
The ceremonial ecclesiastic flag of the County, also established in 2002, pictures the patron saint of the County, St. Leopold Bogan Mandić; it is used during the religious ceremonies.

Željko Heimer, 29 February 2004

Table flag of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County

[[County ceremonial flag]](../images/h/hr%5Fdu2.gif)

Table flag of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County - Image by Željko Heimer, 31 July 2016

The table flag (photo) is a vertical version of the County flag, with the coat of arms in the centre and the red inscription of the County's name in three rows.

Željko Heimer & Marko Vitez, 31 July 2016