Durham Mining Museum - Silverwood Colliery (UK) (original) (raw)

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Location: Thryburgh, Rotherham3 miles [5 km] E of Rotherham
Map Ref: (Sheet 111 Sheffield and Doncaster) SK473939, 53° 26' 23" N, 1° 17' 12" W
Sinking Started: 1900/5
Pits: East Pit
Owners: Dalton Main Collieries Ltd.
1947 - National Coal Board (N.C.B.)
Output: 1900 - Coal: Gas, Household.
1905 - Coal: Coking, Gas, Household, Steam.
1910 - Coal: Coking, Gas, Household, Steam.
1915 - Coal: Coking, Gas, Household, Steam.
1947 - Coal: Coking, Gas, Household, Steam.
1954 - Coal: Coking, Gas, Household, Steam.
Employment: 1900 - 353 (35 below, 318 surface)
1905 - 1,598 (1,250 below, 348 surface)
1910 - 3,345 (2,635 below, 710 surface)
1915 - 2,663 (2,085 below, 578 surface)
1923 - 3,450 (2,750 below, 700 surface)
1933 - 3,800 (3,000 below, 800 surface)
1937 - 3,300 (2,500 below, 800 surface)
1940 - 3,300 (2,500 below, 800 surface)
1947 - 3,000 (2,400 below, 600 surface)
1954 - 2,867 (2,314 below, 553 surface)
Seams Worked: 1910 - Barnsley
1915 - Barnsley
1954 - Barnsley, Meltonfield
Notes: Current Status - Page under construction! and is far, far from complete!


Silverwood, Thryburgh, Rotherham: Sunk 1900/5, is 765 yds. dp; to date modernisation has cost £1 million; current project involves drifting from Barnsley pit-bottom to develop Haigh Moor seam; 2,000 men prod. 651,000 tons from Melton field and Barnsley seams.

NCB Leaflet: Coal in South Yorkshire, published May 1967

Disasters (5 or more killed)

| | 3rd | Feb | 1966 | | Man riding accident, 10 lives lost (Show Names) | | ---------- | ------- | -------- | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

Names of those killed at this colliery

Please note that this collection of names is by no means complete!

In Memoriam

| | | Individal page | | | | Atkin, Horace, 18 Feb 1907, (accident: 25 Mar 1906), aged 26, Hurrier, Died from injuries caused by a fall of roof on March 25th, 1906, when following his employment | | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | Individal page | | | | Bailey, Joseph, 09 Jun 1913, (accident: 10 Aug 1912), aged 48, Collier, On the 10th August, 1912, his foot was slightly scratched by a piece of coal. Bllod poisoning set in and he died on the 9th June, 1913 | | | | Individal page | | | | Bailey, Samuel, 05 May 1908, (accident: 28 Mar 1908), aged 48, Collier, He and two other men were twisting a tub on a flat sheet when he allowed the tub to pin him against a prop. The injuries were not considered to be serious, but he died on May 5th from heart disease and peritonitis which might have been caused by the injury | | | | Individal page | | | | Baker, Samuel, 12 Jan 1908, aged 47, Coke Loader, He was lowering wagons by gravity to the coke ovens when he was fatally crushed between one of them and a train of full wagons which had been left much too near the points. There was a space of only 4 ins. between the standing and the moving wagons | | | | Individal page | | CMHRC | | Bannister, Wilfred, 29 Aug 1915, (accident: 24 Aug 1915), aged 19, Pony driver, Driving set of 6 full tubs and was walking in front of horse. Another drver was coming out with 4 empties and waved his lamp. Deceased ran back and slipped and his tubs knocked him into side of road. Died 29th Aug | | | | Individal page | | | | Barraclough, Walter, 05 Jul 1909, aged 49, Collier, He was travelling in-bye, and went along the haulage road instead of the travelling road. He was run over by a train of empty tubs which were being lowered by gravity from the pit bottom | | | | Individal page | | | | Bennett, F., 10 Oct 1937, aged 21, Coal Cutter, killed by a fall of roof | | | | Individal page | | CMHRC | | Blyton, Alfred, 17 Nov 1934, (accident: 13 Nov 1934), aged 57, Stoneman, Had been sent to clean and dress sides in a gate — he had fetched a tub from passbye and was bending down putting in locker when piece of roof fell and pinned him to floor. Died 4 days later | | | | Individal page | | | | Boden, William, 27 Jun 1908, aged 32, Ripper and Packer, He was helping to remind ripping dirt displaced by a shot and relaying the tram road when a "bump" occurred, and caused a fall of stone which caught and killed him | | | | Individal page | | CMHRC | | Briggs, James, 02 Sep 1915, (accident: 28 Aug 1915), aged 60, Collier, Took a full tub of of coal out of his place and stooped to pick up his pick when a quantity of coal fell from face which he had holed. Died 2nd Sept | | | | Individal page | | CMHRC | | Browning, Charles, 29 Apr 1919, aged 50, Collier, He and his son-in-law were bannocking when there was a sudden bump which reeled out several props and the fall buried him | | | | Individal page | | | | Butler, James, 24 May 1909, aged 33, Trammer, Fall of roof. The deceased was removing coal which the colliers had pulled from the face, when a heavy fall of roof occurred and killed him. The fall displaced six props and was caused by a slip and a smooth parting between shale and sandstone strata | | | | Individal page | | | | Buxton, Thomas, 19 Sep 1907, aged 28, Ripping Contractor, A shot-firer fired a back ripping shot, charged with amnionite, on a level, and the deceased was afterwards found under the stone displaced by it. He had been warned that the shot was about to be fired and not to go along the level | | | | Individal page | | | | Cartwright, Samuel, 05 Aug 1910, aged 21, Haualge Hand, Whilst coupling two sets of full tubs another tub knocked into the back set. His head was caught between the sets and his skull was fractured. It is supposed that he tripped over the chain while stepping from between the tubs | | | | Individal page | | | | Clarkin, Arthur, 15 Mar 1924, (accident: 05 Mar 1924, 3.15 p.m., 2nd hour of shift), aged 28, Trammer, He was in a stooping position, filling coal into a tub, when a weight bump occurred and 3 or 4 cwts. of coal fell from the upper portion of the coal face on to his head, inflicting scalp wounds. Meningitis set in and he died on 15th March | | | | Individal page | | | | Cook, W., 17 Sep 1902, aged 22, Pump-attendant, Was stationed on a small platform 240 yards above the bottom of a sinking shaft to attend to a pump. He was provided with a safety belt but neglected to use it, and either the ascending bowk caught the platform and knocked him off, or he fell first upon the bowk and caused it to oscillate against the platform | | | | Individal page | | | | Cotterill, Albert, 20 Jul 1909, aged 25, Stoneman, Fall of roof. He was assisting to build a pack when a bump burst a large stone from the roof and he was fatally injured. The fall displaced two props | | | | Individal page | | | | Coulson, Jack W., 03 Feb 1966, aged 51, Salvage Worker, Man riding accident [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Culkin, John, 27 Sep 1912, aged 29, Filler, Deceased and another man were pulling in a ringer to withdraw a prop from the goaf when a bump occurred, followed by a heavy fall of roof stone, which buried him | | | | Individal page | | | | Culliman, Patrick, 07 May 1909, aged 23, Stoneman, Fall of roof. A shot had been fired and he was in the act of "plucking" the stone, when a piece fell suddenly and killed him | | | | Individal page | | | | Cunnane, Philip, 01 Dec 1914, aged 23, Stoneman, He was plucking a shot when a large stone fell from the roof and killed him. It came away from a slip and broke off at the pack side. It is possible that the shot shook the stone. The place had been examined immediately before by the shot-firer and a deputy who thought it was quite safe. The roof was very hard rock | | | | Individal page | | CMHRC | | Dickinson, Walter, 20 Apr 1933, aged 64, Stoneman, Cutting down side to make roof for a girder in a longwall gate when stone fell from side and pinned his leg to floor causing compound fracture. Septicemia set in and leg was amputated. Died 2 months after the accident | | | | Individal page | | | | Dyson, Robert, 08 Feb 1911, aged 24, Corporal, Whilst lifting on to the rails a full tub which had become derailed and had knocked one of the legs from under a 12 foot bar, a large fall of roof occurred, killing him instantly. Three bars were displaced. A mid prop should have been set before he attempted to replace the tub on the rails | | | | Individal page | | | | Evans, Arthur B., 09 Jan 1914, aged 25, Collier, He was going to set a cog in a bank when a "bump" caused a fall of sandstone roof weighting about 15 cwts. The timber seems to have been in order and the deputy found things apparently quite safe when he visited the place about half an hour previously | | | | Individal page | | | | Flint, Thomas, 02 Sep 1906, (accident: 24 Aug 1906), aged 47, Shot Firer, He was preparing a shot hole for a charge at the gate lip, when a piece of stone fell and caught him on his head. Died September 2nd | | | | Individal page | | | | Gascoyne, J. H., 06 Jan 1910, (accident: 21 Dec 1909), aged 39, Miner, He was taking an empty tub to the face and crushed his hand between the tub and a prop. Blood poisoning supervened and he died on January 6th, 1910 | | | | Individal page | | | | Gibbs, Arthur, 18 Jan 1909, aged 18, Labourer, Whilst walking along the siding he was run over by loaded wagons which were being pushed in front of a locomotive. The locomotive whistle was being blown at the time, but the deceased evidently did not notice it | | | | Individal page | | | | Goulding, Henry, 19 Aug 1906, aged 34, Labourer, He went on to the top of the small coal in a hopper to level it, when it slipped away, owing probably to the coal hanging when some was drawn at the bottom of the hopper, and was suffocated | | | | Individal page | | | | Goynston, George, 28 Feb 1909, aged 30, Dataller, Large fall of roof whilst a main haulage road was being enlarged [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Grainger, George W., 17 Apr 1924, 11.30 a.m., 6th hour of shift, aged 36, Packer, He was lowering a Sylvester chain down a prop which was being withdrawn from the waste, when a stone weighing about 30 cwts. fell from the roof discharging the prop and burying him in small dirt. The roof is a rock one and very treacherous and full of breaks. Timber was set within the prescribed distances but temporary supports should have been set | | | | Individal page | | | | Green, Jack, 03 Feb 1966, aged 50, Salvage Worker, Man riding accident [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Hague, Frank, 20 Dec 1912, aged 30, Filler, He was filling, and was fatally injured at the working face by being crushed against the tub by some coal bursting out after a "bump" | | | | Individal page | | | | Haigh, George, 31 Jul 1913, aged 46, Stoneman, Deceased was engaged making an overcast when he was fatally injured by a fall of roof, which ran out a stretcher | | | | Individal page | | | | Hall, William B., 29 Apr 1913, aged 31, Filler, He was struck on the head by a piece of rock which burst off the roof while he was filling a tub. The timber was properly set and the accident could not be foreseen | | | | Individal page | | | | Hanton, J., 03 Feb 1966, aged 59, Man riding accident [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Hanton, James, 22 Apr 1908, aged 22, Labourer, Too many wagons had been put on a set of rails, with the result that one of them fouled a crossing. The deceased was passing between the buffers of the wagons, when another train of wagons, which was being slowly moved by gravity on a parallel set of rails, touched the wagon which was fouling the crossing, and he was fatally crushed between the buffers | | | | Individal page | | | | Hargreaves, George W., 02 Dec 1906, aged 51, Roadman, He and his mate were relaying rails on a road, and with the alterations two props had to be taken out. Deceased struck one blow at one of them with his tomahawk, and immediately a large piece of rock fell from the roof at the side and killed him. The stone came away to a fine crack and to a concealed slip, and measured about 5 feet 6 inches by 3 feet, by 2 feet thick. The prop was not knocked out | | | | Individal page | | | | Harris, Roland, 25 Sep 1913, aged 18, Driver, The deceased were engaged in dinting the floor of a stall in underground stables, and, in doing so, weakened the support of the side props, four of which were run out by a heavy fall of roof, which came away from a black parting and buried the three men [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Harris, Thomas, 25 Sep 1913, aged 46, Contractor, The deceased were engaged in dinting the floor of a stall in underground stables, and, in doing so, weakened the support of the side props, four of which were run out by a heavy fall of roof, which came away from a black parting and buried the three men. 3 killed [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Hather, Thomas, 26 Jul 1907, aged 34, Collier, When he and his mates arrived at their working place they noticed that the roof had weighted, and after examining and sounding decided to set some more timber. He got a prop set and was tightening it, when a large fall occurred, displacing a portion of the gate pack and a number of props, and killed him | | | | Individal page | | CMHRC | | Haynes, John William, 24 Dec 1915, (accident: 20 Oct 1915), aged 46, Collier, Shin was scraped by piece of falling coal. Died 24th Dec — pneumonia as a result of the accident | | | | Individal page | | | | Jennings, John, 28 Feb 1909, aged 47, Dataller, Large fall of roof whilst a main haulage road was being enlarged [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Kelsall, Reginald, 03 Feb 1966, aged 60, Back Ripper, Man riding accident [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Kilbride, J., 22 Apr 1909, aged 44, Collier, Fall of roof. Whilst drawing back timber in a waste, a piece of rock about 5 yards long, 9 inches thick, 5 feet wide fell upon him. The fall displaced two props. He was using a hammer instead of proper timber drawing appliances | | | | Individal page | | | | Lawrence, Enoch, 01 Feb 1912, aged 29, Collier, A heading had been started at the gate end for the purpose of making the new cuts when a "pot hole" fell from the roof and killed deceased. The top coal was left up as the roof, and the "pot hole" could not be seen | | | | Individal page | | | | Lee, William, 20 Jan 1912, aged 21, Coke Oven Labourer, While the coke was being made and stamped by a 7½-H.P. motor taking 550 volts, alternating current, he climbed over a fence to get from the top of the coke ovens into the stamping house ; he came into contact with the live wires and was electrocuted | | | | Individal page | | | | Liddiard, Thomas E., 01 Aug 1907, aged 37, Collier, He and another man were working in a place 9 feet 3 inches wide which was being driven in the solid coal for the purpose of allowing a bord piece being carried along the longwall face out of it, when a piece of roof stone suddenly burst out and caught him on his back and fractured his spine. The distance at which roof supports were to be set under the Timbering Special Rules had been exceeded owing to the bottom coal not having been taken up as the face advanced. It is possible if the rules had been complied with that he might have been able to get clear before the stone fell | | | | Individal page | | | | McCoy, John, 11 Jun 1924, 8.10 a.m., 3rd hour of shift, aged 17, Pony Driver, He was walking inbye in front of his pony when he stopped to clear some dirt away from the rails. At the same moment a piece of side fell out and pinned him to the floor. He was not found until an hour afterwards, and was so severely injured that he died the same day. The roof was a strong grey bind, and was unsupported for the whole length of the crossgate. The deputy had inspected the place two hours previously and reported it safe | | | | Individal page | | | | Merrils, J., 04 Jan 1909, aged 52, Collier, Fall of roof. A large stone fell on his head and shoulders whilst he was working at the face. The stone fell from converging slips which formed a "pot-hole" | | | | Individal page | | | | Nettleship, Jack, 06 Feb 1966, (accident: 03 Feb 1966), aged 53, Man riding accident [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | CMHRC | | Nettleship, John, 04 May 1934, aged 54, Collier, Getting coal at face when struck on head and killed by fall of stone | | | | Individal page | | | | Oakes, Peter, 25 Sep 1913, aged 41, Stoneman, The deceased were engaged in dinting the floor of a stall in underground stables, and, in doing so, weakened the support of the side props, four of which were run out by a heavy fall of roof, which came away from a black parting and buried the three men. 3 killed [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Oakley, George, 05 Jun 1924, 10.30 a.m., 5th hour of shift, aged 45, Collier, He was holing under coal which was overhanging at least 3 ft. over a length of 9 ft. A "bump" occurred and a fall of coal followed, burying him up to the hips. He was liberated within a few minutes but died later the same day in hospital. A sprag had been set against the overhanging coal but deceased removed this in order to get the coal down. The accident could have been avoided had deceased barred the coal down from the end face after withdrawing the sprag | | | | Individal page | | | | Oakley, John Fugil, 17 Jun 1907, aged 23, Shunter, At the time of the accident a locomotive was bringing nine wagons of washed coal out of a siding into which a road round a curve ran. In the latter road 13 wagons were standing, some of which had come from the washery, on a gradient of 1 in 48, towards the siding. The traffic manager, in order to allow five other wagons behind them, attempted to lower these wagons ; he lifted three brakes when the wagons began to move and gained speed ; he promptly tried to get the brakes down again but the wagons got out of control, owing to the rails being wet, and although the locomotive engineman put on full steam to get clear, they collided with the last wagon of his load on which the deceased was riding and knocked it off the road and on to and fatally injured him. In future a pair of runaway switches will be put in to prevent an accident of this kind | | | | Individal page | | | | Orton, Roland H., 03 Feb 1966, aged 49, Back Ripper, Man riding accident [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | CMHRC | | Oxley, Francis H., 22 Aug 1919, aged 17, Weighman | | | | Individal page | | | | Parker, James, 12 Sep 1906, aged 27, Collier, He was drawing back props from the goaf when the roof fell and displaced two rows, or 12 props, and he was killed spot | | | | Individal page | | | | Pennington, John, 15 Apr 1912, aged 28, Stoneman, Deceased was the first man to enter the cage at the pit top for starting the night shift, and when the cage was nearing the shaft bottom he complained of illness. Before assistance from the other men could be rendered he had slipped under the fence rail and fell to the bottom of the shaft, probably 40 yards | | | | Individal page | | | | Poxton, William, 28 Feb 1909, aged 30, Dataller, Large fall of roof whilst a main haulage road was being enlarged [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Prendergast, Bartholomew, 16 Jun 1914, aged 43, Collier, He seems to have been uncapping a gob prop when he was caught by a heavy fall of roof. He had set no temporary supports and had already drawn three or four props thus throwing a good deal of weight on the one remaining | | | | Individal page | | | | Price, John, 13 Jun 1906, aged 23, Trammer, He went into the goaf beyond the back timber to relieve himself when a large fall of roof occurred and killed him | | | | Individal page | | | | Pursehouse, John, 28 Feb 1924, 6.15 p.m., 5th hour of shift, aged 43, Miner, He was working alone and filling a tub of coal, when a fall of roof occurred, estimated at 25 cwts., probably due to a bump, which discharged three props and completely buried him. He was dead when extricated | | | | Individal page | | CMHRC | | Rackman, Henry C., 08 Oct 1915, (accident: 07 Oct 1915), aged 15, Pony driver, Walking in front of pony and full tubs entering passbye when he fell and failed to get out of the way — leg amputated. Died following day | | | | Individal page | | CMHRC | | Robinson, Needham, 05 Mar 1934, aged 46, Deputy, During repairing shift he bumped his head against a girder under face lip as he stepped onto belt of stationary conveyor — he was kneeling when belt started and carried him against steel bridge plates crushing him. Died 2 hrs. later | | | | Individal page | | | | Ryder, James, 17 Nov 1908, (accident: 16 Nov 1908), aged 46, Collier, He and his mate were bannocking above the seam when they touched a slip, and there was one parallel to and 3 ft. from it on the goaf side, and also another at right angles, a stone from the roof fell and fatally injured him. Died the following day | | | | Individal page | | | | Salter, Albert Henry, 15 Aug 1913, aged 44, Trammer, Deceased was helping to draw wood from the gob when the chain slipped off a prop which had been pulled to the pavement. He went back to get the chain and was killed by a heavy fall | | | | Individal page | | | | Sansome, James B., 03 Feb 1966, aged 61, Salvage Worker, Man riding accident [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Scholes, Allan, 25 Oct 1912, aged 25, Stoneman, Deceased and two other men were sitting at a gateway junction getting their snap when a stone measuring about 4½ feet by 2 feet 6 inches by 2 feet fell out of the roof from between 2 slips and fell on to his legs, causing compound fracture of both thighs | | | | Individal page | | | | Searles, John, 17 May 1911, aged 30, Miner, Whilst working at the coal face he was struck by some coal bursting from the face. He was fatally injured | | | | Individal page | | | | Shaw, Arthur, 03 Feb 1966, aged 51, Back Ripper, Man riding accident [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Shaw, Henry, 12 Aug 1912, (accident: 24 Jul 1912), aged 37, Dauber, He was assisting to replace a new shaft, weighing about 7½ cwts., on to the coke ramming machine. The chain carrying the shaft broke, due to a faulty link, and the shaft fell on to deceased's leg and fractured it. Blood poisoning supervened and he died on 12th August | | | | Individal page | | | | Simmons, George, 23 Apr 1907, aged 20, Collier, A tub, which he and his mate were taking down a gateway, got off the rails with the last wheels. He then went in front and swayed down while his mate lifted at the back end of the tub. As soon as the tub was got on to the rails it was more than he could hold and he was carried and fatally crushed against a train of full tubs standing 20 yards further down the gateway. His mate said they had put lockers in the wheels of the tubs but they had fallen out when the tub got off the rails | | | | Individal page | | | | Sims, C., 19 Jun 1901, aged 60, Labourer, Failed to step out of the way of a moving wagon, and was killed | | | | Individal page | | | | Smith, George, 03 Feb 1966, aged 55, Chock Maintenance, Man riding accident [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Somerville, William, 03 Jan 1908, aged 38, Miner, After getting some coal from the face he was sitting down watching the trammer fill a tub when a piece of sandstone burst from the roof, displaced a prop the deceased had set a few hours before, and falling upon him killed him on the spot | | | | Individal page | | CMHRC | | Stacey, Samuel, 21 Nov 1934, aged 62, Painter, Walking across platform of wood planks covering hole in botton floor of washery and fell 20ft into wagon below. Died in hospital same day | | | | Individal page | | CMHRC | | Stacey, Thomas, 16 Jan 1915, (accident: 15 Jan 1915), aged 39, Stoneman, Pulling ripping when piece came suddenly and fell on him. Died following day | | | | Individal page | | | | Tarper, John, 08 Oct 1912, aged 21, Stoneman, He was fatally injured by a fall of about 2 tons of bind in a gateway. He is supposed to have been shifting a tub of wood which was beside him | | | | Individal page | | | | Toll, John Henry, 02 Apr 1924, 11.45 p.m., 4th hour of shift, aged 21, Stoneman, He was clearing a fall on a haulage road after shot-firing when a heavy bump occurred which fractured the roof and liberated a stone weighing about 10 cwts. which fell and fractured his skull | | | | Individal page | | CMHRC | | Tuke, William, 25 Feb 1919, aged 55, Dataller, He and three others were setting a stretcher at a point where roof was starting to give way. As he was driving in a tightening wedge there was a bump knocking out stretcher — piece of stone fell fracturing his skull | | | | Individal page | | | | Turton, Ernest, 16 Sep 1912, aged 27, Run Rider, He was found under the third tub of a full set of 10. He probably trod on the tail rope and was thrown down in front of the set. No one saw the accident happen | | | | Individal page | | | | Ward, Lawrence, 13 Jan 1909, aged 37, Collier, Fall of side. A sharp "bump" burst a slab of coal from the working face. The deceased was caught by the fall | | | | Individal page | | | | Williams, Thomas, 16 Nov 1924, (accident: 12 Nov 1924, 7.30 a.m., 2nd hour of shift), aged 15, Pony Driver, He was assisting a collier to turn over an empty tub in a gate. The tub was partly turned over when it swung back, probably through striking a large stone left lying on the ground, and struck deceased on the head, forcing him against a prop. He sustained a fracture of the skull and died four days later. The stone should not have been allowed to remain where it was | | | | Individal page | | | | Wilson, Edward, 22 Dec 1911, aged 20, Stoneman, He was coupling a horse on to a tub filled with dirt near to the junction of two roads, 90 yards from the coal face, when a "bump" passed overhead and a stone weighing 1½ tons fell upon him. He died a few hours later | | | | Individal page | | | | Winstanley, Arthur, 05 Jul 1913, aged 15, Pony Driver, He was walking along the level to get two empty tubs, when a "bump" occurred and a heavy fall of side took place striking him on the head and killing him instantly | | | | Individal page | | | | Wraith, A., 03 Feb 1966, aged 59, Back Ripper, Man riding accident [More information ...] | | | | | | | | | | 86 names found | | | | | |

If you know of any fatalities missing from the above list then please contact us with the details and we will add them to our database.

Those names marked with image, have a web page providing individual details of the accident, the page may also include a photograph of the deceased. Click on the image symbol next to the name to see the web page.

Some of the names of mining fatalities on this page have been kindly provided by Ian Winstanley of theCoal Mining History Resource Centre (CMHRC) and are marked with image.The CMHRC is available here.

More information more information on some of the fatalities shown above

Collieries and Pits within 5 miles (8km)

Colliery Map a simulated map showing the immediate vicinity of Silverwood Colliery

Nearby Collieries list of collieries/pits etc. near to Silverwood Colliery



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