He and another man were working in a place 9 feet 3 inches wide which was being driven in the solid coal for the purpose of allowing a bord piece being carried along the longwall face out of it, when a piece of roof stone suddenly burst out and caught him on his back and fractured his spine. The distance at which roof supports were to be set under the Timbering Special Rules had been exceeded owing to the bottom coal not having been taken up as the face advanced. It is possible if the rules had been complied with that he might have been able to get clear before the stone fell
[not known]
Falls in the Mine :: Falls of Roof :: At the Working Face
1907 Mines Inspectors Report (Cd 4045), York and Lincoln District (No. 5) by W. H. Pickering, H.M. Inspector of Mines, Page: 34, Accident Number: 509 Where to find this report
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