Miscellaneous Underground :: Haulage :: Run over or Crushed by Trams or Tubs
Deceased was travelling outbye at the end of his shift on an endless rope haulage road dipping inbye from 1 in 6 to 1 in 15, where sets usually consisting of 12 to 14 loaded tubs with a clutch bogie in front gripping the rope underneath the tubs and double the number of empty tubs with a bogie both before and behind run at a speed of three miles per hour. No set rider accompanies the sets. The road is not quite straight and at bends what are known as top-hat pulleys working on a vertical axis are placed to guide the rope. When about 1½ miles from the shaft a set consisting of eight full tubs, a water barrel and the bogie became detached from the rope when it had travelled 500 yards and was 300 or 400 yards in advance of deceased and other men a little in front of him. These men heard it coming and at first thought it was an empty set and got on to full road, but discovered their mistake in time and got into a refuge hole but deceased was caught and several tubs ran over him. The clutch bogie was found to be in good order after the accident and took the set outbye. It is probable that the rope had been running on the wrong side of one of the guiding pulleys and caused it to be drawn out of the clutch. There were refuge holes on the road as required by law
1905 Mines Inspectors Report (Cd 2910), Newcastle District (No. 3) by J. B. Atkinson, H.M. Inspector of Mines, Page: 55, Accident Number: 77 Where to find this report
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