Grape (original) (raw)

Scientific classification
Kingdom:Plantae Division:Magnoliophyta Class:Magnoliopsida Order:Vitales Family:Vitaceae Genus: Vitis
Vitis acerifolia Vitis aestivalis Vitis amurensis Vitis arizonica Vitis X bourquina Vitis californica Vitis X champinii Vitis cinerea Vitis X doaniana Vitis girdiana Vitis labrusca Vitis X labruscana Vitis monticola Vitis mustangensis Vitis X novae-angliae Vitis palmata Vitis riparia Vitis rotundifolia Vitis rupestris Vitis shuttleworthii Vitis tiliifolia Vitis vinifera Vitis vulpinaRef. Itis 500017

A grape is the fruit of a vine in the family Vitaceae. It is commonly used for making grape juice, jelly, wine and raisins, and is eaten raw. Many species of grape exist including:

Hybrids also exist, primarily crosses of V. vinifera with one or more varieties of V. labrusca, V. riparia or V. aestivalis. Hybrids tend to be less susceptible to frost and disease (notably phylloxera), but their wine has little of the characteristic "foxy" odor of labrusca.

Wild grapes are often considered a nuisance weed as they cover other plants and form thick entangling vines.

See also

Food | List of fruits | List of vegetables