List of China administrative regions by area (original) (raw)

Here are three lists of administrative regions of the People's Republic of China (including all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and special administrative regions) in order of their total areas. The unit of the areas are in square kilometers. Taiwan province, which is completely under the jurisdiction of the Republic of China, is excluded from this list.

NOTE: The following figures are from different sources and may not be completely accurate. Please make appropriate changes if you note any errors.

See also:

Total Area

  1. Xinjiang - 1,650,000 km�
  2. Tibet - 1,200,000
  3. Inner Mongolia - 1,100,000
  4. Qinghai - 720,000
  5. Sichuan - 480,000
  6. Heilongjiang - 460,000
  7. Yunnan - 394,000
  8. Gansu - 390,000
  9. Guangxi - 236,000
  10. Hunan - 210,500
  11. Shaanxi - 206,000
  12. Guangdong - 197,000
  13. Hebei - 187,700
  14. Hubei - 187,500
  15. Jilin - 187,400
  16. Guizhou - 176,000
  17. Jiangxi - 169,900
  18. Henan - 167,000
  19. Shandong - 156,700
  20. Shanxi - 150,000
  21. Liaoning - 145,900
  22. Anhui - 139,600
  23. Fujian - 121,400
  24. Zhejiang - 101,800
  25. Jiangsu - 100,000
  26. Chongqing Municipality - 82,300
  27. Ningxia - 66,000
  28. Hainan - 34,000
  29. Beijing Municipality - 16,808
  30. Tianjin Municipality - 11,000
  31. Shanghai Municipality - 6,340.5
  32. Hong Kong - 1,092
  33. Macau - 25.4