7.1 General Description (original) (raw)

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7.1 General Description

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7.1 General Description

7.1 General Description

An RTP translator/mixer connects two or more transport-level "clouds". Typically, each cloud is defined by a common network and transport protocol (e.g., IP/UDP), multicast address or pair of unicast addresses, and transport level destination port. (Network- level protocol translators, such as IP version 4 to IP version 6, may be present within a cloud invisibly to RTP.) One system may serve as a translator or mixer for a number of RTP sessions, but each is considered a logically separate entity.

In order to avoid creating a loop when a translator or mixer is installed, the following rules must be observed:

Similarly, all RTP end systems that can communicate through one or more RTP translators or mixers share the same SSRC space, that is, the SSRC identifiers must be unique among all these end systems. Section 8.2 describes the collision resolution algorithm by which SSRC identifiers are kept unique and loops are detected.

There may be many varieties of translators and mixers designed for different purposes and applications. Some examples are to add or remove encryption, change the encoding of the data or the underlying protocols, or replicate between a multicast address and one or more unicast addresses. The distinction between translators and mixers is that a translator passes through the data streams from different sources separately, whereas a mixer combines them to form one new stream:


Forwards RTP packets with their SSRC identifier intact; this makes it possible for receivers to identify individual sources even though packets from all the sources pass through the same translator and carry the translator's network source address. Some kinds of translators will pass through the data untouched, but others may change the encoding of the data and thus the RTP data payload type and timestamp. If multiple data packets are re-encoded into one, or vice versa, a translator must assign new sequence numbers to the outgoing packets. Losses in the incoming packet stream may induce corresponding gaps in the outgoing sequence numbers. Receivers cannot detect the presence of a translator unless they know by some other means what payload type or transport address was used by the original source.


Receives streams of RTP data packets from one or more sources, possibly changes the data format, combines the streams in some manner and then forwards the combined stream. Since the timing among multiple input sources will not generally be synchronized, the mixer will make timing adjustments among the streams and generate its own timing for the combined stream, so it is the synchronization source. Thus, all data packets forwarded by a mixer will be marked with the mixer's own SSRC identifier. In order to preserve the identity of the original sources contributing to the mixed packet, the mixer should insert their SSRC identifiers into the CSRC identifier list following the fixed RTP header of the packet. A mixer that is also itself a contributing source for some packet should explicitly include its own SSRC identifier in the CSRC list for that packet.

For some applications, it may be acceptable for a mixer not to identify sources in the CSRC list. However, this introduces the danger that loops involving those sources could not be detected.

The advantage of a mixer over a translator for applications like audio is that the output bandwidth is limited to that of one source even when multiple sources are active on the input side. This may be important for low-bandwidth links. The disadvantage is that receivers on the output side don't have any control over which sources are passed through or muted, unless some mechanism is implemented for remote control of the mixer. The regeneration of synchronization information by mixers also means that receivers can't do inter-media synchronization of the original streams. A multi-media mixer could do it.

     [E1]                                    [E6]
      |                                       |
E1:17 |                                 E6:15 |
      |                                       |   E6:15
      V  M1:48 (1,17)         M1:48 (1,17)    V   M1:48 (1,17)
      ^                 ^     E4:47           ^   E4:47
 E2:1 |           E4:47 |                     |   M3:89 (64,45)
      |                 |                     |
     [E2]              [E4]     M3:89 (64,45) |
                                              |        legend:

[E3] --------->(M2)----------->(M3)------------| [End system] E3:64 M2:12 (64) ^ (Mixer) | E5:45 | [E5] source: SSRC (CSRCs) ------------------->

Figure 3: Sample RTP network with end systems, mixers and translators

A collection of mixers and translators is shown in Figure 3 to illustrate their effect on SSRC and CSRC identifiers. In the figure, end systems are shown as rectangles (named E), translators as triangles (named T) and mixers as ovals (named M). The notation "M1: 48(1,17)" designates a packet originating a mixer M1, identified with M1's (random) SSRC value of 48 and two CSRC identifiers, 1 and 17, copied from the SSRC identifiers of packets from E1 and E2.

Next: 7.2 RTCP Processing in Translators

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
7.1 General Description