RFC 1889 (original) (raw)

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RFC 1889

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RFC 1889

RFC 1889

Network Working Group
Request for Comments: 1889
Category: Standards Track

Audio-Video Transport Working Group
H. Schulzrinne
GMD Fokus
S. Casner
Precept Software, Inc.
R. Frederick
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
V. Jacobson
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
January 1996

RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


This memorandum describes RTP, the real-time transport protocol. RTP provides end-to-end network transport functions suitable for applications transmitting real-time data, such as audio, video or simulation data, over multicast or unicast network services. RTP does not address resource reservation and does not guarantee quality-of- service for real-time services. The data transport is augmented by a control protocol (RTCP) to allow monitoring of the data delivery in a manner scalable to large multicast networks, and to provide minimal control and identification functionality. RTP and RTCP are designed to be independent of the underlying transport and network layers. The protocol supports the use of RTP-level translators and mixers.

Table of Contents

Next: 1. Introduction

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
RFC 1889