Antarctic Experience, winter over, penguins and all (original) (raw)

Dome C [[HighPlateauConcordia4.jpg] Concordia station at Dome C ](../Antarctica/DomeC.html "The 1997 expedition to Dome C, high Antarctic plateau, the coldest, flattest and whitest place on earth.")The first summer campaign at Dome C, on the high Antarctic plateau, one of the coldest place on Earth, 1997. (available in english, French français, Italian italiano).

And the same place 3 years later while construction of the future Concordia Station has just started.

Winterovers [[20050816_005_JeanRepair.jpg] Concordia station at Dome C ](../Antarctica/WinterDC.html "Blog of the first winterover in Concordia, high Antarctic plateau, 2005: part 16, the return of the summer campaign.")For some fun stuff read my tales from the cold about my winter over at the French base of Dumont d'Urville, the windiest place on Earth, 1993. No doubt the greatest experience I've had in my life. I was part of the 43rd team to winter over in Adelie Land.

And then even more fun: from November 30th 2004 to december 4th 2005 I was back in Antarctica for the fifth time, but this time to perform a First: the very first winter-over at the new franco-italian research station of Concordia, on the High Antarctic Plateau. One year away from friends and family, 4 months of total darkness, -79°C winter temperature and 10 months of total isolation. Here's the chronology and the blog of the expedition: Preparation, december,science,january,transition,winterover,daily life,portraits,autumn,darkness,midwinter,back to work,return of the sun,panoramas,end of the winterover &return home.

And a few extras: B&W portraits, water processing...

Pictures [[EmanueleCollectingSamples3.jpg] Concordia station at Dome C ](../Antarctica/Glacio.html "Surface glaciology and sampling of snow crystals at Dome C, Antarctica.")Talking about early explorers, I have a couple old pictures of MacMurdo. They may not be as old as Scott or Amundsen but they are interesting. I also recently added images of the early days of Dome C in 1977, and an account of the surgery done in Port Martin in 1951.

Two pages of wallpaper images of the coast and the high polar plateau.

Some fisheye, birdseye and philosphere images taken at Dome C and processed in various ways.

Lots of ice: iceberg pictures, glaciology work at Dome C as well as the successful Epica deep drilling.

And finally I have a whole lot more high resolution pictures for sale on two Antarctic Photo Archive CDs featuring several hundred royalty-free pictures of Emperor Penguins, Adelie Penguins, Other animals, Scenery, Sky, Dumont d'Urville, Terra Nova Bay and [Dome C](../Photo/Archive%5FThumbs.html?submit=Dome C "Hundreds of thumbnails featuring my archive collection of antarctic and climbing pictures for sale.").

Penguins & friends [[Emperor146.jpg] Emperor penguins and chicks. ](../Antarctica/Penguins.html "Pictures of adelie penguins and emperor penguins taken during the Antarctic winter.")All you want to know about penguins:

But don't forget that there are other rare birds in Antarctica (skuas, giant petrels, snow petrels, Cape petrels, fulmars & storm petrels); as well as other animals and weird things (Weddell seals, crabeater seals, leopard seals, lichen, algae, fish, cryptoendolith...).

Climbing [[Ice049.jpg] Climbing icebergs. ](../Climbing/AntarClimb.html "Pictures and stories of iceberg climbing in Antarctica in winter. But no big walls. 1993.")You wanna see some action ? We did some crazy iceberg climbing on really fragile ice during the winter. It was fun but delicate. And I recently added a page of satellite images of most of the mountain ranges of Antarctica.

Humor [[PanoParking_BEW.jpg] Planet Antarctica. ](../Humor/QuotesPolar.html "Misc funny and serious quotes about polar expeditions, like: 'If it's 0 degrees today, and it's going to be twice as cold tomorrow... how cold will it be?'.")Maybe you prefer humor and literature ? Then here are some polar quotes from past explorers collected on the Net and misc readings.

AccidentThree friends and colleagues died in a helicopter accident on Monday February 8th in Dumont d'Urville. Voici la dépèche AFP (en Français).