Download Dome C wallpapers (original) (raw)


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Download Dome C wallpaper pictures

Text and pictures © 1996-2024 Guillaume Dargaud
Last updated on 2021/11/05

"He or she who decides to take that plunge into the Antarctic winter [...] is a special sort of person. Not 'special' in the sense of unique, talented, or adventurous, but 'special' in the sense that there is probably something wrong with them that only an Antarctic winter can fix." — From Buy at

On this page:2010/10/10: I'm currently adding some WUXGA versions of those wallpaper images. That's 1920x1200 pixels for all of you big monitor owners, which is most of us nowadays. If you have a much bigger monitor, check this.


Here's the procedure for Internet Explorer 4.0 and Netscape Navigator 4.0:

If your browser does not have the "Set as Wallpaper" option, with Windows you can:


Jeff on the roof of the Atmos shelter, with the green laser of the Lidar visible and Concordia in the background

Jeff on the roof of the Atmos shelter, with the green laser of the Lidar visible and Concordia in the background, Antarctica, 2005
[640x480 - 800x600 - 1024x768]

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