The Encyclopedia of Arda - Drúedain of Númenor (original) (raw)

"The Great Isle no longer feels sure under our feet..."

Attributed to the Drúedain of Númenor
Unfinished Tales
Part Four I, The Drúedain (note 7)

During the First Age, the Drúedain had been close allies of the Men of the Folk of Haleth, but as the Wars of Beleriand drew to their close, only a few survivors of this people remained. After the end of the First Age, they were permitted to travel with the Edain to the newly founded land of Númenor, where for many years they lived in peace and their numbers increased.

It was more than seven centuries after Númenor's creation that Aldarion (later King Tar-Aldarion) began his voyages back to Middle-earth. The Drúedain, who had a strange sense of the future, were filled with dread by these voyages. Though they feared the Sea, they began to take passage back to Middle-earth, and by the time of the last King of Númenor, Ar-Pharazôn, there were no Drúedain left in his realm. Their fears proved well-founded: Ar-Pharazôn's pride brought about the Downfall of Númenor and the destruction of all the people who remained there.


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