The Encyclopedia of Arda - Drúedain (original) (raw)

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Location Originally widespread, with populations in Beleriand and Númenor; by the end of the Third Age, they were apparently restricted to the Drúadan Forest and Drúwaith Iaur Race Men Pronunciation droo'edine Meaning Apparently 'Wild Men'1 Other names Drû, Drû-folk, Drúath, Drughu, Drûg-folk, Drûgs, Drúin, Oghor-hai, Púkel-men, Rógin, , Rúatani, Wild Men of the Woods, Woses Note Drúedain is a plural term: an individual member of this people would be known as a Drúadan Indexes: Alphabetical: D Men About this entry: Updated 12 December 2007 Updates planned: 1 Wild Men of the Woods Years of the TreesFirst AgeISecond AgeIIThird AgeIIIFourth AgeIV Men Drúedain Drúedain of Beleriand Drúedain of Númenor Drúedainof Middle-earth The branch of the Drúedain that travelled to Númenor with the Edain suffered an uncertain fate. Some sources suggest that they simply died out before the Downfall, but others hint that they were able to travel back across the Sea during the Second Age, and so rejoin the main population in Middle-earth. A strange and ancient branch of the race of Men. A secretive people, living apart from other Men, the Drúedain had their own strange wisdom, and at times demonstrated uncanny powers. During the First Age, they played a part in the wars against Morgoth, and those of the Forest of Brethil formed a loose alliance with the Folk of Haleth. They were granted the name Drúedain in recognition of this (as the word Edain was reserved for those Men who aided in the struggle against the Dark Lord). Indeed, it seems that some were even granted a home in Númenor as a reward for their part in the Wars of Beleriand. The Drúedain were a short-lived people, and by the end of the Third Age only a few remained in Middle-earth. Some remained, forgotten by outsiders, in the coastlands above Andrast, in the region known as Drúwaith Iaur (which took its name from the Drúedain who dwelt there). Another small group was to be found far to the east, in the Drúadan Forest in Anórien, at the eastern end of the White Mountains, and it was these that aided King Théoden in his ride to the relief of Minas Tirith. In reward, after the War of the Ring, Aragorn granted the Forest to the Drúedain who lived there. Notes 1 Drú edain translates from Sindarin as 'Wild Men'. The etymology of the word is a little more complex than this, however, because (at least in this context) Sindarin drû, 'wild' is apparently derived from Drughu, the name that the Drúedain gave themselves in their own language. See also... Aghan, Anfalas, Barach, Drû, Drû-folk, Drúadan Forest, Drúath, Drúedain of Anórien, Drúedain of Beleriand, Drúedain of Númenor, Drûg-folk, Drughu, Drûgs, Drúin, Drúnos, [See the full list...]Drúwaith Iaur, Free Land, Ghân, Gorgûn, Great Isle, Grey Wood, Horse-men, Long Cape, Men of the Anfalas, Men of the Mountains, Min-Rimmon, Oghor-hai, Ogres, Old Púkel-land, Old Púkel-wilderness, Orc-arrows, People of Haleth, Púkel-men, Ras Morthil, Rimmon, River Anduin, Róg, Rógin, , Rúatani, Silent Hill, Stair of the Hold, Stone-folk, Stone-houses, Stonehouse-folk, Tawar-in-Drúedain, The Dead, ‘The Faithful Stone’, Three Houses of the Edain, Watch-stones, White Mountains, Wild Men of the Woods, Woodwose, Woodwoses, Woses Indexes: Alphabetical: D Men About this entry: Updated 12 December 2007 Updates planned: 1 For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Axiom Discovery aptitude and skill testing.Axiom Discovery gives you comprehensive online aptitude testing covering core skills across a wide range of disciplines.