The Encyclopedia of Arda - Oromë (original) (raw)

Dates Descended into Arda at its beginning; immortal Race Division Pronunciation o'romeh Meaning Approximately 'loud trumpeter'1 Other names Titles Indexes: Ainur Alphabetical: O About this entry: Updated 20 July 1999 Updates planned: 7 The Huntsman of the Valar The Huntsman of the Valar, the brother of Nessa and one of the eight Aratar. In ancient times, he rode often in the forests of Middle-earth, and it was he who first discovered the Eldar at Cuiviénen. Notes 1 ...or 'one who blasts loudly on a horn', in reference to his fabled hunting horn, the Valaróma. This is one of many cases where a simple Elvish concept translates very awkwardly into English. See also... Aldaron, Aman, Aratar, Araw, Awakening of Men, Belegurth, Béma, Celegorm, Dark Elves, Eldar, Eledhrim, Elu Thingol, Elves, Elves beyond the Sea, Forester, [See the full list...]Great Rider, High Ones of Arda, Hithaeglir, Horses, Hound of Valinor, Huntsman of the Valar, Inland Sea of Helcar, Ithryn Luin, Kine of Araw, Lenwë, Lord of Forests, Lord of Trees, Lords of the Valar, Lords of Valinor, Máhanaxar, Maiar, Mearas, Middle-earth, Misty Mountains, Mountains of the East, Nahar, Nessa, Outer Lands, Oxen of the East, Pallando, People of the Great Journey, People of the Stars, Powers of Arda, Powers of the World, Queens of the Valar, Rochallor, Tauron, The Ever-young, The Great, The Lord, The Moon, The Rider, The Unwilling, Tilion, Towers of Mist, Two Kindreds, Unlight, Valar, Valaróma, Valier, Valmar, Vána, War of the Powers, Water of Awakening, West over Sea, Wolfhounds, Years of the Trees Indexes: Alphabetical: O Ainur About this entry: Updated 20 July 1999 Updates planned: 7 For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1999, 2001. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.Discus handles online DISC questionnaires for you, sending you a report as soon as results are ready.