Ellis Atlas Maps (original) (raw)
This page provides links to the different kinds of maps contained in (Æ). Most of these pages contain a brief statement of the feature(s) being mapped, the map itself, the sources of the data on which it is based, and a discussion of the patterns revealed in the map, especially in comparison with the results of later surveys such as the Survey of English Dialectsand the Linguistic Atlas of Scotland.
- Ellis's maps (scans of original maps published with the EPED)
- Background maps
- dt. locations; cs. locations; (c)wl. locations by data source; (c)wl. locations by size; other data sources
- All locations: by data type; by size
- Phonetic and phonological maps
- Morpho-syntactic maps
- Definite Article Reduction (DAR); I am; she
- Lexical maps