Bobby Lennox - Scotland Football Record from 16 Nov 1966 to 22 Apr 1970 clubs (original) (raw)

Birthday Caps Name Goals Goals Ave
Full Name Bobby Lennox
Position Outside Left / Inside Left
William Lennie Bobby Lennox Lawrie Leslie
Page Links
Clubs When Capped
Appearances by Team
Goals By Team
Appearances by date
All Goals
Birthplace Saltcoats Scotland Date of Birth 30-Aug-1943
Place of Death Date of Death
Height Weight
First Game Wed 16 Nov 1966 Last Game Wed 22 Apr 1970
Career Length 03y 05m 07d Career Length in Days 1254
Apps Starts Sub Used Replaced
10 8 2 1
W D L Sent Off
6 3 1 0
Goals Hat-Tricks Penalties
3 0 0
Clubs When Capped Back to Top
Club Club Seq First Last Games Goals W D L F A
Celtic 76 16 Nov 1966 22 Apr 1970 10 3 6 3 1 18 10
Appearances by Team Back to Top
British WC Euro Other Friendlies Total
Team Ranking W D L P Sts Sub P Sts Sub P Sts Sub P Sts Sub P Sts Sub P Sts Sub
ENGLAND ENGLAND 186 equal 1 1 2 2 2 2
WALES WALES 150 equal 1 1 2 1 2 1
WEST GERMANY WEST GERMANY 17 equal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
DENMARK DENMARK 54 equal 1 1 1 1 1
RUSSIA RUSSIA 15 equal 1 1 1 1 1
AUSTRIA AUSTRIA 62 equal 1 1 1 1 1
CYPRUS CYPRUS 36 equal 1 1 1
Goals By Team Back to Top
Team Ranking Brit Champ World Cup Euro Other Friendlies Total Goals
Team Ranking H A Tot H A Tot H A Tot H A Tot H A Tot H A Tot
ENGLAND ENGLAND 37 equal 1 1 1 1
DENMARK DENMARK 4 equal 1 1 1 1
Appearances by date click links for details Back to Top
No P S Sb Off Club M No Date Cm R V Team Sc Agg Crowd Manager Scorers
1 P S Celtic 321 Wed 16 Nov 1966 s n BC 02 of 06 H NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland 2-1 45281 Malcolm MacDonald Bobby Murdoch 14; Bobby Lennox 35
James Joseph Nicholson 9
2 P S Celtic 322 Sat 15 Apr 1967 s n BC 03 of 06 A ENGLAND England 3-2 99063 Bobby Brown Denis Law 27; Bobby Lennox 78; Jim McCalliog 87
John [Jack] Charlton 84; Geoffrey Charles Hurst 88
3 P S Celtic 323 Wed 10 May 1967 s n F H RUSSIA Russia 0-2 53497 Bobby Brown -----
Thomas 2 Gemmell og 17; Fjedor Medvid 41
4 P S Celtic 330 Wed 22 Nov 1967 s n BC 05 of 06 H WALES Wales 3-2 56438 Bobby Brown Alan Gilzean 15; Alan Gilzean 65; Ronnie McKinnon 78
Ronald Tudor Davies 18; William Alan Durban 55
5 P S Celtic 331 Sat 24 Feb 1968 s n BC 06 of 06 H ENGLAND England 1-1 130711 Bobby Brown John Hughes 39
Martin Stanford Peters 20
6 P S Celtic 333 Wed 16 Oct 1968 n F A DENMARK Denmark 1-0 11900 Bobby Brown Bobby Lennox 70
7 P S Celtic 334 Wed 06 Nov 1968 s n WC 01 of 06 H AUSTRIA Austria 2-1 80858 Bobby Brown Denis Law 7; Billy Bremner 76
August Starek 2
8 P Celtic 335 Wed 11 Dec 1968 s n WC 02 of 06 A CYPRUS Cyprus 5-0 5895 Bobby Brown Alan Gilzean 4; Bobby Murdoch 23; Alan Gilzean 35; Colin Stein 46; Colin Stein 47
9 P S TO Celtic 336 Wed 16 Apr 1969 s n WC 03 of 06 H WEST GERMANY West Germany 1-1 97628 Bobby Brown Bobby Murdoch 85
Gerd Muller 39
10 P Celtic 345 Wed 22 Apr 1970 s n BC 02 of 03 H WALES Wales 0-0 30379 Bobby Brown -----
All Goals Scored click on date for match details Back to Top
Game No Score at Timeof goal Goal Time Pen HatTrick Club M No Date Comp R V Team S Agg Crowd Scorers
1 2-1 35 Celtic 321 Wed 16 Nov 1966 s BC 02 of 06 H NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland 2-1 45281 Bobby Murdoch 14; Bobby Lennox 35
James Joseph Nicholson 9
2 2-0 78 Celtic 322 Sat 15 Apr 1967 s BC 03 of 06 A ENGLAND England 3-2 99063 Denis Law 27; Bobby Lennox 78; Jim McCalliog 87
John [Jack] Charlton 84; Geoffrey Charles Hurst 88
6 1-0 70 Celtic 333 Wed 16 Oct 1968 F A DENMARK Denmark 1-0 11900 Bobby Lennox 70