Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven (original) (raw)

Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven

Long Biography and History of Saint Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc painting

Maid of Heaven is a complete biography about the life of Saint Joan of Arc and my hope is that anyone, after reading, will know as much about Saint Joan as I do. That said, I believe that no one's education is ever finished, as there is always more that can be learned about any subject. With this in mind, I intend the following pages here listed as a Long Biography and History to be a guide to a continuing education about Saint Joan of Arc making the most of the resources presently available on the Internet.

Background history pertinent to the life of Saint Joan of Arc - Hundred Years War
Joan of Arc's life took place during what is known in history as the Hundred Years War. To completely understand her life it is necessary to have some understanding about this War since it was the predominant influence upon the age in which she lived. The War actually covers a series of battles fought between the French and the English from 1337 to 1453. To learn more visit the following pages:

Joan of Arc's Faith & Voices
"When I was thirteen years old, I had a Voice from God to help me govern my conduct. And the first time I was very fearful. And came this Voice, about the hour of noon, in the summer-time, in my father's garden; I had not fasted on the eve preceding that day." Joan of Arc testified at her trial that the first Voice to visit her was Saint Michael who came to her to give her guidance and counseling. He was soon joined by Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret on subsequent visits. Joan also testified that: " I have seen them with my corporeal eyes as plainly as I see you, and when they went away from me I wept and I greatly wished they had taken me with them."

Joan of Arc Captured At Compiegne
"By my staff! We are enough! I shall go to see my good friends in Compiegne!"
Joan of Arc responded to the cry for help by the city of Compiegne and arrived on the morning of May 23, 1430, with about three to four hundred soldiers. In the afternoon while making a sortie against a Burgundian camp, more Burgundian and English reinforcements arrived and the French were forced to retreat. Joan lead the rearguard action and was cut off from re-entering Compiegne when the drawbridge was raised. Fighting to the last she was surrounded and pulled from her horse by a Burgundian soldier.