The Militant - Contents by Issue (1933) (original) (raw)

Militant Main Index | Encyclopedia of Trotskyism | Marxists’ Internet Archive

The Militant Masthead

[The Encyclopedia of Trotskyism On-Line wishes to express its thanks to the Riazanov Library and Marty Goodman, its Director, for the labor expended in digitization of these issues of The Militant. Additional thanks goes to the Holt Labor Library in San Francisco for providing many of the original copies of The Militant from its extensive collection.]


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Vol. VI No. 1 [No. 148], 7 January 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Open Letter to Vandervelde, by Leon Trotsky

Bridgeman Red Cases Revived

Stalin Banishes Zinoviev

Two Killed in New Illinois Mine War

We Are Counting on You For Aid, by Max Shachtman

Left Wing Victory in the I.L.G.W.U., by S.

Opposition Youth at Chicago Conference, by Aderahbe

Japanese Resume Chinese Offensive

“With Both Hands” – The Stalin Bureaucracy and the United States of America

Wall Street Rulers Force Wage Cut On the Teachers of New York City, by T. Stamm

Unser Kampf Tour Concludes With the Launching of the Workers’ Clubs, by Morris Lewit & Sylvia Bleeker

Silent Cal Silent

The Crisis in the Food Workers Industrial Union in New York, by Sebastian Pappas

Where Militant Is Sold

Japan: Its Rise From Feudalism to Capitalist Imperialism and the Development of the Proletariat, by Jack Weber

Our Club Plan – Militant Builders

The New York Class in the History of the Communist International

Soviet Economy in Danger, by Leon Trotsky

The Death of the Father of Revisionism, by Max Shachtman

Pioneer Publishers Notes

Vol. VI No. 2 [No. 149], 14 January 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Japan Seizes North China, by G.C.

Answer! Where is Rakovsky?

United Front Call Issued for Unemployment Insurance, by Max Shachtman

Save The Militant, by Arne Swabeck

Technocracy, by H.O.

The Civil War in China, by P.K.

Zinaide Trotsky – Obituary

Two Debates in Chicago

Letters from Militants:

Czech Right Wing Collapses, by O. Friedmann

Pittsburgh Branch Progresses

Opposition at Anti Pogrom Conference


Opposition at Anti-War Meet

Two Debates in Chicago

Japan: Its Rise from Feudalism to Capitalist Imperialism and the Development of the Proletariat, by Jack Weber

From Istanbul to Copenhagen, from Verité

The S.L.P. and This Dictatorship

Cannon Speaks at Right Wing Forum

Vol. VI No. 3 [No. 150], 21 January 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

The New Party Turn, by J.P.C.

Who Will Prevail? by James P. Cannon

L. Trotsky Ill

Japanese Invasion of Jehol Creates Tense Situation, by Geo. Clarke

January Young Spartacus Out

Leon Trotsky Defends the October Revolution

Help Us Publish Trotsky’s Speech on The Defense of the October Revolution

Editorial Notes, by J.P.C.

Protomagia at United Front Meet, by A.C.

The Program of the U.W.P., by H.O.

Bound Volumes

Pauline Gutringer (obituary)

Pioneer Publishing Fund

Vol. VI No. 4 [No. 151], 28 January 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Liberals Protest Chen’s Arrest

Left Opposition Demand Broad United Front at N.Y. Unemployment Conference, by Max Shachtman

Help! by Martin Abern

Nazis, Cops Provoke CPG, by T. Stamm

Letters from Militants

League Activities in Youngstown, by H.S.

Confusion Marks Stalinist Policy on Fight Against War, by Albert Glotzer

Japan: Its Rise From Feudalism to Capitalist Imperialism and the Development of the Proletariat, by Jack Weber

Daily Worker Decries Promoter of the Amsterdam Congress, by S.

Our Club Plan – Militant Builders

An Apology

Unemployed & Barter Exchange, by Hugo Oehler

A Note on Max Eastman, by L. Trotsky

International Workers School Notes

Resolution on Weisbord

The Case of Chas. Yale Harrison

Pioneer Publishing Fund

Vol. VI No. 5 [No. 152], 4 February 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Hitler in Power; Civil War Starts, by Max Shachtman

The Danger of Thermidor, by Leon Trotsky

Give Now! by Hugo Oehler

Pass Philippines Bill Over Veto

Mooney Congress Called, by T. Stamm

10,000 Strike in Detroit, by Martin Beardslee

Cannon at Forum

The Elections and Labor’s Struggle, by Martin Abern

Left Opposition Grows in China, by Left Opposition of North China

Oppositionists Expelled from I.L.D., by S.F.

The “Save The Militant” Drive

How Far Will the Stalinists Go?, by N. Satir

Confusion Marks Stalinist Policy in Fight Against War, by Albert Glotzer

Japan: Its Rise from Feudalism to Capitalist Imperialism and the Development of the Proletariat, by Jack Weber

Pioneer Publishing Fund

Militant Builders

In the Next Issue

Shall the Revolutionary Students Be Organized Into Separate Movements, by Martin Abern

Vol. VI No. 6 [No. 153], 11 February 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Why Is the Comintern Silent on Germany? by M.S.

The Militant to Appear Three Times A Week During Drive! by James P. Cannon

500 Workers Pack New York Hall To Hear Opposition on Germany

Opposition at Gillespie, by James P. Cannon

How We Plan New Militant

Lovestone Group Splits in Two

Oehler Starts National Tour on Germany

Letters from Militants

My Daughter’s Suicide, by Leon Trotsky

The Capitulation of Roman Well and Co.

Stalin’s Denial, by Leon Trotsky

The Record Speaks! Centrism Month by Month ...

Stalinist Policies Throw Food Workers Union Into Serious Crisis, by Sebastian Pappas

Sandino Passes

Boston Activities, by C.S.

Confusion Marks Stalinist Policy on Fight Against War, by Albert Glotzer

Shall the Revolutionary Students Be Organized Into Separate Movements, by Martin Abern

Vol. VI No. 7 [No. 154], 13 February 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Opposition Demands United Front At Second Jobless Conference

Lacroix and Nin Arrested

Japan Rejects League “Aid”, by J.W.

Militant Now 3 Times a Week

Hitler Lays New Trap for Workers, by M.S.

Seek Freedom For Angelo Herndon

Writer Exposes Stalinist Censor

German Bourgeoisie Calls Fascism To Solve Economic Crisis Its Way, by B.J. Field

De Valera Harnesses Discontent, by Jack Carmody

Uprising Threatens Machado, by Rosalio Negrette

Publishing Fund

From the Militants

Capitalist Chain Gang Exposures, by George J. Saul

A Pen Picture: C.G. Rakovsky, by John Reed

Left Opposition Gives Estimate of Spanish Anarchism Putschism, [by The Executive Committee of the Spanish Communist Left]

Vol. VI No. 8 [No. 155], 15 February 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Hitler is Consolidating the Power of Fascism in Germany! Whoever Blocks the Workers’ United Front Is a Traitor! by M.S.

Scottsb’ro Frame-Up Laid Bare

Hitler Threat to Soviet Union, by B.J. Field

Nazis Murder 11 Workers

Oehler Tour this Week

Fascism: Italian and German

Millions to Be Jobless Perman’tly, by Clarke

Suspend 19 C.C.N.Y. Students, by M.

A Letter From Shanghai, by C.C.C.

Stalinist Confusion: Daily Worker on the German Crisis, by J.C.

German Campaign

From Tinker to Evers to Chance

“New Militant” Sells Well

Left Opposition Gives Estimate of Spanish Putschism, by The Executive Committee of the Spanish Communist Left

The Embargo of Arms

Vol. VI No. 9 [No. 156], 17 February 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Fascists in Complete Control of Police

Governor Strikes at Ill. Miners, by Jos. Angelo

Japs Plan to Extend Conquest – Manchurian Invasion to Be Extended Further Despite Other Powers, by J.W.

The Dollar Props Up Hitler: America and the Fascist Danger, by Hugo Oehler

War On for Control of Leticia, by Rosalio Negrete

Oehler Tour This Week

Homeless Youth to be Militarised

The Great Betrayal

Build The Militant

Super-Exploitation in So. Illinois Drives Miners to a Militant Revolt, by B.J. Field

100 at B’klyn Meet

The Relief March In Minneapolis, by Clem Forsen

Strike at Foltis Fisher

Tom Mann Freed

Vol. VI No. 10 [No. 157], 20 February 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

To Delay Anti-Nazi United Front Is Fatal

League Obeys U.S.A. in Move Against Japan, by J.W.

Quits “Anti-War” Group, by Manny Geltman

Boston I.L.D. Expels Two, by Charlotte Schechet & William M. Konikov

Appeal for Aid to Readers, by J.P. Cannon

German Meetings

Lynching Campaign Against Zangara, by G.C.


A Letter from the U.S.S.R., from Tonov

German Campaign

America’s Role in Germany: Wall Street’s Stake in Germany, by Hugo Oehler

German Opposition Overwhelmingly Against the Handful of Capitulators

Lovestone and the Capitulators

Vol. VI No. 11 [No. 158], 22 February 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Fascists Command Police: Shoot the Reds! by Max Shachtman

Workers! The Social Democracy Has Betrayed Again – Stalinism Is Abdicating! Unite Ranks and Crush Hitler – Appeal to the Proletariat of Germany by the Paris Conference of the International Left Opposition (Bolshevik-Leninists)

Proletarian Revolution Only Way Out For Doubly-Exploited German Masses, by B.J. Field

German Meets Scheduled

Breaking Point Approaches in North China Conflict of Imperialist Powers, by J.W.

Program of Action Against Fascism Proposed Year Ago by German Left, by The Left Opposition of the C.P.G. (Bolshevik-Leninists) The National Committee

German Campaign

200 Sold in Few Hours

Hundreds Sold in N.Y.

S.L.P. Treachery In Springfield, by Joseph Angelo

Opposition in Davenport, by George J. Papcun

America’s Role in Germany: The Threat of Imperialist War, by Hugo Oehler

Abern at Boston Meet

Marx-Lenin School in Chi.

Shachtman at Brookwood

Vol. VI No. 12 [No. 159], 24 February 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Leon Trotsky Analyzes German Situation, by Leon Trotsky

German Class Struggle and Collaboration with U.S.S.R., by B.J. Field

Youth Debate This Sunday

Militant Correspondent On the Spot in German Crisis, by Arne Swabeck

Our German Meetings

Japan Defies Other Imperialist Powers in China, by J.W.

League Activities

Chicago Complains

New York Courses Start

Vol. VI No. 13 [No. 160], 27 February 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Hitlerites Shut Down Headquarters of the Communist Party: Why Does the Communist International Continue Its Silence About Germany? by M.S.

Japan Widens Attack On North China, by J.W.

St. Louis Unemployment Conference Adopts Left Opposition Proposals, by Martin Payer

Intensive Exploitation of the German Workers Is Prospect Under Hitler, by B.J. Field

Militant Sales in Sharp Rise

Two Negroes Lynched in South, by Geo. Saul

7 Wounded in New Mine Battle, by G.C.

Tardy Acknowledgement, by s.

The League In Action

Report Shows Fate of Germany Hangs in Balance; United Front Is Urgent, by Arne Swabeck

Abern Speaks at Boston

Vol. VI No. 14 [No. 161], 1 March 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Fascists Frame-Up the Communist Party The Life and Death Question: Leninist United Front in Germany or Disaster! by M.S.

Students Strike in Protest

S.P. Fakers Drive Out Left Wing, by W.H. Herrmann

Another Complaint, by Rebecca Sacherow

Defend Opposition Stand in Pittsburgh

The League In Action

The Flower of Bourbon Civilization: Negro Lynchings in the South, by Geo. J. Saul

Report Shows Fate of Germany Hangs In Balance; United Front is Urgent, by Arne Swabeck

Nearing: Stalin Apologist, on Germany

“Barbusse-Stalinist” Capitulation, by L. Green

Oehler Meeting in Pittsburgh

Pioneer Publishing Fund

Oehler Tour

Vol. VI No. 15 [No. 162], 3 March 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

No Retreat! Struggle or Annihilation, by M.S.

“Soviet Economy in Danger”, by Leon Trotsky

Arrest Soviet “Trotskyists”

Jap Advance Hits U.S.S.R., by Jack Weber

To Union Sq. on Saturday

Roosevelt Regime Reopens Question of Russ. Soviets [Credits], by B.J. Field

Comintern and World Revolution at Decisive Historical Turning Point, by Feroci

Anti-United Front Policy Plays into Hands of Socialist Party Bureaucrats, by s.

League Activities

For the German Opposition

Lecture on Germany

Opposition Debates I.U.L.

Vol. VI No. 16 [No. 163], 6 March 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

National Banking Crisis, by B.J. Field

Fascist Elections Show Stalinist Bankruptcy, by M.S.

Lovestone Group and the Opposition: A Political Swindle Exposed, by s.

Oppositionists Attacked, by R.

Chinese Bourgeoisie Is Impotent Before Advancing Japanese Armies, by Jack Weber

Our German Campaign Is Endangered!

League Activities

An End to Stalinist Confusion: For the United Front! by G.R.

“Trotsky’s Genius Denied”

A Mistake in the Daily Worker

International Pre-Conference of the Left Opposition Presents Thesis

Vol. VI No. 17 [No. 164], 8 March 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Communist International Changes Policy Half-Turn to Genuine United Front Must Be Completed and Actually Carried Out, by M.S.

Banking Crisis in the United States, by B.J. Field

Spartacus Youth Affair

Response From Montreal, by George Kelley

St. Louis Classes

Communism and the Negro: Fight Lynching in the South, by George J. Saul

League Activities

China Report Confirms Opposition, by Clarke

International Pre-Conference of the Left Opposition Presents Thesis

Vol. VI No. 18 [No. 165], 10 March 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

We Demand Plain Speaking on Germany! Only Unmistakable Change in Comintern Policy Can Smash Fascism at 11th Hour! by M.S.

Left Opposition on Germany

The New U.S. Banking Law, by B.J. Field

Militant Back to Weekly

Appeal to Y.C.L. on Slugging of Opposition Youth, by Nathan Gould & Joseph Gigante

Com. Cannon at Albany

The N.Y. State Conference by Communist League of America (Left Opposition)

The Workers’ Front

League Activities

The Only Road

International Pre-Conference of the Left Opposition Presents Thesis

Vol. VI No. 19 [No. 166], 18 March 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Alarm Signal! Danger Draws Closer in U.S.S.R., by Leon Trotsky

A Notice to Our Readers

Crisis in Germany: Manifesto of the Left Opposition, by National Committee, Communist League of America (Opposition)

Cafeteria Strike On in N.Y., by Sebastian Pappas

Has Rakovsky Been Assassinated?

An Open Letter to the Central Committee of the Communist Party, from National Committee, Communist League of America (Opposition)

Two Framed Up by Peabody Coal Co., by J. Angelo

Stalinists Discredited at Mooney United Front Conference in N.Y., by T. Stamm

Bankers Utilize Situation in Order to Strengthen Hold on Whole System, by Hugo Oehler

The Pioneer Publishing Fund

The Hitler Press & “Moscow”, by S.G.

Move to Unite Rail Unions in M’p’lis, by J.M.

The Left Opposition at Albany, by Jack Carmody

The Three Sources and Three Constituent Parts of Marxism, by V.I. Lenin

International Pre-Conference of the Left Opposition Presents Thesis

School Notes

Workers’ Schools Confer on Fascism and Prepare for Demonstration

New’rk German Meeting, by Louis Nagy

Workers Letter to Slovene Stalinists, from K. C—o

Pioneer Leader is Expelled by YCL, by David Levitt

The Stalinists Distort Our Stand, by B.J. Field

Albany: 3 Years of Party Policy, by James P. Cannon

Sidelights on the Albany Conference

Cornelia Davis (obituary)

Vol. VI No. 20 [No. 167], 25 March 1933

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

C.I. Turn to the United Front in Germany

An Alarm Signal, by Leon Trotsky

First Daily of Opposition

Kincaid Miners Up for Trial, by A.G.

Workers: Out On Saturday!

First Underground Leaflet of Left Opposition Issued in Germany, by Left Opposition of the Communist Party of Germany (Bolshevik-Leninists)

Hathaway Seeks to Explain Away C.I. Turn at Membership Meet, by Party Member

I.L.D. Allows Reactionary Lawyer to Injure Scottsboro Struggle

League Activities

Litvinov at Geneva: Opportunist Diplomacy Plays into Hands of Imperialists, by L. Green

The American Capitalist Paradise: Hooverville, by Paul Schwalbe

International Workers School Notes

Mink & Co. Expel “Trotskyist” Seamen

World Economic Situation Today, by B.J. Field

Victory or Defeat in Germany? by Arne Swabeck

International Pre-Conference of the Left Opposition Presents Thesis

A Trade Union Balance Sheet in Germany, by Joseph Carter

Volume VI No. 21 [No. 168], 1 April 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

For United Defense against Hitlerism! A Talk With the Socialist Workers, by Leon Trotsky

Stalinist Persecutions, by T.T.

Workers’ Youth Form Genuine United Front in New York Protest Struggle against Hitlerism

New Ill. Mine Contract, by Hugo Oehler

Party May Day Conference Reveals Inner Dispute on United Front Policy, by T. Stamm

Bank Holiday Screens Advance in the Concentration of Big Capital, by H. Oehler

League Activities

The American Capitalist Paradise: Hooverville, by Paul Schwalbe

International Womans Day in Davenport, by J.E.B.

Stalinists Merge with Balbontin

Peekskill Meeting

Minneapolis Mass Meeting

In the Next Issue

March Issue of Young Spartacus

The Crisis in German Communism, by Arne Swabeck

World Economic Situation Today, by B.J. Field

Some Fundamental Aspects of the Present Crisis in Germany, by Sam Gordon

Chicago R.R. Conference

Volume VI No. 22 [No. 169], 8 April 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

The Tragedy of the German Proletariat, by Leon Trotsky

What of Rakovsky?

Hitler and the Red Army, by L. Trotsky

Stalinists Beat Up Oppositionists

New Organ of German Left

2nd Gillespie Meeting, by Hugo Oehler

Defend the Class War Fighters

Kincaid Miners Trial Starts, by Hugo Oehler

League Activities

A “United Front” at Any Price, by Geo. J. Papcun

Huan Ping and Chen Du-Siu, by Robert

Stalinists and the Upholsterers, by Upholsterer

All Comrades and Readers ...

With the Spartacus Youth Movement

Joint Meeting of League and Weisbord Lays Ground for Close Collaboration

The Morale of the Russian Proletarian Youth

The Crisis in German Communism, by Arne Swabeck

Three Expulsions, by C.L.A. Tri-City Branch

Volume VI No. 23 [No. 170], 15 April 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Austria Next in Order: Austrian Bonapartism, by Leon Trotsky

Start Fund for German Left

Convict Patterson: United Mass Protest Must Save Scottsboro Boys, by T. Stamm

American Committee Appeals for Exiled Russian Bolshevik-Leninists

Genuine United Front for Mooney Formed by the St. Louis Workers

Unique Russian Films to Be Shown

Moscow Trial Starts

Illinois Hunger March Smashed, by Joe Angelo

Roosevelt Reforestation Swindle, by Carl Cowl

League Activities

Voices From Germany

A Disastrous Policy In the Furniture Workers Union, by Sol Lankin

Neumann Is New Leader

Greek L.O. in Elections

For the United Front of Defense Against Hitlerism, by Leon Trotsky

The Mooney United Front – The Negotiations Must Be Conducted Publicly, by T. Stamm

To Our Readers

An Interview with Leon Trotsky: Answer Given to Views of Louis Fischer, by B.J. Field

The Chicago May Day Conference, by Irving Bern

Volume VI No. 24 [No. 171], 29 April 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Unite on May 1st Against World Reaction

Red Baiting in Illinois: The P.M.A. Under Fire, by J.P. Cannon

Why We Missed an Issue

Russian Movie; May 6, 8 p.m. Labor Temple

Inflation Bill Deceptive, by B.J. Field

Fascist Terror Rages Against German Masses, by Arne Swabeck

S.P. Sabotages Mooney Struggle, by T. Stamm

Scottsboro March on Capital, by T. Stamm

League Activities

The S.P.’s Continental Congress, by Albert Glotzer

New Sub Drive

I.L.D. Refuses Aid to Greek Worker, by Esther Field

Alteration Painters United Front, by William Kitt

Some Fundamental Aspects of the Present Crisis in Germany, by Sam Gordon

Social Democracy Passive Before Menace of Austrian Fascism

Austria Is Next in Order, by Leon Trotsky

Leon Trotsky on Hitler’s Victory, by Leon Trotsky

Voices From Germany

Volkszeitung Salesmen

Volume VI No. 25 [No. 172], 6 May 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

L.O. Scores at Chicago Mooney Congress

The Collapse of the C.P.G. and the Opposition’s Tasks, by Leon Trotsky

Solve the Contradiction!

C.I. Retraces Steps, by Sam Gordon

‘New Deal’ Diplomacy, by B.J. Field

The Daily Worker and the Defense of the Russian Bolshevik Leninists, by B.J. Field

Martial Law Reigns in Farm Area; Prepare for National Grain Strike

Shaw and Stalin, by D. Bellows

Gala Affair

Wage Cuts for Beet Workers, by George J. Saul

May Day Throughout the World

Volume VI No. 26 [No. 173], 13 May 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

In the Illinois Minefields: Prospects of Development of the Progressive Miners, by Hugo Oehler

Smash the Circle of Debt!

National Mooney Meet Lays Basis for Broad Fight, by Albert Glotzer

Chicago United Front Symposium

The Scottsb’ro March, by Glee-Ross

Rockefeller Vandals Threaten Rivera Frescoes

Capacity Crowd Hails Russian Movie; Second Showing Saturday, May 27

30 Hour Bill Legalizes Stagger System and Furthers Plan for New Wage Cuts, by T. Stamm

The Foltis Fisher Strike, by J.G.

The Designs Behind the Four Power Pact, by H.E.

Sub Drive

“Counter Revolutionary”!

Young Workers Revolt Against “New Deal”

“Under the Leadership of General O’Ryan”

Collapse of the C.P.G. and Our Tasks, by Leon Trotsky

Labor Writhes Under Nazi Whip, by Arne Swabeck

Huan Ping Betrays Chinese Party; Chen Du Siu Fights Kuomintang in Jail, by H.C.

Archio-Marxists Wage Independent Struggle in Greece, by A. Caldis

In the Next Issue

Chaco War Formally Declared

Volume VI No. 27 [No. 174], 20 May 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

America Intervenes in European Conflict, by S.G.

5,000 Walk Out In Philadelphia Dress Strike, by Leon Goodman

Help Pull The Militant Thru

Organize Fight Against Mass Evictions, by Geo. Clarke

Chicago Meet Unifies Jobless Movement, by Hugo Oehler

Two Expelled by Stalinists from Y.C.L., by Gladstone

Move to Unify Unemployed in Ohio, by N.

Broad United Front to Preserve Rivera Murals, by B.J. Field

Heroic Sacrifices Mark P.M.A. Resistance to Operators’ Onslaught, by W.M.

Cannon Meetings Are Big Factor in Reviving Movement in Kansas City, by C.D.

League Activities

Big Crowd Attends Successful Affair of Int’l Workers’ School, by B.J.F.

Kamenev Capitulates Again

Main Resolution Outlines Broad Program of Action in Fight to Free Tom Mooney

Heckert ‘Explains’ the Debacle, by H.E.

Labor Writhes Under Nazi Whip, [by Arne Swabeck]

Sub Drive

L.O. Meetings in Kansas City,

Declaration of the Internat’l Left Opposition
To the World Anti-Fascist Congress to Be Held in Copenhagen, June 17th

Volume VI No. 28 [No. 175], 27 May 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Problems of the Soviet Regime, by Leon Trotsky

National Youth Day: Fight Against War!

Protest Admission of Hitler Agent on American Soil

Mooney Acquitted; Evidence Muzzled

Workers Must Unite in Fight on Roosevelt Program, by B.J. Field

Revolt Gathers Against Machado Regime in Cuba, by Rosalio Negrete

Wave of Militant Struggles Sweeps Needle Trades, by S. Bleeker

L.O. Addresses Party on Elections in Minneapolis, by C.L.A. (Left Opposition)

L.O. & Stalinists in Toronto, by C.N.K.

Attack on Furriers’ Union

Second Showing of Russian Movie

League Activities

Muste and Brookwood: A Review of a Type of “American” Centrism, by S.M. Davis

Oil the Machinery!!

Statement of Jobless Leaders, by Tom Dixon

Main Resolution Outlines Broad Program of Action in Fight to Free Tom Mooney

Letters from Germany Reveal Truth on Conditions in Labor Ranks

Hail Red Flag!

Left Opposition Overcomes Obstacle: Strengthens Organization in China, by P.

With the “Left” Socialists – from the Top? by Joseph Carter

Heckert ‘Explains’ the Debacle, by H.E.

Labor Writhes Under Nazi Whip, by Arne Swabeck

Discussion on Tasks in Germany, Resolution of the N.C. of the German Opposition

Sub Drive

Important Correction

Volume VI No. 29 [No. 176], 3 June 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Problems of the United Front: The Jobless Movement and Political Parties, by Martin Abern

Right Wing Move to Expel Militants from the P.M.A., by Hugo Oehler

Lessons of May Day in Austria, by Leon Trotsky

“New Deal” Fakers Push Inquiry into Bankers’ Deals, by G.C.

Nazis, Poles Plot Attack on USSR, by S.G.

The Meaning of the Farm Revolt, by B.J. Field

Organize Australian Opposition

Stalinist Diplomacy Leaves Trail of Treachery for International Proletariat, by H.E.

New York Branch to Hold Picnic for Benefit of Press & Illinois Campaign

Young Spartacus Out

League Activities

N.Y. Youth March Against War

Book Review: Russia and Germany at Brest Litovsk

Muste & Brookwood, by S.M. Davis

Musteite Quits, by H.N.

Statement of Chicago Branch to National Jobless Meet, by Chicago Branch C.L.A. (Left Opposition)

Draft Program Wanted

Trotsky to the Austrian S.D. Opposition: A Reply to Some Concrete Questions, by Leon Trotsky

Sub Drive

Litvinov and — Herriot

German Labor Writhes Under the Whip of the Fascists, by Arne Swabeck

Problems of the Soviet Regime, by Leon Trotsky

I.L.D. District Workers Meet, by F.

Volume VI No. 30 [No. 177], 10 June 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Apropos the Foreign Policy of the Stalinists, by Leon Trotsky

What’s Happened to Rakovsky? by L. Trotsky

In Illinois: P.M.A. Starts National Drive; Policies Differ, by Hugo Oehler

Demonstrations in New York End in Alarming Disunity, by CLA (Left Opposition), New York Branch

N.Y. Anti-Eviction Conference, by G.C.

Hitler Plans to Kill Reds: Communist Leaders Face Death on Arson Frame-Up

Borders Loses in Split, by Hugo Oehler

Assassinate Seven P.M.A. Militants on Picket Line

Chen Du Siu Sentenced to Thirteen Years, by A.

Join the Anti-Fascist Rally Today!

Jobless Force Relief in L.A., by S.M. Rose

League Activities

T.U.U.C. Attacks Left Wing in the Furniture Union, by Sol Lankin & Carl Cowl

A Postscript on Amter, by Ed.

A Fighting Farmer Subscribes: Are You a Subscriber?

Among the Youth

Subscribe to Unser Wort

Democracy in Illinois

Class in Capital

In the Next Issue

Letters from the Nazi Inferno: The Truth About Conditions in the Labor Movement

On Zinoviev and Kamenev, by L.T.

The British I.L.P. Turns Leftward, by Joseph Carter

The Discussion on Germany

Good Response to Appeal, by B.J. Field

Another Word About Heckert’s Apologetics, by A.B.

South America Groups of I.L.O. Mark Advance

Strikes Spread in Many Parts of U.S.A., by W.M.

Volume VI No. 31 [No. 178], 17 June 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

The ‘New Deal’ in Practice: Industrial Recovery Bill Hits at Workers’ Standards, by H. Stone

The Anti-Fascist Congress to Meet in Paris Soon, from Unser Wort

Opportunists in Bloc vs. Lefts at 4th Gillespie Conference, by Martin Payer

Class War Rages in Mine Area of Illinois

Trotsky Proposes U.S.-Soviet Trade Accord as London Meet Lags

C.C.N.Y. Students Expelled for Fight Against War, by K.D.

The Senate Inquiry Exposed, by B.J. Field

Nazi-Austrian Tension Brings Sharp Clashes, by Sam Gordon

Chilean Opposition Organized, by The Central Committee of the Communist Left (Chilean Section of the International Communist Left Opp.)

Leon Goodman Arrested in Phila., by Roberts


From the Militants

On The Workers Front

Among the Youth


Subscribe to Unser Wort

Just Received!

The Platform of the Brandler Group, by Leon Trotsky

China Receives New U.S. Loan, by H.S.

New Falsifications of the Stalinists, Alfa [Leon Trotsky]

News From German C.P.

Flowers of Stalinist Prognosis

More Flowers

Article Delayed

Volume VI No. 32 [No. 179], 24 June 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

The Industrial Control Bill: Workers Must Organize Against State Capitalism, by Hugo Oehler

Left Opposition Excluded at Anti-Fascist Congress, by Sam Gordon

All Out to Anti-Nazi Meet on Union Square

Danger Signals Flash at London Conference, by B.J. Field

Ill. Miners in Mass Action

S.P.G. Vote Shakes 2nd Int’l, by O―R.

New York City to Stop All Jobless Relief, by D. Bellows

Hitler Clashes with Hugenberg for Control, by M.G.

Hold Protest Meeting in Phila., by Meyer Hirsch

C. Zetkin, Veteran Red Dies at 76

P.M.A. in Perspective, by Albert Glotzer

On the Worker’s Front

The Gillespie Meet: A Resolution Which Was Rejected and the Reason Why, by Hugo Oehler

Subscribe to Unser Wort

Teachers Union and the Fight Against Wage Cuts

The Banning of the Austrian C.P.

The End of Austro-Marxism, by Austriacus

Versailles Revisionism Engenders New Social Chauvinist Wave, by H. Lenorovics

Volume VI No. 33 [No. 180], 1 July 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Workers Slave for Pennies in Penna. Sweat Shops

Return to Narrow Basis at N.Y. Mooney “United Front” Confab, by M. Geldman

The Textile Code Shows Real Face of the ‘New Deal’, by H.S

Roosevelt Program Long-Range Plan to Stabilize U.S. Capitalism On the Backs of the Workers, by B.J. Field

The Paris Anti-Fascist Congress ... An Anti-Trotskyite Slugfest, from La Verité

Stalinists Break Up League Meeting in N.Y., by M. Glee

Stalinists Expel 3 L.O. Youth, by George Ray

Scottsboro Decision Reversed, by W.M.

Furniture Union Accepts Left Wing Proposals, by Carl Cowl & Sol Lankin

On the Workers’ Front

The Teachers Union and the Fight for Union Democracy

Spartacus Club Lectures

The Columbus Meet and Muste’s Labor Party, by N.

Subscribe to Unser Wort


Discussion of the German Tasks: A Reply to the N.C. of the German Opposition, by G.G.

The End of Austro-Marxism, by Austriacus

L.O. Representative Denounces Fascism in the Chilean Parliament

A View of the Labor Scene in the British Isles Today, by T.C.

Stalinism Weakens the U.S.S.R., by Simmons

Volume VI No. 34 [No. 181], 8 July 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

C.I. Impotence Veils Itself with Parliamentary Cretinism, by L. Trotsky

On Trotsky’s Return to the S.U. – Rumor and Fact

Lay Basis for Real Federation of Jobless in Ohio, by N.

An Open Letter to the Communist Party, U.S.A., from N.Y. branch, C.L.A. (Opposition)

America Cracks Whip at London. Ruthless Policy Splits Confab, by B.J. Field

Nazis’ Labor Front in Action

C.P. Expels A. Goldman, by Albert Goldman

A German Oppositionist Condemned to 5 Years by the Fascists

Archbishop Benjamin ‘Blesses’ U.S.S.R. – FSU Leaders Thank Wrangel Priest, by J. Kamiat

Pocketbook Strikers Win Demands from Morris White Co. in Struggle, by N.D.F.

The Social Democratic Party of Germany Decomposes

Among the Youth

Lessons of the Leninist United Front Tactic, by Hugo Oehler

The Workers Front

A Delegate’s View of the I.W.O. Convention, by C—o

The Two Sides of USSR Recognition by the U.S., by H.O.

Col. Robins on 1918 and 1933

On “The Fourth of August” – The Limits of Historical Analogy, by L.D. Trotsky

Browder Criticises (sic) John Reed – for Trotskyism, by W.M.K.

Austro-Marxism Retreats ...

British Group Leaves I.L.P. – Statement Supports L.O., by T. Kernot, P. Solomons, J. Sainsbury & M. Gibbs

Sharpening Contradictions of Fascism Increase Danger to S.U., by Simmons

Subscribe to Unser Wort

A Letter from a Worker in E. St. Louis, from J.C.

Perspectives for American Labor, [_by Simmons_]

Comrade Millicent Shooter (Obituary)

Volume VI No. 35 [No. 182], 15 July 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Industrial Recovery Act Prepares New Capitalist Crisis in Near Future, by B.J. Field

Plan to End Relief in N.Y., by S.G.

Columbus Unemployed Confab Forms Dual National Organization, by N.

Save Chen Du Siu from White Terror!

Hold Anti-Fascist Strike in Toronto

C.P. Holds Extraordinary Conference To Whitewash Bureaucrats’ Failure, by H.O.

Stalinists in Bloc with Musteites at Columbus Meet, Retard Progress, by H.O.

A Letter from Fascist Germany

Pocketbook workers Struggle, by N.F.D.

Perspectives for American Class Struggles, by Simmons

Lessons of the Leninist United Front Tactic, by Hugo Oehler

The Bulletin of the Russian L.O. Needs Your Aid

Letter from Party Member Exposes Bureaucracy, by E.R.

N.Y. Doll Workers Win Demands in Strike, by A.R.

Spartacus Youth Club in Over-Night Hike

Leninism versus Stalinism, by Oskar Fischer (ed.)

After the German Catastrophe, by Leon Trotsky

The Labor Movement in Greece, from La Verité

News from Workers in Naziland

Last Whimpers from Scheiderman, by P.M.

Subscribe to Unser Wort

Open Air Meetings for New York

Historical Objectiveness ..., by Leon Trotsky

From China

Volume VI No. 36 [No. 183], 22 July 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Fighting the ‘Recovery’ Act: Cleveland Conference Against the N.I.R.A., by Hugo Oehler

Miners Protest Vigorously Against Right Wing’s Removal of Allard from P.M.A. Post

Hitler Prepares “Suicides” for Comrade Torgler and the Bulgarian Communists

Slavery Provisions Exposed in Code for Steel Industry, by Peter Morton

Fascists Kill Young Worker in Astoria L.I.

How Nazi “Pacifism” Looks in Practice

Bonapartist Government Robs Labor of Long-Standing Rights in Austria

Spartacus Delegates Raise Internat’l Issues at Youth Anti-Fascist Meet

Nazis Launch New Atrocity Campaign Against Workers

Trotsky Greets Red Flag, British Organ of L.O., by Leon Trotsky

Left Opposition Active in Toronto Anti-Nazi Meet, by Q.

The Columbus Conference, by Norman Satir

Lessons of the Leninist United Front Tactic, [by Hugo Oehler]

Ohio State Jobless Confab, by N.

Hathaway Speaks on United Front in Brownsville, by H.G.

Stalinist Slugger Beats Left Oppositionist, by J.S.

The Death of Com. Klara Zetkin, by Max Shachtman

Whither the Y.P.S.L. Insurgents? by G.M. Albert

The Legend of the ‘Red Nazi’, from Unser Wort

On the Expulsion of Wollenberg

A Correction, by J.G.W.

Subscribe to Unser Wort

The Party in the Field of Art and Philosophy, by L. Trotsky

Struggle for Workers’ Rights Scores Victory in Los Angeles

Lovestone’s “Quotations”, by G.

Britt Smith, One of the Last Two Centralia Prisoners Paroled

Since Lenin Died

Volume VI No. 37 [No. 184], 29 July 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Around the ‘Recovery’: How the Boss Class Receives the N.I.R.A., by B.J. Field

Wave of ‘Recovery’ Strikes

Roosevelt’s Radio Speech Asks for Class “Peace”, by Sam Gordon

Organize Strike Among Mirror Makers

Pocketbook Workers Win Conditions, by N.D.F.

Gen’l Strike in Furniture Trade of N.Y., by Carl Cowl & Sol Lankin

New Boss Attacks in Britain, by J.C.

St. Louis-Hotbed of Strikes, by Ralph Martin

The N.I.R.A. – Summed Up, by H.O.

Lessons of the United Front, [_by Hugo Oehler_]

From the Militants

Ohio Jobless United, by N.

L.O. Members in Eviction Protest

July Issue of Young Spartacus Ready

For New York Open Air Meetings

The Columbus Conference, by Norman Satir

Moissaye Olgin as a “Historian”, by Joseph Carter

G. Zinoviev on the Party Regime, by G. Zinoviev

Statement on Funds Collected for German L.O.

For a Social Democratic Gov’t in Belgium – Why? by L. Lesoil

A Letter from Moscow U.S.S.R., from New One

On Some Misconceptions of Fascism and State Capitalism, by Simmons

Volume VI No. 38 [No. 185], 5 August 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Foreign Developments: After the Collapse of the London Confab, by B.J. Field

USSR Accorded Recognition by the Spanish Gov’t.

N.Y. Upholsterers Strike Spreads to New Shops, by Carl Cowl & Sol Lankin

35,000 Pa. Mine Workers Strike For Right of Union Recognition, by A.S.

Hitler Executes Four Altona Communists

Leon Trotsky Moves From Turkey to France

Dissension in French S.P., from La Verité

Japan Provokes the Soviets

Background of the New Deal, by Arne Swabeck

Lessons of the United Front, by Hugo Oehler

League Activities

In the Party

Opportunism in N.Y. Food Union, by A Food Worker

Banks in ‘Support’ of N.I.R.A.

Bosses Propose Starving Schools, by T. Stamm

Latest Developments in the Textile Industry, by H.O.

The Left Socialists and Our Tasks, by G. Gourov

Hitler Orders: “Butter for People”, from Unser Wort

National Recovery Act to Throw New Burdens on U.S. Proletariat, by Joseph S. Giganti

Toronto Workers in Anti-Fascist Strike, by B.B.

Los Angeles Unemployed Movement, by M. Rose

Volume VI No. 39 [No. 186], 12 August 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Civil War Shakes Cuba; U.S. Ready to Intervene, by R.N.

Perspectives of the Upturn, by Leon Trotsky

A.F. of L. Leaders Sanction N.R.A. No Strike Policy!

Labor’s Mighty Challenge

U.S. Anti-War Congress, by Joseph Carter

N.R.A. and the Trade Unions, by Arne Swabeck

France Friend of USSR — Litvinov, from La Verité

Jackal Press Howls at Trotsky

Roosevelt’s National Police, by Peter Morton

Lessons of the United Front, [by Hugo Oehler]

Pinchot and Labor, by T. Stamm

Strikes Spreading in Massachusets (sic) Shoe Industry, by W.

From the Militants

An Example of the New Deal in Operation, by Stuart

Special Sub Offer


A.F. of L. Federal Unions

The Archbishop Benjamin Again, by T. Stamm

Youth Class in Boston

We Hear ...

Letters from Fascist Germany: No Abatement in Terror, Workers Feel Effect of Party Failure

Powerful Anti-Fascist Front in Chile

A Delegate Visits the Soviet Union, from Unser Wort

The Importance of the 6 Hour Day Slogan Under the N.I.R.A., by T. Stamm

American Imperialism Preparing Offensive Upon World Markets, by B.J. Field

Why They All Climb on N.R.A. Bandwagon

Threaten Deportation of Penn. Militant

The Suicide of N. Skrypnik

N.Y. Upholsterers Strike Bulletin

Greek Stalinists Support Bourgeois Party in Elections, by A.C.

Development of the Los Angeles Jobless Movement and a Perspective, by M.J. Rose

Volume VI No. 40 [No. 187], 26 August 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Fascism and Democratic Slogans, by Leon Trotsky

Protest Frame-Up Against Young Anti-Fascist Worker

J.L. Lewis Betrays Miners at Coal Hearing, by Hugo Oehler

N.Y. Dress Workers Gain as Strike Ends; One Union Needed

Clubs, Tear Gas, Riot Guns Used in Milk Strike, by Gadfly

2 Young Negroes Slain by Lynch Law in South, by M. Glee

The Coal Operators’ Organ Frame-Up on The Militant

U.S. Imperialism Holds High Cards in Cuban Situation, by T. Stamm

N.Y. Furniture Strikers Repulse Manoeuvers (sic) of Employers, by Lankin-Cowl

We Need Money!

Threaten Public Trial of Bolshevik-Leninists in Moscow

Who Breaks the Strikes?

Political Character of Strikes Under N.I.R.A., by H.O.

Among the Youth

From the Militants

Lessons of the United Front, by Hugo Oehler

Progressive T.U. Center Disrupted by Right Wing

N.Y. Food Workers Meet For United Action

Impressions of Fascist Germany, by Arne Swabeck

The Overflow of Cuban Revolt, by R.N.

Stalin Reassures Hitler on Trotsky’s ‘Return’, by N.N.

Stalinists Refuse L.O. Representative Right to Speak, by N.

Discussion on the German Defeat, by Arne Swabeck

United States at London Confab, by Hugo Oehler

Book Review: Fostamara (sic), by L. Trotsky

Volume VI No. 41 [No. 188], 2 September 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

The Left Wing’s Place Is in A.F. of L. Unions, by J.P. Cannon

Demand the 7th Congress!

NRA Reveals Its True Role in Strike Situation

Russian Recognition a Class Question for World Labor, by B.J. Field

Youth Day Must Prepare for Real Anti-War Fight, by Joseph Carter

Left Socialist Conference Shows Trend Toward Left Opposition

Hitler’s ‘Disarmament’ and Prospects of War With Soviet Union, by Leon Trotsky

Mooney Stays in Jail; Crook Free

Temps and Stalin Against Trotsky

From the Militants

The New England Shoe Unions, by W.

League Activities

Growth of Fascism in England, by T.C.

Disarmament and War, by V.I. Lenin

Hitler’s “Socialist” Demagogy Unmasked by Brutal Facts, from Unser Wort

N.R.A. and Changing Forms of Amer. Capitalist Economy, by Joseph S. Giganti

Discussion on the German Defeat, by John G. Wright

L.O. Holds Successful Meeting in N.Y.

Volume VI No. 42 (sic, mislabeled as #43) [No. 189], 9 September 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

The Cleveland Fiasco, by J.P. Cannon

The Class Face of the N.R.A., by Sam Gordon

Hands Off Cuba! Soldiers and Students Oust Gov’t; U.S. Sends Navy, by S.

Stalin Invites Pilsudski to Review the Red Army

Stalinists Ready to Give Up Saar to Hitler, by J. (Paris)

Communists to Be Tried for Goering Reichstag Fire

U.S. Prepares Assault on Europe, by Arne Swabeck

Congress of Second International, by Shachtman

The Teachers Can Organize With Aid of Workers, by ST.

Pravda Admission Shows Growth of Left Opposition

The Boston Needle Trades: Right Wing Unions Growing – T.U.U.L. Isolated, by A Needle Trades Worker

N.Y. Upholsterers Union Growing, Strike Goes On, by Lankin

Chauvinist Policy or Stalinist Antics – Which?

Strike of the Doll Workers Grows

Mooney Meeting at Boston

Hitler & the Prospects of War, by Leon Trotsky

Disarmament and War, by V.I. Lenin

Richard Rall (Obituary)

Inflation Hits the American Working Class, by Hugo Oehler

Discussion on the German Defeat, by John G. Wright

Radek’s Visit to Polish Dictator, by Roger

Our Comrades Criticize The Militant

Terzani Out on Bail

Grover Whalen ...

When the National Recovery Administration ...

Volume VI No. 43 [No. 190], 16 September 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

The Trade Union Question: The Left Wing Needs a New Policy and a New Leadership, by J.P. Cannon

Programs and Perspectives for the Cuban Proletariat

Paterson Strike Ties Up Silk and Dye Industries, by Clarke

New Forces for Left Opposition

N.Y. Embroidery Workers Gain, by Left Wing Worker

Swabeck to Start National Tour

Left Socialists Meet – Two Steps Forward, One Step Back, by A.S.

Rising Militancy Shown in Growing Strike Wave, by A.S.

Mine Pickets Shot in Penn.

League Activities

The Daily Worker Goes to the Masses, by t.n.

From the Militants

Labor Partyites Convene, by A.V.

Cracks in the N.R.A. Structure, by B.J. Field

Discussion on the German Defeat, by L. Brown

Relativity and Pacifism, by T. Stamm

Even Slander Needs Meaning, by G.G.

U.S., Cuba and Latin America, by Hugo Oehler

Cuban Revolution Rising

Southern Negroes Under the N.R.A., by G.J. Saul

Secretary Hull Expressed the Opinion ...

Book Review – Herbert B. Ehrmann: The Untried Case, by Sam Fisher

Get a Sub!

Walk Out in the Haverstraw Shop

It Appears That the Coal Operators ...

Discussion on the N.R.A. and the Slogan “Nationalization of Industry”, by Jack Weber

Bosses and NRA Defeat Workers, by Geo.J. Saul

A Correction

Volume VI No. 44 [No. 191], 23 September 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Left Socialist Conference: A Firm Nucleus for a New International Emerges, by G. Gourov

Joint Declaration for New Internat’l

Silk Strikers Hold Firm; Reject N.R.A. Truce, by R.M.

Historic Words

Civil War Looms in Cuba; Situation Tense, by T. Stamm

[Reichstag Fire Frame-Up Unmasked](reichstag fire Sept 23 1933 Militant.pdf)

A.F. of L. Leaders Accept Company Union Clause

Swabeck National Tour Begins

William Green – “Friend” of Cuba

League Activities

Painters Strike – Stalinist Union Delays, by Bill Kitt

From the Militants

Terzani United Front Meet, by P.M.

A.F.W. Extends Organization, by A.C.

Sub Note

From the Rhineland

Whither the I.L.P. of Great Britain, by L. Trotsky

Alignment of Forces in Mexico, by Rosalio Negrete

Stalin Prepares Treacherous Blow, by Onken

German Letter: On the Discussion with Comrades of the C.P.

Demand Freedom for Chen Du Siu

Declaratioon of the International Left Opposition to the Left Socialist Conference

Book Review – M.T. Florinsky: U.S.S.R. and World Revolution, by Martin Glee

Discussion on the N.R.A. and the Slogan of Nationalization, by Jack Weber

Volume VI No. 45 [No. 192], 30 September 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

For a New Party and a New International, Declaration of the National Committee of the Communist League of America – Opposition

60th Birthday of Rakovsky: His Activities during the War, by Max Shachtman

Brandler International Makes Overtures to Stalin, by A.S.

British Labor Skates Have Own Way at Congress, by T.C.

Stalinists Split Food Workers, by S. Pappas

Swabeck Tour Itinerary

Doll Workers Strike Strong, by A Doll Worker

New York Strikes Alarm N.R.A., by George J. Saul

Sub Note

The I.L.P. and the New International: A Criticism of Its Paris Declaration, by Leon Trotsky

More on the Paris Conference: A Step Forward or a Step to the Right? by G. Gourov

The Stalinist Program for the Cuban Revolution, by T. Stamm

The Cuban Challenge to U.S. Imperialism, by Hugo Oehler

Before the Court of the Fascists

Before the A.F. of L. Convention, by A.S.

A Letter from Shanghai, by N.

St. Louis Strike Briefs, by Martin Payer

Discussion on the NRA – The Slogan of Nationalization, by Jack Weber

New Split in Chilean Communist Party

The September Issue of Young Spartacus ...

Volume VI No. 46 [No. 193], 7 October 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

General Silk Strike Sweeps the Industry!

Important Notice

Notes of the Week, by G.....n

From the Militants

League Activities

Labor Fakers at Work, by Peter Morton

New Supply of My Life

Discussion Articles

Perspectives for Revolution in U.S., by Arne Swabeck

The Devil’s Grandmother Again: About the United Front with Grzezinsky, by L.T.

Resolution on the Paris Conference Adopted by the Int’l Left Opposition, by Plenum of the International Secretariat

A.F. of L. Convention


Two American Congresses “Against War”, by Max Shachtman

Volume VI No. 47 [No. 194], 14 October 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

A Monument to Gompers, by George Clarke

New Issues Disturb 53rd A.F. of L. Convention

Striking Silk Workers Protest New NRA Code

Khaki Shirts Get Medals

Miners’ Strike Bucks N.R.A., by Peter Morton

The Cuban Government Moves to the Right, by T. Stamm

“Rev.” Green Preaches, by D. Marcus

Too Much Coffee!

Too Much Butter!

Sabotaging the Mooney Front, by Charlotte Shechet

From the Militants

Wrecking Crew at Work in the Chicago I.L.D., by G.M.A.

League Activities

“Spiritual Values” for Hungry Men, by B.J.F.

Militant Builders

It Is Necessary to Build Anew Communist Parties and an International! by G.G.

Discussion Articles

Letters from Fascist Germany


Notes of the Week, by G...n

Two Congresses “Against War”, by Max Shachtman

Volume VI No. 48 [No. 195], 21 October 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Strike Wave Hits Canada: Struggles Show Labor Revival, by I. Levine

Hitler’s “Bombshell” at Geneva: German Fascism Bids for Arms Independence, by Sam Gordon

Trial Exposes Nazis’ Guilt – Frame-Up Victims Face Death

Order Bellusi (sic) to Be Deported, by L.R.

Unemployed Die in L.A. Fire

The Organizing Campaign of the New York Food Workers, by Arist. Caldis

Trotsky Writes To the British New Leader, by L. Trotsky

League Activities

Paris Conference

Where are the Stalinists Today?

Militant Builders

Left Wing in Teachers Union, by T. Stamm

Exploitation of Farm Laborers, by George J. Saul

It Is Impossible to Remain in the Same International with Stalin, Manuilsky, Losovsky and Company – (A Conversation), by G.G.

British Lord and Ex-War Minister Leads Stalinist Anti-War Junket in Shanghai

Discussion Articles


Notes of the Week, by G.....n

The Food Workers’ Industrial Union and the Split from the A.F.W., by James Gordon

Bronx Butchers Strike

General Membership Meeting

Hoover and Roosevelt, by D. Marcus

Volume VI No. 49 [No. 196], 28 October 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

N.R.A. Ballyhoo and the Facts Behind It, by Peter Morton

Celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the Left Opposition in America

Silk Dyers Vote for Separate Agreement, by Clarke

Gangster Attack on Chicago League Meet

Bellusi (sic) Case Needs the Support of Workers, by L.R.

Terzani Accuser Faces Trial

Organizing Steel Workers in Ohio, by M.

The Painters General Strike

Statement on N.Y. Elections, by Communist League of America (Opposition) Local New York

Anti-Fascist Demonstration


News from Canada

In California: Activities of the “Frisco” Port Workers, by Noix

Revolt Against Stalinism in California Party

New York School Starts Off with a Bang

Situation in Hotels and Restaurants: Conditions of Workers in Large N.Y. Industry

The Anti-War Junket in Shanghai

League Activities

Discussion Articles

Militant Builders


Notes of the Week, by G....n

Agrarian Question in Mexico, by Rosalio Negrete

Volume VI No. 50 [No. 197], 4 November 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Sixteen Years of the Russian Revolution The Creation of a Fourth International is the Best Defense of the Soviet Union

Leon Trotsky on the Saar Question, by Leon Trotsky

Save Dimitroff and Togler! Issued by the International Secretariat

Tom Mann for the Defense of Chen Du Siu, by Tom Mann

Bar Shachtman from Canada

The Workers’ Front

Militant Builders

An Open Letter to Browder: On Hooliganism, from Lydia Beidel

League Activities

Militant Resentment Against Fakers in the Pocketbook Union, by N.D.F.

Rousing Meeting Aids Drive to Organize Restaurant Workers, by A.C.

Just Received! October Russian Bulletin

“A Century of Progress”

“Five Cents a Bar ...”

Swabeck Tour Itinerary

Letters from Germany

Towards the Creation of a Fourth International

Dollfuss and Hitler

British Labour Party Masks Support to Capitalism at Annual Conference, by T.C.

The Agrarian Question in Mexico in the Light of the Coming Revolt, [by Rosalio Negrete]

Terzani’s Release

From South Bend, Ind.


The Boycott of Fascist Germany, by Harry Strang

Notes of the Week, by G....n

Discussion Articles

Volume VI No. 51 [No. 198], 11 November 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

The New Rift in the Lovestone Group – and the New Party, by Max Shachtman

Boycott of Germany, by the International Secretariat

Stalinists Expel 3 Food Workers from Union

A Letter From Prison, from Anthony Bellussi

N.Y. Food Workers Turn To Trade Union Action, by Hotel Worker

‘Good Government’ Cleans Up in the New York Municipal Election, by Geo. Clarke

Progressive Enginemen Organize For Reform of Railroad Unions, by Railroader

Cotton Pickers Arrested in Strike

Yakima Hop Pickers Still Imprisoned in Stockade

League Activities

Militant Builders

From the Militants

Philadelphia League Members Repel Stalinist Hooligan Assault, by Meyer Hirsh

Canned Comedy at the Painters’ Banquet, by e.

Discussion Articles

In Exile on the Tierra Del Fuego, by Eduardo Islas

International Notes

The Stalinist Mistake Factory – Radek and the Polish Prince, by L. Kogan

Next Week: 5th Anniversary of Militant


Notes of the Week, by G....n

The Crisis in the Cuban Revolution, by T. Stamm


Volume VI No. 52 [No. 199], 18 November 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Probation for Food Workers: Stalinist Expulsion Order Revoked Under Pressure

Tag-Day for Terzani Defense This Week-End in N.Y.C., by Terzini Defense Comm.

A. Bellussi Deporting Imminent: Quick Action Needed to Save Anti-Fascist

Wave of Repression in China; Left Opposition Threatened, by The Executive Committee

Big Sums for War Purposes, by Martin Beardslee

Socialist Mayor Promises Cheap Government

In the Fascist Inferno

Hitler’s Secret Police in Terror Campaign, from A Special Corrsepondent

Too Much Bread

Lynch Threat for Scottsboro Boys

Lovestone Evades Challenge

“Emancipated” Children

Nazis Investigated

League Activities

From the Militants

Militant Builders

What Next in Russian

My Life

The Flames of the Class War in Yakima, Washington, by Geo. Clarke

The Rift in the Lovestone Group, by Max Shachtman

To the Cuban Workers & Peasants: Manifesto of Bolshevik-Leninist Party of Cuba, by Central Committee of the Bolshevik-Leninist Party


Society News

A New Light on the United Front

Notes of the Week, by G....n

Lovestone’s Apologetics in Toronto

Volume VI No. 26 (should be #53) [No. 200], 25 November 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Price of Recognition


Resume Trial of Scottsboro Negro Boys

Mass Meeting of Food Workers Acclaims Drive for General Strike, by A.C.

Maria Reese’s “I Accuse”

From the Militants

Evolution of the Anti-War “Fighters”, from the British Red Flag

League Activities

Anti-Semitism in Progressive Miner, by A.C.

Correction, by F. Crique

Fifteen Years of Democracy in the Czechoslovakian Republic, by J. Keller, from La Verité

Maria Reese Accuses! An Indictment of the Stalinists by a Leader of the German C.P., by Maria Reese

Notes of the Week, by G....n

New Aid for Bellussi

Volume VI No. 54 [Whole No. 201], December 9, 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Biased Judge Rushes Negro Boys to Chair, by T. Stamm

American Imperialism at the Montivideo [sic!] Conference, by Hugo Oehler

Shoe Workers to Merge Unions

Hotel Union Shows Gains, by A.C.

Needle Workers Misled by Right Wing in L.A., by F.W.

Nazis Doom 91 S.W.P. Workers to Long Terms

Driving for the New Party

Russian Revolution Film

“No!” – Unser Wort’s Reply to the Hitler Plebiscite

Red Fleet Greeted With Cry: “Long Live Trotsky” During Visit to Greece

Statement of Goldman on Joining Communist League, by Albert Goldman

Unemployment Insurance – A Slogan to Unite Teachers and Workers, by T. Stamm

The Class Meaning of the Conflict over the Roosevelt Monetary Policy, by Hugo Oehler

Greetings to Australian Militant

Pioneer Publisher Notes on Pamphlets

A Special Offer

The Language of Bolshevik Diplomacy, by G.V. Chicherin

Our Present Tasks, by Leon Trotsky

News from Germany

Classes of International Workers School


Notes of the Week, by G....n

The Railroad Brotherhoods: Craft Divisions of R.R. Workers, by A.E.

Statement on Montreal Anti-Fascist Conference, by the International Left Opposition (Montreal Branch) & Spartacus Youth Club of Montreal

Terzani Trial Postponed When “General” Smith Fails to Appear

Volume VI No. 55 [No. 202], 16 December 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Finished With Stalinism! Another Leader of the German C.P. Revolts, by Karl Friedberg

New Year Eve Masquerade Ball for the Militant

N.Y. Hotel Strikers Organize

Why I Did It, by James McGovern M.P., from British New Leader

St. Paul Packing Strike, by William Kitt

On the Death of Max Hoelz, from Unser Wort

Stalinism Cracks in Brooklyn

The League Forges Ahead

Rivera Murals

Jail Two Philadelphia Militants

The Railroad Brotherhoods: The Rise and Fall of the Craft Unions, by A.E.

A Statement to the Communist Party, by Al Dasch, Isodore Lipschitz & David Lesser

Montreal Stalinists Answer Marxist Ideas With Hooliganism

International Notes

‘Historical Analogies’

A.F. of L. and Mirror Workers, by Mirror Worker

Short Dispatches from Fascist Germany

Discussion Article

Problems of the Cuban Revolution: Cuba and Montevideo, by T. Stamm

Labor and Internationalism

Pioneer Publisher Notes

Discussion Articles


Soviet Policy and Turkish Terror

Notes of the Week, by G....n

Henri Lacroix – Deserter

General Defense Affair

Postscript to the Portrait of National Socialism, by L.T.

Volume VI No. 56 [Whole No. 203], 23 December 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Wall Street Rules at Montevideo Confab, by Hugo Oehler

Gangsterism Again!

Nazis Demand Death Verdict for Torgler

Celebrate New Years at Gala Masquerade Ball

Criminal Syndicalism Trial Ends in Hung Jury

New Upheaval Shakes China, by Niel-Sih

Terzani Frame-Up Smashed

United Front at Minneapolis, by C.F.

Railroad Accidents Increase

Push the Action Program

Hooliganism Spreads to Brooklyn

An Apologist for Litvinoff, by S.F.

Impressions on a National Tour, by Arne Swabeck

League Member in L.A. Demands Proof for Slanders, by Frank Halstead

The New Danger of War in the Far East, by Lucifer

Discussion Article

The Collapse of the Brandler Movement, from Die Neue Front

Movie Review: Wild Boys of the Road, by T.S.


Conditions in the Soviet Union, by John Cernicky

Notes of the Week, by G....n

Proletarian Party Youth Group Out, by C. Jones & 12 others

Books for Workers

“Gimme a Match”

Russian Revolution Film

Volume VI No. 57 [No. 204], 30 December 1933, New York, NY

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America [Opposition]

Martin Abern James P. Cannon Max Shachtman Maurice Spector Arne Swabeck

Philadelphia Gripped by Transport Strike, by Leon Goodman

Roosevelt’s “Planned Work”: A Worker’s Report, by Relief Worker

Hotel Workers Driving Toward General Strike, by A.F.W. Worker

Hold Torgler Despite Fire Trial Verdict

A Letter from Mooney, by Tom Mooney

Vandals Wreck League Hall

Shoe Workers Amalgamate Unions at Historic Convention at Boston, by Shoe Worker

The Railroad Brotherhoods: The Reactionary Union Officialdom, by A.E.

A Picture of the League Today, by Arne Swabeck

Manifesto of the Spanish Bolshevik-Leninists

The Teachers and the Class Struggle, by T. Stamm

Successful Meet in Brownsville

Militant Builders

Book Review – Sherman H.M. Chang, Ph.D., The Marxian Theory of the State, by John G. Wright

Pioneer Publishers

Hitler the Pacifist, by Leon Trotsky

Movie Review: Noel Coward’s Cavalcade, by T.S.

“The New Deal”: A New Stage in the NRA, by Hugo Oehler

Wicks at Large Again

From Nazi Germany


Notes of the Week, by G...n

New York Printers Organize Union, by A Printer

Another “Friend” of the Soviet Union, by M.

The Logical Conclusion

Militant Main Index | Encyclopedia of Trotskyism | Marxists’ Internet Archive

Last updated on: 25 May 2021