Arne Swabeck: Report Shows Fate of Germany Hangs in Balance (original) (raw)

Report Shows Fate of Germany Hangs in Balance;

United Front Is Urgent

(February 1933)

From The Militant, Vol. VI No. 14, 1 March 1933, p. 2.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL).

(Continued from last issue)

But that is only one side of the picture. On the other hand the politically corrupted Stalinist bureaucracy did not hesitate to engage in light-minded maneuvering in the moments of fateful decision. It published and broadcasted leaflets in which the Socialist party and the trade unions were called upon to form a united front with the Communist party for a general strike. It did not address its proposals directly to these organizations officially as organizations. It did not make any proposals for formation of united front organs. It did not make any concrete proposals for the conduct or the objectives of the general strike. It did not prepare its own membership and followers to fight for the realization of the united front, because it was not meant seriously. It was only a maneuver so that the bureaucrats could say to the Communists workers: “There you are. We offered them the united front, but they did not accept it.”

Only the United Front Can Mobilize Workers Power

The general strike, now that the establishment of a Fascist government has become a fact, will, of course, be a very important first step in the struggle of working class defense against the menacing enemy. But it can be only a first step and even this first step cannot be realized at all without the most complete working class unity. The C.P. alone cannot mobilize the working masses for a general strike. That is already conclusively proven. Its method of continually hurling the slogan without proposing concretely how and when, by what means of organization, at what point and around which issues, can only lead to discredit of the slogan and to demoralization, not to mention the fact that the most resolute working class section which responds is in danger of further isolation and destruction. To speak of a general strike without the social democratic and average trade union workers is criminal light-mindedness, and it is not yet possible to mobilize these workers for such action against their leaders and less so by counterposing Communist leaders or the Communist party. To reach such a stage further preparation is necessary.

A general strike purely under social reformist leadership without control by the masses through their own established organs of struggle can have prospects only of further sell-outs and betrayals. But the social democratic workers are threatened by the scourge of Fascism us are the Communist workers. Even these very S.P. and trade union bureaucrats are being forced toward the wall, but pressed only from the one side from this menace. They feel this pressure and fear it. Now they must be pressed also from the other side, from the revolutionary workers. They must be put to the test and exposed at this crucial moment before the eyes of the working class and particularly before the eyes of their own following. Failure to do that spells failure to fight the traitors. The means with which to do that is the united front policy. The key to the situation is still the united front. Nay, it is more, it is a matter of life or death.

The Left Opposition Conference Appeals to Comintern

In this fateful situation, in this hour of mortal danger, no guidance, no assistance, in fact not a word is heard from the Communist International. What woeful neglect. What criminal failure. What has become of Lenin’s world party? It too is paralyzed, gagged and bound by the disloyal bureaucratic Stalinist regime.

In the midst of these developments the Left Opposition held its preliminary international conference in Paris, participated in by delegates of 13 countries. Our conference dispatched an urgent appeal to the Comintern for immediate convocation of its Seventh Congress, with the Left Opposition to participate in its deliberations. We proposed that the main point on the agenda be the Comintern initiative for a conference of the Second International, the Amsterdam International of trade unions and the Communist International to establish a united front in defense of the German working class against the Fascist menace.

Fascism has not yet conquered Germany. But it has its hands on the instrument of power. It is in the government together with elements of the attempted Bonapartist regime. Even an election victory for this combination will not finally settle the issue. There will still be a stage of differentiation with the Hugenberg and von Papen forces. However, these are not fundamental and are entirely subordinated to the issue of civil war. For the working class there is yet time; but every day, every hour is precious. The fate of the events of the immediate future are in the hands of the Communist forces. Of these the Left Opposition is a part. Our ranks in Germany have grown appreciably in the recent period; but numerically we are still small when compared, to the party. Our strength lies in our Marxian program and the Left Opposition in Germany will do its duty. We commenced a long time ago a determined fight for the working class united front Today it is the only way out; a united front from organization to organization, Communist, Social Democrats and trade unions and the establishment of definite united front organs of these organizations to function as the centrally directing force in the struggle for defense against the Fascist enemy. Within these organs, within this united front, the Communist solution will be proposed and fought for. That is the road to the Soviets. That is the only road.

February 11, 1933

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