LASEROPTIK, profile with contact details and 23 photonics product categories (original) (raw)

Supplier profile:


Home of high power optics and coatings

Horster Str. 20
30826 Garbsen

Tel.: +49 5131 4597-0
Fax: +49 5131 4597-20
Website: web link
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Social media: LinkedIn

Company Description

LASEROPTIK is a manufacturer of high LIDT laser optics and coatings from VUV to IR and employs more than 40 coating machines using 7 different coating methods. They include e-beam evaporation, ion assisted deposition (IAD), ion plating, magnetron sputtering, ion beam sputtering (IBS) and atomic layer deposition (ALD).

LASEROPTIK offers an express coating service starting with a 24 hour option for rapid prototyping. Coatings and optics can be configured in the online app “LOOP” a database with more than 1200 coatings plus substrates and coated components.

Typical products are:

high LIDT mirror and AR coatings

thin film polarizers

variable filters

dispersive coatings like GTI mirrors, chirped mirrors and mirror pairs


customized filters

metal-enhanced coatings

coatings on crystals

fibers, viewports

space optics

Large optics: LASEROPTIK offers special capabilities in their Ion Beam Sputtering section. Two IBS coaters have been built up for coatings on large substrates of up to 2 meters in length or 550 mm in diameter.

With more than 85,000 sq. ft. of dedicated production space and with a team of about 100 people, LASEROPTIK produces up to 180,000 coated optics per year for laser applications in industry, medicine and scientific research.

Global manufacturing of standard or special coatings – LASEROPTIK is at your service for any individual need. Whether dispersive coatings or coatings on special substrates or for special applications. Contact us, we'll be at your service.



LASEROPTIK participates in national program for laser fusion research


Product category Description
anti-reflection coatingssuppliers for anti-reflection coatings encyclopedia article anti-reflection coatings from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK offers a wide range of anti-reflection coatings for various types of optical elements in different wavelength regions from the mid IR to the UV. We can also supply coatings on special substrates and coatings for special applications.
beam splitterssuppliers for beam splitters encyclopedia article beam splitters from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK can produce beam splitters for a wide range of wavelengths from the mid-IR to the ultraviolet region.
chirped mirrorssuppliers for chirped mirrors encyclopedia article chirped mirrors from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK designs and produces various kinds of dispersive coatings, including chirped mirrors and matched pairs of chirped mirrors, also all other kinds of coated optics for dispersion management like GTI mirrors. We use Ion Beam Sputtering (IBS) for highest quality and widely ranging dispersion measurement setups for precise characterization.
custom opticssuppliers for custom optics encyclopedia article custom optics from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK does not only offer a large selection of from-stock optics, but also custom optics designed according to your specifications. You can send us your substrates or choose from the large LASEROPTIK substrate stock. With our online portal named LOOP, you can configure and buy your laser optics online: choose your coating, select a substrate and create your own optic! For urgent jobs, we offer LASEROPTIK EXPRESS, being able to produce many optics even within 24 hours.
dichroic mirrorssuppliers for dichroic mirrors encyclopedia article dichroic mirrors from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK offers different types of multiline coatings for applications like nonlinear frequency conversion (harmonic separators), OPOs and others.
dielectric coatingssuppliers for dielectric coatings encyclopedia article dielectric coatings from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK can fabricate dielectric coatings with a range of methods including electron beam evaporation (EBE), ion assisted deposition (IAD), ion plating (IP), magnetron sputtering (MS) and ion beam sputtering (IBS). With our high precision machinery, we can produce accurate coatings for a wide range of wavelengths, substrate materials and applications. In addition to a large selection of from-stock optics, we offer coatings with refined custom designs.
dielectric mirrorssuppliers for dielectric mirrors encyclopedia article dielectric mirrors from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK can produce a wide range of laser mirrors with high reflectivity (HR) or partial reflectivity at given wavelength. We can also make specialty mirrors, e.g. with extremely broad reflection bands. We use different coating technologies depending on your detailed requirements.
dispersive mirrorssuppliers for dispersive mirrors encyclopedia article dispersive mirrors from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK designs and produces various kinds of dispersive coatings, including chirped mirrors and matched pairs of chirped mirrors, also all other kinds of coated optics for dispersion management like GTI mirrors. We use Ion Beam Sputtering (IBS) for highest quality and widely ranging dispersion measurement setups for precise characterization.
first surface mirrorssuppliers for first surface mirrors encyclopedia article LASEROPTIK offers a wide range of dielectric and metal coatings for first surface mirrors – for different spectral regions and including special designs e.g. for multiline performance, OPO applications and with tailored chromatic dispersion. We can also deposit such coatings on special substrates.
interference filterssuppliers for interference filters encyclopedia article LASEROPTIK can design and fabricate a wide range of interference filters for standard and special applications.
laser line opticssuppliers for laser line optics encyclopedia article laser line optics from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK offers a wide range of coatings for laser line applications. We can also make multiline coatings, for example for for harmonic separators and for OPOs.
laser mirrorssuppliers for laser mirrors encyclopedia article laser mirrors from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK can produce a wide range of laser mirrors with high reflectivity (HR) or partial reflectivity at given wavelength. We can also make specialty mirrors, e.g. with extremely broad reflection bands. We use different coating technologies depending on your detailed requirements.
laser opticssuppliers for laser optics encyclopedia article Laser optics are the core of LASEROPTIK's business. We offer dielectric coatings for a wide range of optical components.
metal-coated mirrorssuppliers for metal-coated mirrors encyclopedia article metal-coated mirrors from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK offers standard mirror metal coatings such as aluminium, gold or silver, normally with protection layer or even enhanced, i.e. with an additional dielectric coating system.
mirrorssuppliers for mirrors encyclopedia article mirrors from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK can produce a wide range of laser mirrors with high reflectivity (HR) or partial reflectivity at given wavelength. We can also make specialty mirrors, e.g. with extremely broad reflection bands. We use different coating technologies depending on your detailed requirements.
optical attenuatorssuppliers for optical attenuators encyclopedia article optical attenuators from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK can provide coatings for variable optical attenuators. One can change the transmission by tilting an edge filter, with highest transmission at normal incidence and typical operation for angles of incidence between 0° and 45°.
output couplerssuppliers for output couplers encyclopedia article output couplers from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK offers partial reflectors, as are required e.g. as output couplers for lasers. We can address a wide range of wavelengths and use different coating technologies depending on your detailed requirements.
polarizerssuppliers for polarizers encyclopedia article polarizers from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK offers various types of polarizers, including thin-film (TFP) devices, cube polarizers (CP) and broadband polarizers (BBPOL). We can work in different wavelength ranges from the mid-IR (2.1 μm) to the UV (157 nm).
supermirrorssuppliers for supermirrors encyclopedia article supermirrors from LASEROPTIK So-called supermirrors for ring laser gyroscope assemblies or certain scientific applications require coated optics with extremely low losses (i.e. absorption and scattering). These mirrors also have a maximum reflectivity with R > 99.998% and total losses < 10 ppm. LASEROPTIK uses a modified IBS machine that is capable to produce coatings on super­polished substrates. The cleanliness of the machine and environment is maintained in a dedicated super-clean room, where also the extensive substrate pre- and after-treatment takes place. Measurement devices such as white light profilometers and high resolution microscopes (up to × 1000) for the inspection procedures are in place. A custom built cavity ring-down setup allows to determine the reflection with a precision of up to four decimal places and to refer back to the losses.
thin-film polarizerssuppliers for thin-film polarizers encyclopedia article thin-film polarizers from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK offers various types of polarizers, including thin-film (TFP) devices, cube polarizers (CP) and broadband polarizers (BBPOL). We can work in different wavelength ranges from the mid-IR (2.1 μm) to the UV (157 nm).
ultrafast opticssuppliers for ultrafast optics encyclopedia article ultrafast optics from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK designs and produces various kinds of dispersive coatings, including chirped mirrors and matched pairs of chirped mirrors, also all other kinds of coated optics for dispersion management like GTI mirrors. We use Ion Beam Sputtering (IBS) for highest quality and widely ranging dispersion measurement setups for precise characterization.
ultraviolet opticssuppliers for ultraviolet optics encyclopedia article ultraviolet optics from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK offers excimer optics coatings of various types – anti-reflection (VAR), high reflection (HR), thin-film polarizer (TFP) and variable attenuator (VA). This can be done for many UV wavelengths like 157 nm, 172 nm, 126 nm and others.
variable optical attenuatorssuppliers for variable optical attenuators encyclopedia article variable optical attenuators from LASEROPTIK LASEROPTIK can provide coatings for variable optical attenuators. One can change the transmission by tilting an edge filter, with highest transmission at normal incidence and typical operation for angles of incidence between 0° and 45°.

Information of LASEROPTIK Appears on the Following Pages

Company profile (this page)

Pages with Suppliers for Products

anti-reflection coatings, beam splitters, chirped mirrors, custom optics, dichroic mirrors, dielectric coatings, dielectric mirrors, dispersive mirrors, first surface mirrors, interference filters, laser line optics, laser mirrors, laser optics, metal-coated mirrors, mirrors, optical attenuators, output couplers, polarizers, supermirrors, thin-film polarizers, ultrafast optics, ultraviolet optics, variable optical attenuators

Encyclopedia Articles

anti-reflection coatings, beam splitters, chirped mirrors, custom optics, dichroic mirrors, dielectric coatings, dielectric mirrors, dispersive mirrors, first surface mirrors, interference filters, laser line optics, laser mirrors, laser optics, metal-coated mirrors, mirrors, quarter-wave mirrors, optical attenuators, optical density, decibel, optical power, output couplers, output coupling efficiency, polarizers, supermirrors, thin-film polarizers, ultrafast optics, ultraviolet optics, variable optical attenuators

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