Uganda 2012/13 (original) (raw)

FUFA Super League | Bell Uganda Super League
Uganda Cup
Bika by'Abaganda Tournament
Masaza Cup 2013
Division One

NB: two leagues started in parallel, with most clubs entering both; the FUFA Super League is officially sanctioned by the Uganda FA (FUFA) and FIFA while the Uganda Super League is a continuation of the 2011/12 league.

FUFA Super League

NB: Maroons were expelled after failing to comply with FSL demands; they were replaced by Aurum Roses

Final Table:

1.KCCA FC 30 17 12 1 50-16 63 Champions 2.URA FC 30 17 5 8 49-22 56 3.Vipers SC 30 14 9 7 36-22 51 [*1] 4.SC Villa 30 13 8 9 36-31 47 5.SC Victoria University 30 11 13 6 27-20 46 [aka SCVU] 6.Entebbe FC 30 12 10 8 25-19 46 [*2] 7.BUL FC 30 10 13 7 29-28 43 [*3] 8.Kiira Young FC 30 9 14 7 27-24 41 9.Masaka LC 30 10 11 9 28-28 41 10.Proline FC 30 9 11 10 32-37 38 11.Express FC 30 8 12 10 31-31 36 12.Police FC 30 8 11 11 27-32 35 13.Simba FC 30 9 8 13 19-30 35

14.Victors FC 30 5 14 11 17-30 29 Relegated 15.Aurum Roses 30 5 6 19 20-49 21 Relegated 16.Water FC 30 2 5 23 16-50 11 Relegated

[*1] Bunamwaya were renamed Vipers SC [*2] Entebbe Young were renamed Entebbe FC [*3] BIDCO FC were renamed BUL FC

[Sep 25] KCCA 0-0 SCVU Vipers 1-2 Entebbe Kiira Young 1-0 Victors Simba 1-0 Police [Sep 28] URA 4-3 Water Aurum Roses 0-4 Express BUL 0-2 Villa [Sep 29] Proline 2-1 Masaka

[Oct 2] Entebbe 0-0 KCCA Police 1-1 Kiira Young Victors 1-1 Water [Oct 5] SCVU 1-0 URA Masaka 2-2 Vipers Simba 0-0 Proline Express 0-0 BUL
Villa 0-1 Aurum Roses

[Oct 16] Kiira Young 1-1 Proline
KCCA 4-1 Masaka
Entebbe 0-2 SCVU
Vipers 2-0 Express
Water 0-0 BUL
Victors 0-0 Aurum Roses
Police 1-2 Villa
URA 2-1 Simba

[Oct 19] KCCA 1-0 URA
Masaka 0-0 SCVU
Kiira Young 1-0 Simba
BUL 3-2 Victors
Express 0-0 Entebbe
Water 2-3 Proline

[Oct 23] Aurum Roses 0-2 Police
Villa 0-0 Vipers
Entebbe 2-0 Water

[Oct 26] Proline 3-1 Aurum Roses
Entebbe 1-0 Villa
Police 1-2 BUL
SCVU 2-1 Express
URA 1-1 Kiira Young
Vipers 2-1 KCCA
Victors 0-0 Masaka

[Oct 30] BUL 3-2 Proline
Express 1-1 KCCA
Masaka 2-1 URA
[Nov 2] Aurum Roses 0-1 Simba
Villa 1-1 SCVU
Victors 0-0 Entebbe
Vipers 5-1 Police

[Nov 6] URA 3-1 Proline
Masaka 0-1 Express
Kiira Young 0-0 Aurum Roses
KCCA 3-1 Villa
Simba 0-0 BUL
SCVU 1-1 Victors
Water 0-1 Vipers
Entebbe 2-0 Police

[Nov 9] Express 0-1 URA
Aurum Roses 4-1 Water
Vipers 1-2 Simba
BUL 2-2 Kiira Young
Police 1-1 SCVU
[Nov 13] Victors 0-3 KCCA
Villa 0-1 Masaka
Entebbe 0-0 Proline

[Nov 16] SCVU 0-0 Proline
Express 0-1 Villa
URA 6-1 Aurum Roses
Kiira Young 0-1 Vipers
[Nov 20]
Simba 0-0 Water
KCCA 4-2 Police

[Dec 11] SCVU 1-1 Kiira Young
Villa 3-2 URA
BUL 3-2 Aurum Roses
Police 1-1 Masaka

[Dec 14] Victors 1-1 Express
Proline 1-1 KCCA
SCVU 1-0 Simba
Entebbe 0-2 Kiira Young

[Dec 18] Simba 1-0 Entebbe
Proline 0-1 Vipers
Villa 3-1 Victors
Express 1-0 Police
Masaka 0-0 Kiira Young

[Dec 21] SCVU 2-1 Water
KCCA 2-1 Simba
Aurum Roses 0-2 Vipers
BUL 0-0 Masaka

[Dec 28] Victors 1-0 URA
Vipers 0-0 BUL
Water 0-2 Villa
Entebbe 2-0 Aurum Roses
KCCA 2-0 Kiira Young

[Jan 1] Simba 1-0 Masaka
Proline 2-1 Express
[Jan 2] Water 0-2 Kiira Young

[Jan 5] Villa 2-1 Proline
URA 0-1 Vipers
Masaka 1-2 Entebbe
Victors 0-1 Police

[Jan 8] Vipers 3-0 Victors
BUL 0-0 Entebbe
Police 0-0 URA
Masaka 1-0 Aurum Roses
Water 1-2 KCCA

[Jan 11] Proline 1-1 Victors
Simba 2-1 Villa
Aurum Roses 0-1 KCCA
Kiira Young 0-2 Express
Masaka 3-1 Water

[Jan 15] URA 1-0 Entebbe
Proline 1-1 Police
SCVU 1-3 Vipers
Simba 1-0 Victors
Villa 2-1 Kiira Young
Express 3-1 Water

[Jan 18] Aurum Roses 0-2 SCVU Police 3-0 Water Express 1-1 Simba

Halfway Table:

1.Vipers SC 15 10 3 2 25- 9 33 [*1] 2.KCCA FC 15 9 5 1 25-10 32 3.SC Victoria University 15 7 7 1 16- 9 28 [aka SCVU] 4.SC Villa 15 8 2 5 20-15 26 5.Simba FC 15 7 4 4 12- 9 25 6.URA FC 15 7 2 6 23-16 23 7.Entebbe FC 15 6 5 4 11- 8 23 [*2] 8.Express FC 15 5 5 5 16-12 20 9.BUL FC 15 4 8 3 13-14 20 [*3] 10.Proline FC 15 4 7 4 18-18 19 11.Kiira Young FC 15 4 7 4 13-13 19 12.Masaka LC 15 4 6 5 13-15 18 13.Police FC 15 3 5 7 15-21 14

14.Victors FC 15 1 7 7 8-19 10 15.Aurum Roses 15 2 2 11 9-28 8 16.Water FC 15 0 3 12 11-32 3

[*1] Bunamwaya were renamed Vipers SC [*2] Entebbe Young were renamed Entebbe FC [*3] BIDCO FC were renamed BUL FC

[Feb 1] Masaka 0-0 Proline
Express 1-2 Aurum Roses
Victors 1-1 Kiira Young
Villa 2-0 BUL
Simba awd URA [awarded 0-3, Simba dns]

[Feb 5] Entebbe 2-0 Vipers
Police 3-0 Simba

[Feb 8] KCCA 1-0 Entebbe
Police 0-0 Kiira Young
Vipers 1-0 Masaka
Water 0-1 Victors

[Feb 12] Proline 3-2 Simba
BUL 1-1 Express
Aurum Roses 1-1 Villa

[Feb 15] SCVU 0-0 Entebbe
Masaka 0-2 KCCA
Villa 3-1 Police
Express 0-0 Vipers

[Feb 19] Proline 0-1 Kiira Young
BUL 2-1 Water
Aurum Roses 1-1 Victors

[Feb 22] Vipers 1-1 SCVU
Victors 1-0 Simba
Kiira Young 1-2 Villa
Water 0-0 Express
[Feb 23] Entebbe 1-1 URA

[Feb 26] Water 2-0 Entebbe
Victors 0-0 Vipers

[Mar 1] KCCA 1-0 Vipers
Water 1-0 Simba
Express 2-2 SCVU
Villa 1-1 Entebbe
BUL 2-0 Police
Masaka 0-0 Victors
[Mar 5] Aurum Roses 2-1 Proline

[Mar 8] SCVU 2-3 Villa
KCCA 5-0 Express
URA 3-0 Masaka
Police 2-1 Vipers
Simba 0-0 Aurum Roses
[Mar 12] Proline 0-1 BUL
Entebbe 1-0 Victors
Kiira Young 1-0 Water

[Mar 15] Villa 0-0 KCCA
BUL 0-1 Simba
Proline 0-5 URA
Vipers 1-0 Water
Express 1-2 Masaka
Police 1-1 Entebbe
[Mar 19] Victors 1-0 SCVU
Aurum Roses 0-1 Kiira Young

[Mar 26] URA 2-1 Express
Water 0-1 Aurum Roses
Simba 1-1 Vipers
Kiira Young 1-2 BUL
KCCA 1-1 Victors
Masaka 0-0 Villa

[Mar 29] Aurum Roses 0-1 URA
Proline 0-0 Entebbe
SCVU 0-0 Police

[Apr 2] Proline 1-0 SCVU
Entebbe 2-1 Simba
Police 0-1 KCCA
Vipers 0-0 Kiira Young
Villa 0-2 Express

[Apr 5] URA 3-0 Villa
Aurum Roses 1-2 BUL
Masaka 2-1 Police
Kiira Young 0-0 SCVU

[Apr 9] Police 1-0 Water
Express 1-1 Victors
Kiira Young 1-0 Entebbe
KCCA 0-0 Proline
Simba 1-0 SCVU

[Apr 12] Victors 1-0 Villa
Vipers 1-2 Proline
Police 0-0 Express
Kiira Young 2-2 Masaka

[Apr 16] SCVU 1-0 Water
Masaka 0-1 BUL
Vipers 2-1 Aurum Roses
Simba 0-3 KCCA

[Apr 19] URA 2-0 Victors
BUL 0-0 Vipers
Villa 0-0 Water
Aurum Roses 1-2 Entebbe
Kiira Young 1-1 KCCA

[Apr 23] Express 4-1 Proline
Masaka 0-0 Simba
SCVU 2-0 Aurum Roses

[Apr 26] Proline 1-2 Villa
Masaka 4-0 Aurum Roses
Vipers 0-1 URA
Simba 0-1 Express
Police 1-0 Victors

[Apr 30] Entebbe 1-0 BUL
KCCA 4-0 Water
URA 0-1 Police

[May 3] Victors 0-2 Proline
KCCA 3-1 Aurum Roses
URA 2-0 Water
Villa 0-0 Simba
Express 1-1 Kiira Young
Entebbe 1-2 Masaka

[May 7] Water 1-2 Masaka
Police 1-1 Proline
Kiira Young 0-1 URA

[May 10] URA 0-0 KCCA
Victors 1-1 BUL
Simba 1-3 Kiira Young
SCVU 0-1 Masaka
Proline 2-0 Water
Police 0-0 Aurum Roses
Vipers 3-2 Villa
Entebbe 2-0 Express

Final Table:

1.KCCA FC 30 17 12 1 50-16 63 Champions 2.URA FC 30 17 5 8 49-22 56 3.Vipers SC 30 14 9 7 36-22 51 [*1] 4.SC Villa 30 13 8 9 36-31 47 5.SC Victoria University 30 11 13 6 27-20 46 [aka SCVU] 6.Entebbe FC 30 12 10 8 25-19 46 [*2] 7.BUL FC 30 10 13 7 29-28 43 [*3] 8.Kiira Young FC 30 9 14 7 27-24 41 9.Masaka LC 30 10 11 9 28-28 41 10.Proline FC 30 9 11 10 32-37 38 11.Express FC 30 8 12 10 31-31 36 12.Police FC 30 8 11 11 27-32 35 13.Simba FC 30 9 8 13 19-30 35

14.Victors FC 30 5 14 11 17-30 29 Relegated 15.Aurum Roses 30 5 6 19 20-49 21 Relegated 16.Water FC 30 2 5 23 16-50 11 Relegated

[*1] Bunamwaya were renamed Vipers SC [*2] Entebbe Young were renamed Entebbe FC [*3] BIDCO FC were renamed BUL FC

Promoted: Bright Stars FC (Kawempe), CRO FC (Mbale), Soana FC (Kampala)

Bell Uganda Super League

NB: with the exception of Maroons, all participating clubs have two factions, one entering the Bell Uganda Super League and another for the FUFA Super League, some of them under another name (e.g. Bunamwaya/Vipers); BIDCO, KCCA, Police, Proline, SCVU and URA did not enter the USL at the start but Police rejoined on Oct 17.

Final Table:

1.Maroons FC 20 14 5 1 37-13 47 2.SC Villa 20 12 6 2 41-22 42 3.Express SC 20 13 1 6 45-19 40 4.Entebbe Young FC 20 10 3 7 28-30 33 5.Masaka LC 20 10 1 9 26-24 31 6.Water FC 20 8 6 6 37-18 30 7.Simba FC 20 8 6 6 27-23 30 8.Police FC 20 5 3 12 18-27 18 9.Bunamwaya SC 20 3 6 11 18-32 15 10.Victors FC 20 3 4 13 17-50 13 11.Kira Young FC 20 1 5 14 14-50 8

[Sep 14] Maroons 2-1 Express Villa 3-2 Masaka [Sep 15] Kira Young 1-1 Bunamwaya Water 6-0 Victors [Sep 21] Maroons 3-0 Entebbe Young Masaka 0-0 Bunamwaya [Sep 28] Express 2-1 Kira Young Simba 2-0 Victors [Sep 30] Villa 4-2 Entebbe Young [Oct 5] Entebbe Young 1-2 Express
Victors 1-3 Maroons
[Oct 6] Simba 0-1 Water
Villa 3-1 Kira Young
[Oct 19] Express 6-1 Victors
Water 0-1 Masaka
[Oct 20] Bunamwaya 2-5 Entebbe Young
Maroons 3-1 Simba
Kira Young 1-3 Police
[Oct 26] Kira Young 0-1 Masaka
Water 1-1 Villa
[Oct 27] Police 1-0 Express
[Nov 2] Victors 2-2 Bunamwaya
Maroons 2-1 Water
[Nov 3] Simba 2-1 Express
Entebbe Young 1-0 Police
[Nov 5] Water 1-1 Kira Young
Villa 2-1 Victors
[Nov 6] Masaka 1-0 Entebbe Young
[Nov 10] Bunamwaya 1-2 Simba
[Dec 11] Police 0-1 Maroons
[Dec 14] Bunamwaya 1-6 Express
[Dec 15] Police 2-3 Victors
Masaka 1-3 Simba
[Dec 18] Maroons 1-0 Bunamwaya
[Dec 22] Simba 2-1 Police
Kira Young 0-1 Victors
Water 0-0 Entebbe Young
Villa 1-0 Bunamwaya
[Dec 29] Entebbe Young 1-0 Simba
Kira Young 2-2 Maroons
Masaka 0-2 Express
Police 2-2 Villa
[Jan 5] Police 1-0 Masaka
Express 2-0 Water
Simba 0-0 Villa
[Jan 8] Police 1-1 Bunamwaya
[Jan 9] Villa 1-1 Maroons
[Jan 12] Water 0-1 Police
Entebbe Young 3-0 Kira Young
Victors 0-3 Masaka
[Jan 18] Express 0-0 Villa Maroons awd Masaka [awarded 3-0, Masaka dns] [Jan 19] Bunamwaya 1-1 Water Simba 7-1 Kira Young Victors 0-1 Entebbe Young

Halfway Table:

1.Maroons FC 10 8 2 0 21- 7 26 2.SC Villa 10 5 5 0 17-10 20 3.Express SC 10 6 1 3 22- 9 19 4.Simba FC 10 6 1 3 19-10 19 5.Entebbe Young FC 10 5 1 4 14-12 16 6.Police FC 10 4 2 4 12-11 14 7.Masaka LC 10 4 1 5 9-12 13 8.Water FC 10 2 4 4 11- 9 10 9.Victors FC 10 2 1 7 9-27 7 10.Bunamwaya SC 10 0 5 5 9-20 5 11.Kira Young FC 10 0 3 7 8-24 3

[Feb 15] Police 1-2 Entebbe Young
Villa 2-5 Water
Simba 1-1 Bunamwaya
[Feb 16] Express 2-1 Masaka
Maroons 3-0 Kira Young
[Feb 22] Victors 1-1 Simba
Bunamwaya 1-3 Masaka
Kira Young 2-6 Express
[Feb 23] Entebbe Young 2-2 Maroons
Police 1-4 Water
[Mar 1] Entebbe Young 2-1 Victors
Maroons 1-0 Police
[Mar 2] Water 0-2 Bunamwaya
Villa 2-1 Express
[Mar 8] Masaka 2-1 Kira Young
Express 1-0 Police
Victors 0-8 Water
Bunamwaya 0-1 Villa
Simba 1-3 Entebbe Young
[Mar 12] Entebbe Young awd Masaka [apparently awarded 3-0; originally 0-0] Villa 3-1 Victors
Police 0-3 Bunamwaya
[Mar 13] Maroons 0-1 Express
Water 3-0 Simba
[Mar 16] Bunamwaya 0-2 Victors
Masaka 0-3 Maroons
Villa 1-1 Simba
[Mar 19] Victors 1-1 Police
Masaka 1-2 Villa
[Mar 20] Kira Young 2-0 Entebbe Young
[Mar 22] Water 2-0 Express
Entebbe Young 2-1 Bunamwaya
Victors 1-1 Kira Young
[Mar 23] Maroons 3-1 Villa
Simba 0-2 Masaka
[Mar 26] Express 1-2 Simba
Bunamwaya 0-1 Maroons
[Mar 27] Police 3-0 Kira Young
Masaka 3-0 Water
[Mar 29] Bunamwaya 0-2 Express
Maroons 1-0 Victors
[Mar 30] Police 0-1 Simba
Kira Young 0-3 Water
Villa 3-0 Entebbe Young
[Apr 2] Water 0-0 Entebbe Young
Kira Young 0-7 Villa
Masaka 1-0 Police
Simba 1-1 Maroons
Victors 1-2 Express
[Apr 4] Kira Young 0-0 Simba
[Apr 5] Express 7-0 Entebbe Young
[Apr 6] Villa 2-0 Police
Bunamwaya 1-0 Kira Young
Masaka 4-0 Victors
Water 1-1 Maroons

Final Table:

1.Maroons FC 20 14 5 1 37-13 47 2.SC Villa 20 12 6 2 41-22 42 3.Express SC 20 13 1 6 45-19 40 4.Entebbe Young FC 20 10 3 7 28-30 33 5.Masaka LC 20 10 1 9 26-24 31 6.Water FC 20 8 6 6 37-18 30 7.Simba FC 20 8 6 6 27-23 30 8.Police FC 20 5 3 12 18-27 18 9.Bunamwaya SC 20 3 6 11 18-32 15 10.Victors FC 20 3 4 13 17-50 13 11.Kira Young FC 20 1 5 14 14-50 8

Uganda Cup

NB: no sponsors; no extra time until quarterfinal stage

Preliminary Round [Feb 16-17] Azam FC 3-1 Akapisi Kyaliwajjala w/o Kifamba [Kifamba dns] Green Boys 1-1 Beat FM [6-5 pen]

1/32 Finals [Feb 25-Mar 13] Kira FC 1-1 Club Young Star [0-3 pen] Lira United 1-1 Kigogwa FC [6-5 pen] Hoima Busia FC 0-1 Vipers
Nkumba University 0-0 SCVU [3-5 pen]
Azam FC 2-3 URA
Corporate XI 0-2 Express Villa 3-1 VCC Bweyogerere 0-7 KCCA
Mutundwe Lions bt UTODA FC
Aurum Roses lt Bugembe United FC Victors 1-1 Kampala Junior Team [3-4 pen]
Koboko 1-1 Proline [2-4 pen]
Simba w/o L-Best [L-Best dns]
St Mary's 0-1 Police
Bombo United 2-1 Sadolin Bwizibwere 0-5 Kamwokya United
Green Boys 0-2 Hope FC Kisubi United 1-1 Luwero United [6-7 pen] Ndejje University lt Jinja Municipal FC
CRO FC 2-1 Ex-Internationals
Rising Stars 1-0 New Villa Masaka LC 0-0 Entebbe [0-3 pen]
Water 1-2 Kiira Young BUL 2-0 Life Eternal Bright Stars FC 5-0 Mbale Heroes Red Pepper lt Scana FC

1/16 Finals [Mar 14-27]
Masindis Steel 0-4 Kamwokya United
Ntoda 1-3 Kiira Young Jinja Municipal FC 0-0 Vipers [3-4 pen] CRO FC 0-2 SCVU
URA 2-1 Express
Ngora Freda Carr 1-1 BUL [4-3 pen] Soroti Garage 0-1 KCCA
Simba 5-1 Bombo United
Entebbe 1-1 Villa [4-3 pen] Nyambogo University lt Bugembe United FC Mutundwe Lions bt Wandegeya Rising Stars 2-3 Police
Bright Stars FC 1-0 Hope FC Scana FC 4-2 Hoima Youngsters Lira United 2-5 Proline
Kampala Junior Team 1-0 Luwero United

1/8 Finals [Apr 5-26] Scana FC 1-3 Vipers
SCVU 2-1 Kiira Young Bright Stars FC bt Bugembe United FC Police 0-0 URA [6-7 pen] Mutundwe Lions 0-1 Kamwokya United
Proline lt Simba
Entebbe 3-1 Ngora Freda Carr KCCA 3-0 Kampala Junior Team

Quarterfinals [Apr 30- May 14]
Vipers 3-0 KCCA
SCVU 2-0 Bright Stars FC
URA 1-1 Entebbe [aet, URA on pen] Kamwokya United 2-2 Simba [aet, 4-5 pen]


First Leg [May 14] Vipers 2-0 URA
SCVU 1-0 Simba

Second Leg [May 17] URA 0-1 Vipers
Simba 1-1 SCVU

Final [May 26] SCVU 1-1 Vipers [aet, 5-3 pen]

Super Cup 2013

Final [Aug 16, Nakivubo Stadium, Kampala] KCCA 1-1 SCVU [4-3 pen] [Herman Wasswa 21; Dennis Iguma 57]

Bika by'Abaganda Tournament 2013

Known results:

Round 1 [Jul 6] Ffumbe 0-1 Mbogo [Jul 8] Ngabi Nyunga 1-5 Njovu Nkima 2-1 Nkusu
[Jul 9] Ndiga 0-1 Mpologoma [Jul 11] Nte 2-0 Kibe [Jul 23] Lugave 10-1 Kayozi [Aug 1] Nsuma 2-2 Ngabi Nsamba [4-5 pen]

Round 2 Musu 0-1 3-1 Balangira
Nte 2-1 1-2 Mpeewo [6-7 pen] Nsenene 1-2 0-2 Mpindi
Nvubu 0-2 0-5 Mbogo
Lugave 2-2 0-2 Ngabi Nsamba Njovu 1-1 2-1 Njaza
Ngeye 0-0 6-1 Mmamba Kakaboza
Mpologoma 2-0 1-2 Nkima

Quarterfinals Mbogo 3-0 1-1 Mpologoma Musu - - Mpindi [Mpindi on agg]
Ngeye 1-0 2-0 Mpeewo
Ngabi Nsamba 0-1 - Njovu [Ngabi Nasamba on agg]

Semifinals Mpindi 4-0 0-1 Mbogo Ngabi Nsamba 2-0 1-1 Ngeye

Final [Sep 21] Ngabi Nsamba 3-1 Mpindi

Masaza Cup 2013

NB: played between the 18 traditional counties of Buganda

Group A Kooki Buddu Ssese Mawogola Kabula

Group B Mawokota Busiro Buvuma Kyadondo Butambala

Group C Ssingo Busujju Buweekula Gomba

Group D Bulemeezi Kyaggwe Bugerere Buluuli

[May 25] Kkooki 0-0 Buddu [Jun 1] Butambala 1-1 Kyadondo Busiro 3-0 Buvuma Mawogola 1-0 Kabula Ssese 1-2 Kooki Gomba 1-1 Busujju Kyaggwe 1-1 Bulemeezi Buluuli 2-1 Bugerere [Jun 2?) Buwekula 0-1 Ssingo

[Jun 8] Kyadondo - Mawokota Buvuma - Butambala Kooki - Mawogola Buluuli - Kyaggwe Bulemeezi - Bugerere Busujju - Ssingo

Quarterfinals Bulemeezi - - Mawokota [Mawokota on agg] Busiro - - Buluuli Kabula - - Ssingo [Ssingo on agg]
Gomba - - Kooki

Semifinals not known

Final Mawokota 1-0 Ssingo

Division One

Wakiso District

Last Round
Ebenezar Tanda 14-1 KB Lions [annulled; awarded 3-0, Lions fielded several unregistered players]

Top of Final Table:

1.Kira FC 2.Ebenezar Tanda [equal on points with Kira, GD 4 worse] 3.Lufuka 4.Nsanga Youth Relegated to Division Two: Kataka FC (Entebbe) Kitende Migadde

NB: Kira FC will reprensent Wakiso in the Zonal Championships [tba]



list of champions.

list of cup winners.

About this document

Main source:

Prepared and maintained by Ian King, Hans Schöggl and Karel Stokkermans for theRec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Authors: Ian King, Hans Schöggl and Karel Stokkermans Last updated: 11 Feb 2021

(C) Copyright Ian King, Hans Schöggl, Karel Stokkermans and RSSSF 2012/21
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All rights reserved.